Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveEntry Class Reference


class  DirectToArchiveWriterStream

Public Member Functions

void Delete ()
Stream Open ()
override string ToString ()

Package Types

enum  BitFlagValues : ushort { DataDescriptor = 8 , UnicodeFileName = 0x800 }
enum  CompressionMethodValues : ushort {
  Stored = 0 , Deflate = 8 , Deflate64 = 9 , BZip2 = 12 ,
  LZMA = 14

Package Functions

 ZipArchiveEntry (ZipArchive archive, ZipCentralDirectoryFileHeader cd)
 ZipArchiveEntry (ZipArchive archive, string entryName, CompressionLevel compressionLevel)
 ZipArchiveEntry (ZipArchive archive, string entryName)
void WriteAndFinishLocalEntry ()
void WriteCentralDirectoryFileHeader ()
bool LoadLocalHeaderExtraFieldAndCompressedBytesIfNeeded ()
void ThrowIfNotOpenable (bool needToUncompress, bool needToLoadIntoMemory)

Static Package Functions

static string ParseFileName (string path, ZipVersionMadeByPlatform madeByPlatform)

Package Attributes

ZipVersionNeededValues _versionToExtract


ZipArchive Archive [get]
uint Crc32 [get]
long CompressedLength [get]
int ExternalAttributes [get, set]
string FullName [get, private set]
DateTimeOffset LastWriteTime [get, set]
long Length [get]
string Name [get]
bool EverOpenedForWrite [get]
long OffsetOfCompressedData [get]
MemoryStream UncompressedData [get]
CompressionMethodValues CompressionMethod [get, set]

Private Member Functions

string DecodeEntryName (byte[] entryNameBytes)
byte[] EncodeEntryName (string entryName, out bool isUTF8)
CheckSumAndSizeWriteStream GetDataCompressor (Stream backingStream, bool leaveBackingStreamOpen, EventHandler onClose)
Stream GetDataDecompressor (Stream compressedStreamToRead)
Stream OpenInReadMode (bool checkOpenable)
Stream OpenInWriteMode ()
Stream OpenInUpdateMode ()
bool IsOpenable (bool needToUncompress, bool needToLoadIntoMemory, out string message)
bool SizesTooLarge ()
bool WriteLocalFileHeader (bool isEmptyFile)
void WriteLocalFileHeaderAndDataIfNeeded ()
void WriteCrcAndSizesInLocalHeader (bool zip64HeaderUsed)
void WriteDataDescriptor ()
void UnloadStreams ()
void CloseStreams ()
void VersionToExtractAtLeast (ZipVersionNeededValues value)
void ThrowIfInvalidArchive ()

Static Private Member Functions

static string GetFileName_Windows (string path)
static string GetFileName_Unix (string path)

Private Attributes

ZipArchive _archive
readonly bool _originallyInArchive
readonly int _diskNumberStart
readonly ZipVersionMadeByPlatform _versionMadeByPlatform
ZipVersionNeededValues _versionMadeBySpecification
BitFlagValues _generalPurposeBitFlag
CompressionMethodValues _storedCompressionMethod
DateTimeOffset _lastModified
long _compressedSize
long _uncompressedSize
long _offsetOfLocalHeader
long? _storedOffsetOfCompressedData
uint _crc32
byte[][] _compressedBytes
MemoryStream _storedUncompressedData
bool _currentlyOpenForWrite
bool _everOpenedForWrite
Stream _outstandingWriteStream
uint _externalFileAttr
string _storedEntryName
byte[] _storedEntryNameBytes
List< ZipGenericExtraField_cdUnknownExtraFields
List< ZipGenericExtraField_lhUnknownExtraFields
readonly byte[] _fileComment
readonly? CompressionLevel _compressionLevel

Static Private Attributes

static readonly bool s_allowLargeZipArchiveEntriesInUpdateMode = IntPtr.Size > 4

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file ZipArchiveEntry.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: