Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.FrameworkResources Class Reference

Package Functions

 FrameworkResources ()


static ResourceManager ResourceManager [get]
static CultureInfo Culture [get, set]
static string AllPlayersFolder [get]
static string AloneInTheParty [get]
static string Apply3DBeforePlaying [get]
static string ArrayMultipleFour [get]
static string BackBufferBadSize [get]
static string BadXnb [get]
static string BadXnbGraphicsProfile [get]
static string BadXnbMagic [get]
static string BadXnbPlatform [get]
static string BadXnbSize [get]
static string BadXnbTypeVersion [get]
static string BadXnbVersion [get]
static string BadXnbWrongType [get]
static string BeginMustBeCalledBeforeDraw [get]
static string BeginMustBeCalledBeforeEnd [get]
static string BindPoseNotAvailable [get]
static string BlobStreamIsNotExpandable [get]
static string BoundingBoxZeroPoints [get]
static string BoundingSphereZeroPoints [get]
static string BoundStateObject [get]
static string BuiltInEffectWrongTextureType [get]
static string CallFrameworkDispatcherUpdate [get]
static string CannotCallSpriteBeginTwice [get]
static string CannotClearNullDepth [get]
static string CannotDrawNoData [get]
static string CannotDrawNoShader [get]
static string CannotEndTwice [get]
static string CannotGetBackBufferActiveRenderTargets [get]
static string CannotMixShader2and3 [get]
static string CannotNextSpriteBeginImmediate [get]
static string CannotPresentActiveRenderTargets [get]
static string CannotSetAlreadyUsedRenderTarget [get]
static string CannotUseFormatTypeAsManualWhenLocking [get]
static string CantDisableLighting [get]
static string CantRemoveLocalMachine [get]
static string CantSerializeMember [get]
static string CantSerializeReadOnlyNull [get]
static string CharacterNotInFont [get]
static string ContentManagerCannotChangeRootDirectory [get]
static string CouldNotCreateResource [get]
static string CouldNotDeleteContainerAlreadyInUse [get]
static string CouldNotReadKeyboard [get]
static string CueNotFound [get]
static string DataNotAvailable [get]
static string DecompressionError [get]
static string DeviceCannotBeNullOnResourceCreate [get]
static string DirectRenderingWrongAppType [get]
static string DirectRenderingWrongMode [get]
static string DriverError [get]
static string DuplicateVertexElement [get]
static string DxtNotMultipleOfFour [get]
static string EmptySongCollectionsCannotBePlayed [get]
static string EndMustBeCalledBeforeBegin [get]
static string Expired [get]
static string GamerAlreadyInSession [get]
static string GamerInvalid [get]
static string GamerNull [get]
static string GamerServicesAlreadyInitialized [get]
static string GamerServicesGuideAlreadyVisible [get]
static string GamerServicesInitializeFromNonUIThread [get]
static string GamerServicesNotInitialized [get]
static string GesturesNotAvailable [get]
static string GesturesNotEnabled [get]
static string GuideIsShowing [get]
static string IAsyncNotFromBegin [get]
static string InCallback [get]
static string IndexBuffersMustBeSizedCorrectly [get]
static string InstallingTitleUpdate [get]
static string InstancePlayFailedDueToLimit [get]
static string InvalidAccelerometer [get]
static string InvalidApply3DCall [get]
static string InvalidAudioBuffer [get]
static string InvalidAudioBufferOffset [get]
static string InvalidBufferSize [get]
static string InvalidBytesPerCluster [get]
static string InvalidCacheContainerOpenAsyncResult [get]
static string InvalidCall [get]
static string InvalidCategory [get]
static string InvalidContentVersion [get]
static string InvalidController [get]
static string InvalidCue [get]
static string InvalidDataSize [get]
static string InvalidDevice [get]
static string InvalidDisplayOrientation [get]
static string InvalidDynamicIsLoopedCall [get]
static string InvalidEmitterDopplerScale [get]
static string InvalidEntryCount [get]
static string InvalidFileCacheSize [get]
static string InvalidInstanceStreams [get]
static string InvalidIsLoopedCall [get]
static string InvalidLoopRegion [get]
static string InvalidMicrophoneBufferDuration [get]
static string InvalidNativeHandle [get]
static string InvalidOffsetCountLength [get]
static string InvalidPanCall [get]
static string InvalidRectangle [get]
static string InvalidServiceProvider [get]
static string InvalidSessionState [get]
static string InvalidSoundOffsetOrIndex [get]
static string InvalidStoragePath [get]
static string InvalidStringFormat [get]
static string InvalidTitleContainerName [get]
static string InvalidTotalSize [get]
