Definition at line 4162 of file WorldGen.cs.
4163 {
4164 if (player.ZoneGlowshroom)
4165 {
4168 {
4170 }
4171 }
4172 else if (player.ZoneUnderworldHeight)
4173 {
4176 {
4178 }
4179 }
4180 else if (player.ZoneDesert)
4181 {
4184 {
4186 }
4187 }
4188 else if (player.ZoneHallow)
4189 {
4192 {
4194 }
4195 }
4196 else if (player.ZoneCorrupt)
4197 {
4200 {
4202 }
4203 }
4204 else if (player.ZoneCrimson)
4205 {
4208 {
4210 }
4211 }
4212 else if (player.ZoneJungle)
4213 {
4216 {
4218 }
4219 }
4220 else if (player.ZoneSnow)
4221 {
4224 {
4227 {
4228 if (random.
Next(2) == 0)
4229 {
4231 }
4232 else
4233 {
4235 }
4236 }
4238 {
4239 if (random.
Next(2) == 0)
4240 {
4242 }
4243 else
4244 {
4246 }
4247 }
4249 {
4250 if (random.
Next(2) == 0)
4251 {
4253 }
4254 else
4255 {
4257 }
4258 }
4260 }
4261 }
4262 else if (player.ZoneBeach)
4263 {
4266 {
4268 }
4269 }
4270 else
4271 {
4272 int num2 = (int)(player.Center.X / 16f);
4273 if (
num2 < Main.treeX[0])
4274 {
4277 {
4279 }
4281 }
4282 else if (
num2 < Main.treeX[1])
4283 {
4286 {
4288 }
4290 }
4291 else if (
num2 < Main.treeX[2])
4292 {
4295 {
4297 }
4299 }
4300 else
4301 {
4304 {
4306 }
4308 }
4309 }
4311 }
static bool IsBackgroundConsideredTheSame(int oldBG, int newBG)
static void setBG(int bg, int style)
static int RollRandomForestBGStyle(UnifiedRandom random)
static BackgroundChangeFlashInfo BackgroundsCache
References Terraria.WorldGen.BackgroundsCache, Terraria.Entity.Center, Terraria.WorldGen.corruptBG, Terraria.WorldGen.crimsonBG, Terraria.WorldGen.desertBG, Terraria.WorldGen.hallowBG, Terraria.WorldGen.IsBackgroundConsideredTheSame(), Terraria.WorldGen.jungleBG, Terraria.WorldGen.mushroomBG, Terraria.Utilities.UnifiedRandom.Next(), Terraria.WorldGen.oceanBG, Terraria.WorldGen.RollRandomForestBGStyle(), Terraria.WorldGen.setBG(), Terraria.WorldGen.snowBG, Terraria.WorldGen.treeBG1, Terraria.WorldGen.treeBG2, Terraria.WorldGen.treeBG3, Terraria.WorldGen.treeBG4, Terraria.Main.treeX, Terraria.WorldGen.underworldBG, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2.X, Terraria.Player.ZoneBeach, Terraria.Player.ZoneCorrupt, Terraria.Player.ZoneCrimson, Terraria.Player.ZoneDesert, Terraria.Player.ZoneGlowshroom, Terraria.Player.ZoneHallow, Terraria.Player.ZoneJungle, Terraria.Player.ZoneSnow, and Terraria.Player.ZoneUnderworldHeight.
Referenced by Terraria.Projectile.Kill().