Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Collections.Generic.TreeSet< T > Class Template Referencesealed

Public Member Functions

 TreeSet ()
 TreeSet (IComparer< T >? comparer)
bool Add (T item)
bool Remove (T item)
virtual void Clear ()
virtual bool Contains (T item)
void CopyTo (T[] array)
void CopyTo (T[] array, int index)
void CopyTo (T[] array, int index, int count)
Enumerator GetEnumerator ()
void UnionWith (IEnumerable< T > other)
virtual void IntersectWith (IEnumerable< T > other)
void ExceptWith (IEnumerable< T > other)
void SymmetricExceptWith (IEnumerable< T > other)
bool IsSubsetOf (IEnumerable< T > other)
bool IsProperSubsetOf (IEnumerable< T > other)
bool IsSupersetOf (IEnumerable< T > other)
bool IsProperSupersetOf (IEnumerable< T > other)
bool SetEquals (IEnumerable< T > other)
bool Overlaps (IEnumerable< T > other)
int RemoveWhere (Predicate< T > match)
IEnumerable< TReverse ()
virtual SortedSet< TGetViewBetween (T? lowerValue, T? upperValue)
bool TryGetValue (T equalValue, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out T actualValue)

Static Public Member Functions

static IEqualityComparer< SortedSet< T > > CreateSetComparer ()
static IEqualityComparer< SortedSet< T > > CreateSetComparer (IEqualityComparer< T >? memberEqualityComparer)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
virtual void OnDeserialization (object? sender)

Package Functions

 TreeSet (TreeSet< T > set, IComparer< T > comparer)
override bool AddIfNotPresent (T item)
virtual bool InOrderTreeWalk (TreeWalkPredicate< T > action)
virtual bool BreadthFirstTreeWalk (TreeWalkPredicate< T > action)
virtual void VersionCheck (bool updateCount=false)
virtual int TotalCount ()
virtual bool IsWithinRange (T item)
virtual bool DoRemove (T item)
virtual Node FindNode (T item)
virtual int InternalIndexOf (T item)
Node FindRange (T from, T to, bool lowerBoundActive, bool upperBoundActive)
void UpdateVersion ()
virtual void IntersectWithEnumerable (IEnumerable< T > other)

Static Package Functions

static bool SortedSetEquals (SortedSet< T > set1, SortedSet< T > set2, IComparer< T > comparer)


int Count [get]
IComparer< TComparer [get]
bool ICollection< T >. IsReadOnly [get]
bool ICollection. IsSynchronized [get]
object ICollection. SyncRoot [get]
TMin [get]
virtual ? T MinInternal [get]
TMax [get]
virtual ? T MaxInternal [get]

Private Member Functions

 TreeSet (SerializationInfo siInfo, StreamingContext context)
void AddAllElements (IEnumerable< T > collection)
void RemoveAllElements (IEnumerable< T > collection)
bool ContainsAllElements (IEnumerable< T > collection)
void ICollection< T >. Add (T item)
void ICollection. CopyTo (Array array, int index)
IEnumerator< T > IEnumerable< T >. GetEnumerator ()
IEnumerator IEnumerable. GetEnumerator ()
void InsertionBalance (Node current, ref Node parent, Node grandParent, Node greatGrandParent)
void ReplaceChildOrRoot (Node parent, Node child, Node newChild)
void ReplaceNode (Node match, Node parentOfMatch, Node successor, Node parentOfSuccessor)
bool HasEqualComparer (SortedSet< T > other)
void SymmetricExceptWithSameComparer (SortedSet< T > other)
void SymmetricExceptWithSameComparer (T[] other, int count)
bool IsSubsetOfSortedSetWithSameComparer (SortedSet< T > asSorted)
ElementCount CheckUniqueAndUnfoundElements (IEnumerable< T > other, bool returnIfUnfound)
void ISerializable. GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
void IDeserializationCallback. OnDeserialization (object sender)

Static Private Member Functions

static Node ConstructRootFromSortedArray (T[] arr, int startIndex, int endIndex, Node redNode)
static int Log2 (int value)

Private Attributes

Node root
IComparer< Tcomparer
int count
int version
SerializationInfo siInfo

Detailed Description

Definition at line 8 of file TreeSet.cs.

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