Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.XmlNodeWriter Class Referenceabstract


class  XmlNullNodeWriter

Public Member Functions

void Flush ()
virtual Task FlushAsync ()
void Close ()
void WriteDeclaration ()
void WriteComment (string text)
void WriteCData (string text)
void WriteStartElement (string prefix, string localName)
virtual Task WriteStartElementAsync (string prefix, string localName)
virtual void WriteStartElement (byte[] prefixBuffer, int prefixOffset, int prefixLength, byte[] localNameBuffer, int localNameOffset, int localNameLength)
void WriteStartElement (string prefix, XmlDictionaryString localName)
void WriteEndStartElement (bool isEmpty)
virtual Task WriteEndStartElementAsync (bool isEmpty)
void WriteEndElement (string prefix, string localName)
virtual Task WriteEndElementAsync (string prefix, string localName)
virtual void WriteEndElement (byte[] prefixBuffer, int prefixOffset, int prefixLength, byte[] localNameBuffer, int localNameOffset, int localNameLength)
void WriteXmlnsAttribute (string prefix, string ns)
virtual void WriteXmlnsAttribute (byte[] prefixBuffer, int prefixOffset, int prefixLength, byte[] nsBuffer, int nsOffset, int nsLength)
void WriteXmlnsAttribute (string prefix, XmlDictionaryString ns)
void WriteStartAttribute (string prefix, string localName)
virtual void WriteStartAttribute (byte[] prefixBuffer, int prefixOffset, int prefixLength, byte[] localNameBuffer, int localNameOffset, int localNameLength)
void WriteStartAttribute (string prefix, XmlDictionaryString localName)
void WriteEndAttribute ()
virtual Task WriteEndAttributeAsync ()
void WriteCharEntity (int ch)
void WriteEscapedText (string value)
void WriteEscapedText (XmlDictionaryString value)
void WriteEscapedText (char[] chars, int offset, int count)
void WriteEscapedText (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
void WriteText (string value)
void WriteText (XmlDictionaryString value)
void WriteText (char[] chars, int offset, int count)
void WriteText (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
void WriteInt32Text (int value)
void WriteInt64Text (long value)
void WriteBoolText (bool value)
void WriteUInt64Text (ulong value)
void WriteFloatText (float value)
void WriteDoubleText (double value)
void WriteDecimalText (decimal value)
void WriteDateTimeText (DateTime value)
void WriteUniqueIdText (UniqueId value)
void WriteTimeSpanText (TimeSpan value)
void WriteGuidText (Guid value)
void WriteStartListText ()
void WriteListSeparator ()
void WriteEndListText ()
void WriteBase64Text (byte[] trailBuffer, int trailCount, byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
virtual Task WriteBase64TextAsync (byte[] trailBuffer, int trailCount, byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
void WriteQualifiedName (string prefix, XmlDictionaryString localName)


static XmlNodeWriter Null [get]

Static Private Attributes

static XmlNodeWriter s_nullNodeWriter

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7 of file XmlNodeWriter.cs.

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