static string InvalidTouchPanel [get]
static string InvalidTrackIndex [get]
static string InvalidUsage [get]
static string InvalidVariableIndex [get]
static string InvalidWaveIndex [get]
static string InvalidWaveStream [get]
static string InvalidXactVolume [get]
static string InviteeNotSignedIn [get]
static string IsCompleteMustBeCalled [get]
static string LeaderboardColumnNotFound [get]
static string LeaderboardColumnOverflow [get]
static string LeaderboardIsArbitrated [get]
static string LeaderboardNotLocal [get]
static string LeaderboardReaderCannotPage [get]
static string LeaderboardWriteOverflow [get]
static string LIVEn400BadRequest [get]
static string LIVEn401Unauthorized [get]
static string LIVEn500InternalServerError [get]
static string LIVEn503ServiceUnavailable [get]
static string LIVEnAccountBanned [get]
static string LIVEnAccountSuspended [get]
static string LIVEnCountryNotSupported [get]
static string LIVEnFlashUpdateRequired [get]
static string LIVEnGamertagChangeRequired [get]
static string LIVEnGamertagUpdateRequired [get]
static string LIVEnInvalidUser [get]
static string LIVEnNotSupportedTitle [get]
static string LIVEnNoXBLAccount [get]
static string LIVEnServiceNotProvisioned [get]
static string LIVEnTermsOfServiceNotAccepted [get]
static string LIVEnTitleUpdateRequired [get]
static string LIVEnUnexpectedNetworkError [get]
static string LIVEnXBLConnectionUnavailable [get]
static string LIVEnXBLNotEnabled [get]
static string LocalDeviceLibrary [get]
static string MissingNativeDependency [get]
static string MissingVertexShaderInput [get]
static string MissingVertexShaderInputDetails [get]
static string MobileNoInstancing [get]
static string ModelHasNoEffect [get]
static string ModelHasNoIEffectMatrices [get]
static string MoreData [get]
static string MustBeValidIndex [get]
static string MustCallBeginSprite [get]
static string MustDrawSomething [get]
static string MustResolveRenderTarget [get]
static string MustRetrieveAtLeastOne [get]
static string MustUserShaderCode [get]
static string NegativePlaneDistance [get]
static string NegativeRadius [get]
static string NetworkError [get]
static string NetworkGamerDisposed [get]
static string NetworkGamerNotLocal [get]
static string NetworkGamerRequired [get]
static string NetworkGamerWrongSession [get]
static string NetworkNotAvailable [get]
static string NetworkOperationTimedOut [get]
static string NetworkSessionPropertiesReadOnly [get]
static string NoAudioPlaybackDevicesFound [get]
static string NoCreatorsClub [get]
static string NoDefaultConstructor [get]
static string NoDeviceConnected [get]
static string NoGraphicsDevice [get]
static string NoGraphicsDeviceContent [get]
static string NoJoinInProgress [get]
static string NonZeroInstanceFrequency [get]
static string NoProjectGuid [get]
static string NoPublicSlots [get]
static string NotCurrentTechnique [get]
static string NotEnoughCorners [get]
static string NotEnoughPacketSpace [get]
static string NotEnoughSourceSize [get]
static string NotEnoughTargetSize [get]
static string NotFound [get]
static string NotInvited [get]
static string NoWaveBank [get]
static string NullGraphicsDeviceService [get]
static string NullNotAllowed [get]
static string NullWindowHandleNotAllowed [get]
static string NumberVerticesMustBeGreaterZero [get]
static string ObjectDisposedException [get]
static string OffsetNotValid [get]
static string OnlyOneCacheContainer [get]
static string OnlySupportedForLIVEn [get]
static string OnlySupportedForXboxLIVE [get]
static string OpenResourceNotBinary [get]
static string OpenResourceNotFound [get]
static string OpenStreamError [get]
static string OpenStreamNotFound [get]
static string OppositePlanes [get]
static string OutOfMemoryDrawUserPrimitives [get]
static string OutRangeFieldOfView [get]
static string OverTheInstancePacketLimit [get]
static string PacketArrayTooSmall [get]
static string PacketQueueFull [get]
static string PlayerDeviceAlreadyOpened [get]
static string PlayerFourFolder [get]
static string PlayerOneFolder [get]
static string PlayerThreeFolder [get]
static string PlayerTwoFolder [get]
static string ProFeatureNotSupported [get]
static string ProfileAspectRatio [get]
static string ProfileDataCountRange [get]
static string ProfileDataIndexOutOfRange [get]
static string ProfileDataOffsetRange [get]
static string ProfileDataSizeTooBig [get]
static string ProfileFeatureNotSupported [get]
static string ProfileFormatNotSupported [get]
static string ProfileInvalidBlendFormat [get]
static string ProfileInvalidDevice [get]
static string ProfileInvalidFilterFormat [get]
