terraria-cpp2il v1.4.4.9
Terraria mobile dump, with CallAnalysis (see source code). Dump with reconstucted method: https://infinitynichto.github.io/terraria-cpp2il-methodrecon
No Matches
CursorManager Class Reference
+ Collaboration diagram for CursorManager:


struct  CursorFirstContact
struct  TouchInput

Public Member Functions

 CursorManager ()
bool IsCursorActive ()
int GetNumCursors ()
global::Cursor GetCursor (int index)
void UpdateCursors ()
int GetRealTouchCount ()
int GetTouchCount ()
bool GetEMUMouseButton (int index)
bool GetEMUMouseButtonDown (int index)
bool GetEMUMouseButtonUp (int index)
void DrawCursorOverlay (SpriteBatch batch)

Static Public Member Functions

static CursorManager Create ()

Public Attributes

bool ActivateMouseMode
global::UnityEngine.Vector2 EmuMousePosition
List< CursorInputLayerLayers

Static Public Attributes

static CursorManager Instance


bool EmuMouseModeActive [get, set]

Private Member Functions

bool IsMouseActive (int index)
bool IsTouchScrollOnly (int touchIndex)
int GetTouchId (int touchIndex)
int GetTouchIndex (int touchId)
TouchPhase GetTouchPhase (int touchIndex)
bool ShouldIgnoreTouch (int touchIndex)
global::UnityEngine.Vector2 GetTouchPosition (int touchIndex)
global::UnityEngine.Vector2 GetTouchScroll (int touchIndex)
bool ShouldIgnoreForWorld (global::UnityEngine.Vector2 position)
void UpdateMouseEMUTouches ()
void UpdateCursorList ()

Private Attributes

int _touchCount
bool emuTouchFromMouse
bool fakeMouseActive
bool mouseActive
global::UnityEngine.Vector2 fakeMousePosition
bool updatingSwitchTouches
List< CursorManager.TouchInputUserSwitchTouches
bool emuMouseModeActive
bool updatingEMUMouseTouches
global::UnityEngine.Vector3 emuMouseLastHWMousePosition
List< CursorManager.TouchInputEMUMouseTouches
List< CursorManager.TouchInputPreviousEMUMouseTouches
List< global::Cursor > _cursors
List< CursorManager.CursorFirstContact_cursorsInpacts

Detailed Description

Definition at line 12 of file CursorManager.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: