Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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Terraria.GameContent.UI.CustomCurrencySingleCoin Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 CustomCurrencySingleCoin (int coinItemID, long currencyCap)
override bool TryPurchasing (long price, List< Item[]> inv, List< Point > slotCoins, List< Point > slotsEmpty, List< Point > slotEmptyBank, List< Point > slotEmptyBank2, List< Point > slotEmptyBank3, List< Point > slotEmptyBank4)
override void DrawSavingsMoney (SpriteBatch sb, string text, float shopx, float shopy, long totalCoins, bool horizontal=false)
override void GetPriceText (string[] lines, ref int currentLine, long price)
void Include (int coin, int howMuchIsItWorth)
void SetCurrencyCap (long cap)
virtual long CountCurrency (out bool overFlowing, Item[] inv, params int[] ignoreSlots)
virtual long CombineStacks (out bool overFlowing, params long[] coinCounts)
virtual bool Accepts (Item item)
virtual void GetItemExpectedPrice (Item item, out long calcForSelling, out long calcForBuying)

Public Attributes

float CurrencyDrawScale = 0.8f
string CurrencyTextKey = "Currency.DefenderMedals"
Color CurrencyTextColor = new Color(240, 100, 120)

Protected Member Functions

int SortByHighest (Tuple< int, int > valueA, Tuple< int, int > valueB)
List< Tuple< Point, Item > > ItemCacheCreate (List< Item[]> inventories)
void ItemCacheRestore (List< Tuple< Point, Item > > cache, List< Item[]> inventories)

Protected Attributes

Dictionary< int, int > _valuePerUnit = new Dictionary<int, int>()


long CurrencyCap [get]

Private Attributes

long _currencyCap = 999999999L

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file CustomCurrencySingleCoin.cs.

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