static string ProfileMaxPrimitiveCount [get]
static string ProfileMaxRenderTargets [get]
static string ProfileMaxVertexElements [get]
static string ProfileMaxVertexStreams [get]
static string ProfileMaxVertexStride [get]
static string ProfileNoIndexElementSize32 [get]
static string ProfileNoMinMaxSrcDestBlend [get]
static string ProfileNoSeparateAlphaBlend [get]
static string ProfileNotPowerOfTwo [get]
static string ProfileNotPowerOfTwoDXT [get]
static string ProfileNotPowerOfTwoMipped [get]
static string ProfileNotPrivileged [get]
static string ProfileNotSignedIn [get]
static string ProfileNoWrapNonPow2 [get]
static string ProfilePixelShaderModel [get]
static string ProfileTooBig [get]
static string ProfileVertexShaderModel [get]
static string ProfileVertexTextureFormatNotSupported [get]
static string ProxyAlreadyRunning [get]
static string ProxyCreateFailed [get]
static string ProxyInitializeFailed [get]
static string ProxyMissingDependency [get]
static string ProxyUpdateFailed [get]
static string RankedNoJoinInProgress [get]
static string ReaderConstructedNewInstance [get]
static string ReadOnly [get]
static string ReadOnlySharedResource [get]
static string ReflectiveReaderTypeNotFound [get]
static string RenderTargetsMustMatch [get]
static string RequireNonNullAudioEngine [get]
static string ResourceDataMustBeCorrectSize [get]
static string ResourceInUse [get]
static string ResourcesMustBeGreaterThanZeroSize [get]
static string ResourceTooLarge [get]
static string SavedGameFolder [get]
static string ScissorInvalid [get]
static string SelectVariation [get]
static string SessionAlreadyExists [get]
static string SessionEnded [get]
static string SessionFindLocal [get]
static string SessionFull [get]
static string SessionNotFound [get]
static string SessionNotHost [get]
static string SessionNotJoinable [get]
static string ShaderCodeSizeMustBeDword [get]
static string ShadersMustBeCompiled [get]
static string ShowSignInPaneCountInvalid [get]
static string SimulateMarketplacePurchaseCancelString [get]
static string SimulateMarketplacePurchaseOkString [get]
static string SimulateMarketplacePurchaseString [get]
static string SimulateMarketplaceTitleString [get]
static string SkinnedEffectMaxBones [get]
static string SkinnedEffectWeightsPerVertex [get]
static string SongPlaybackFailed [get]
static string StaleSearchResult [get]
static string StreamNotSeekable [get]
static string StreamTooLong [get]
static string StringCollectionInvalid [get]
static string StringNullEmptyOrTooLong [get]
static string StringTooLong [get]
static string TargetElapsedNegative [get]
static string TargetElapsedTooLarge [get]
static string TitleNameNotNull [get]
static string TooManyOperations [get]
static string TooManyPendingAsyncOperations [get]
static string TooManyRegions [get]
static string TrialMode [get]
static string TrueSkillNotHost [get]
static string TypeReaderDuplicate [get]
static string TypeReaderInvalid [get]
static string TypeReaderNotFound [get]
static string TypeReaderNotRegistered [get]
static string UnexpectedError [get]
static string UnknownError [get]
static string VertexElementBadUsage [get]
static string VertexElementOffsetNotMultipleFour [get]
static string VertexElementOutsideStride [get]
static string VertexElementsOverlap [get]
static string VertexStrideTooSmall [get]
static string VertexTypeNotIVertexType [get]
static string VertexTypeNotValueType [get]
static string VertexTypeNullDeclaration [get]
static string VertexTypeWrongSize [get]
static string ViewportInvalid [get]
static string VisualizationArrayTooSmall [get]
static string VoiceDestructionFailed [get]
static string WaveBankNotPrepared [get]
static string WmpMediaSource [get]
static string WriteLeaderboardException [get]
static string WriteOnlyGetNotSupported [get]
static string WrongNumberOfGamers [get]
static string WrongTextureFormat [get]
static string XactReadFile [get]
static string XBLIGFeatureNotSupported [get]
static string XdkUnexpectedError [get]
static string XlastAchievement [get]
static string XlastAvatarAsset [get]
static string XlastContextValue [get]
static string XlastGameMode [get]
static string XlastGamerPicture [get]
static string XlastLeaderboard [get]
static string XlastPresenceMode [get]
static string XlastProperty [get]
static string XlastUnknown [get]

Static Private Attributes

static ResourceManager resourceMan
static CultureInfo resourceCulture

Detailed Description

Definition at line 14 of file FrameworkResources.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: