Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Net.NTAuthentication Class Referencesealed

Package Functions

 NTAuthentication (bool isServer, string package, NetworkCredential credential, string spn, System.Net.ContextFlagsPal requestedContextFlags, ChannelBinding channelBinding)
void CloseContext ()
string GetOutgoingBlob (string incomingBlob)
byte[] GetOutgoingBlob (byte[] incomingBlob, bool throwOnError, out System.Net.SecurityStatusPal statusCode)
 NTAuthentication (bool isServer, string package, NetworkCredential credential, string spn, System.Net.ContextFlagsPal requestedContextFlags, ChannelBinding channelBinding)
System.Net.Security.SafeDeleteContext GetContext (out System.Net.SecurityStatusPal status)
void CloseContext ()
byte[] GetOutgoingBlob (byte[] incomingBlob, bool throwOnError, out System.Net.SecurityStatusPal statusCode)
 NTAuthentication (bool isServer, string package, NetworkCredential credential, string spn, System.Net.ContextFlagsPal requestedContextFlags, ChannelBinding channelBinding)
void CloseContext ()
int VerifySignature (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
int MakeSignature (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, [AllowNull] ref byte[] output)
string GetOutgoingBlob (string incomingBlob)
byte[] GetOutgoingBlob (byte[] incomingBlob, bool thrownOnError)
byte[] GetOutgoingBlob (byte[] incomingBlob, bool throwOnError, out System.Net.SecurityStatusPal statusCode)
int Encrypt (ReadOnlySpan< byte > buffer, [NotNull] ref byte[] output, uint sequenceNumber)
int Decrypt (byte[] payload, int offset, int count, out int newOffset, uint expectedSeqNumber)
 NTAuthentication (bool isServer, string package, NetworkCredential credential, string spn, ContextFlagsPal requestedContextFlags, ChannelBinding channelBinding)
SafeDeleteContext GetContext (out SecurityStatusPal status)
void CloseContext ()
byte[] GetOutgoingBlob (byte[] incomingBlob, bool throwOnError, out SecurityStatusPal statusCode)


bool IsCompleted [get]
bool IsValidContext [get]
string Package [get]
string ClientSpecifiedSpn [get]
string ProtocolName [get]
bool IsKerberos [get]
string AssociatedName [get]
bool IsConfidentialityFlag [get]
bool IsIntegrityFlag [get]
bool IsMutualAuthFlag [get]
bool IsDelegationFlag [get]
bool IsIdentifyFlag [get]
string Spn [get]
bool IsNTLM [get]
bool IsServer [get]

Private Member Functions

void Initialize (bool isServer, string package, NetworkCredential credential, string spn, System.Net.ContextFlagsPal requestedContextFlags, ChannelBinding channelBinding)
void Initialize (bool isServer, string package, NetworkCredential credential, string spn, System.Net.ContextFlagsPal requestedContextFlags, ChannelBinding channelBinding)
string GetClientSpecifiedSpn ()
void Initialize (bool isServer, string package, NetworkCredential credential, string spn, System.Net.ContextFlagsPal requestedContextFlags, ChannelBinding channelBinding)
void Initialize (bool isServer, string package, NetworkCredential credential, string spn, ContextFlagsPal requestedContextFlags, ChannelBinding channelBinding)
string GetClientSpecifiedSpn ()

Private Attributes

bool _isServer
System.Net.Security.SafeFreeCredentials _credentialsHandle
System.Net.Security.SafeDeleteContext _securityContext
string _spn
int _tokenSize
System.Net.ContextFlagsPal _requestedContextFlags
System.Net.ContextFlagsPal _contextFlags
bool _isCompleted
string _package
ChannelBinding _channelBinding
string _lastProtocolName
string _protocolName
string _clientSpecifiedSpn
SafeFreeCredentials _credentialsHandle
SafeDeleteContext _securityContext
ContextFlagsPal _requestedContextFlags
ContextFlagsPal _contextFlags

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file NTAuthentication.cs.

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