Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.XmlBufferReader Class Referencesealed

Public Member Functions

 XmlBufferReader (XmlDictionaryReader reader)
 XmlBufferReader (byte[] buffer)
void SetBuffer (Stream stream, IXmlDictionary dictionary, XmlBinaryReaderSession session)
void SetBuffer (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, IXmlDictionary dictionary, XmlBinaryReaderSession session)
void Close ()
byte GetByte ()
void SkipByte ()
byte[] GetBuffer (int count, out int offset)
byte[] GetBuffer (int count, out int offset, out int offsetMax)
byte[] GetBuffer (out int offset, out int offsetMax)
void Advance (int count)
void InsertBytes (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
void SetWindow (int windowOffset, int windowLength)
int ReadBytes (int count)
int ReadMultiByteUInt31 ()
int ReadUInt8 ()
int ReadInt8 ()
int ReadUInt16 ()
int ReadInt16 ()
int ReadInt32 ()
int ReadUInt31 ()
long ReadInt64 ()
unsafe float ReadSingle ()
unsafe double ReadDouble ()
unsafe decimal ReadDecimal ()
UniqueId ReadUniqueId ()
DateTime ReadDateTime ()
TimeSpan ReadTimeSpan ()
Guid ReadGuid ()
string ReadUTF8String (int length)
unsafe void UnsafeReadArray (byte *dst, byte *dstMax)
string GetString (int offset, int length)
string GetUnicodeString (int offset, int length)
string GetString (int offset, int length, XmlNameTable nameTable)
int GetEscapedChars (int offset, int length, char[] chars)
string GetEscapedString (int offset, int length)
int GetCharEntity (int offset, int length)
bool IsWhitespaceKey (int key)
bool IsWhitespaceUTF8 (int offset, int length)
bool IsWhitespaceUnicode (int offset, int length)
bool Equals2 (int key1, int key2, XmlBufferReader bufferReader2)
bool Equals2 (int key1, XmlDictionaryString xmlString2)
bool Equals2 (int offset1, int length1, byte[] buffer2)
bool Equals2 (int offset1, int length1, XmlBufferReader bufferReader2, int offset2, int length2)
bool Equals2 (int offset1, int length1, int offset2, int length2)
unsafe bool Equals2 (int offset1, int length1, string s2)
int Compare (int offset1, int length1, int offset2, int length2)
byte GetByte (int offset)
int GetInt8 (int offset)
int GetInt16 (int offset)
int GetInt32 (int offset)
long GetInt64 (int offset)
ulong GetUInt64 (int offset)
unsafe float GetSingle (int offset)
unsafe double GetDouble (int offset)
unsafe decimal GetDecimal (int offset)
UniqueId GetUniqueId (int offset)
Guid GetGuid (int offset)
void GetBase64 (int srcOffset, byte[] buffer, int dstOffset, int count)
XmlBinaryNodeType GetNodeType ()
void SkipNodeType ()
object[] GetList (int offset, int count)
XmlDictionaryString GetDictionaryString (int key)
int ReadDictionaryKey ()
void ReadValue (XmlBinaryNodeType nodeType, ValueHandle value)
void ReadQName (ValueHandle value)
int[] GetRows ()


static XmlBufferReader Empty [get]
byte[] Buffer [get]
bool IsStreamed [get]
bool EndOfFile [get]
int Offset [get, set]

Private Member Functions

void SetBuffer (Stream stream, byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, IXmlDictionary dictionary, XmlBinaryReaderSession session)
byte GetByteHard ()
byte[] GetBufferHard (int count, out int offset)
void EnsureByte ()
bool TryEnsureByte ()
void EnsureBytes (int count)
bool TryEnsureBytes (int count)
unsafe void UnsafeReadArray (byte *dst, int length)
char[] GetCharBuffer (int count)
int GetChars (int offset, int length, char[] chars)
int GetChars (int offset, int length, char[] chars, int charOffset)
bool IsAttrChar (int ch)
int GetLessThanCharEntity (int offset, int length)
int GetGreaterThanCharEntity (int offset, int length)
int GetQuoteCharEntity (int offset, int length)
int GetAmpersandCharEntity (int offset, int length)
int GetApostropheCharEntity (int offset, int length)
int GetDecimalCharEntity (int offset, int length)
int GetHexCharEntity (int offset, int length)
void ReadValue (ValueHandle value, ValueHandleType type, int length)
void ReadUnicodeValue (ValueHandle value, int length)
void ReadList (ValueHandle value)

Private Attributes

readonly XmlDictionaryReader _reader
Stream _stream
byte[] _streamBuffer
byte[] _buffer
int _offsetMin
int _offsetMax
IXmlDictionary _dictionary
XmlBinaryReaderSession _session
byte[] _guid
int _offset
char[] _chars
int _windowOffset
int _windowOffsetMax
ValueHandle _listValue

Static Private Attributes

const int maxBytesPerChar = 3
static readonly XmlBufferReader s_empty = new XmlBufferReader(Array.Empty<byte>())

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file XmlBufferReader.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: