Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile Class Referencesealed


class  IsolatedStorageFileEnumerator

Public Member Functions

void Close ()
void DeleteFile (string file)
bool FileExists (string path)
bool DirectoryExists (string path)
void CreateDirectory (string dir)
void DeleteDirectory (string dir)
string[] GetFileNames ()
string[] GetFileNames (string searchPattern)
string[] GetDirectoryNames ()
string[] GetDirectoryNames (string searchPattern)
IsolatedStorageFileStream OpenFile (string path, FileMode mode)
IsolatedStorageFileStream OpenFile (string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access)
IsolatedStorageFileStream OpenFile (string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
IsolatedStorageFileStream CreateFile (string path)
DateTimeOffset GetCreationTime (string path)
DateTimeOffset GetLastAccessTime (string path)
DateTimeOffset GetLastWriteTime (string path)
void CopyFile (string sourceFileName, string destinationFileName)
void CopyFile (string sourceFileName, string destinationFileName, bool overwrite)
void MoveFile (string sourceFileName, string destinationFileName)
void MoveDirectory (string sourceDirectoryName, string destinationDirectoryName)
void Dispose ()
override bool IncreaseQuotaTo (long newQuotaSize)
override void Remove ()
object GetLifetimeService ()
virtual object InitializeLifetimeService ()

Static Public Member Functions

static IEnumerator GetEnumerator (IsolatedStorageScope scope)
static IsolatedStorageFile GetUserStoreForApplication ()
static IsolatedStorageFile GetUserStoreForAssembly ()
static IsolatedStorageFile GetUserStoreForDomain ()
static IsolatedStorageFile GetUserStoreForSite ()
static IsolatedStorageFile GetMachineStoreForApplication ()
static IsolatedStorageFile GetMachineStoreForAssembly ()
static IsolatedStorageFile GetMachineStoreForDomain ()
static IsolatedStorageFile GetStore (IsolatedStorageScope scope, Type? applicationEvidenceType)
static IsolatedStorageFile GetStore (IsolatedStorageScope scope, object? applicationIdentity)
static IsolatedStorageFile GetStore (IsolatedStorageScope scope, Type? domainEvidenceType, Type? assemblyEvidenceType)
static IsolatedStorageFile GetStore (IsolatedStorageScope scope, object? domainIdentity, object? assemblyIdentity)
static void Remove (IsolatedStorageScope scope)

Protected Member Functions

void InitStore (IsolatedStorageScope scope, Type appEvidenceType)
void InitStore (IsolatedStorageScope scope, Type? domainEvidenceType, Type? assemblyEvidenceType)
MarshalByRefObject MemberwiseClone (bool cloneIdentity)

Package Functions

 IsolatedStorageFile (IsolatedStorageScope scope)
string GetFullPath (string partialPath)
void EnsureStoreIsValid ()

Static Package Functions

static Exception GetIsolatedStorageException (string exceptionMsg, Exception rootCause)


string RootDirectory [get]
bool Disposed [get]
bool IsDeleted [get]
override long AvailableFreeSpace [get]
override ulong MaximumSize [get]
override long Quota [get]
override long UsedSize [get]
override ulong CurrentSize [get]
static bool IsEnabled [get]
object ApplicationIdentity [get]
object AssemblyIdentity [get]
object DomainIdentity [get]
IsolatedStorageScope Scope [get, private set]
virtual char SeparatorExternal [get]
virtual char SeparatorInternal [get]
stringIdentityHash [get, private set]

Private Member Functions

bool ContainsUnknownFiles (string directory)
bool IsMatchingScopeDirectory (string directory)

Static Private Member Functions

static IsolatedStorageFile GetStore (IsolatedStorageScope scope)
static void VerifyGlobalScope (IsolatedStorageScope scope)
static bool IsIdFile (string file)
static bool IsInfoFile (string file)
static void VerifyScope (IsolatedStorageScope scope)

Private Attributes

bool _disposed
bool _closed
readonly object _internalLock = new object()
readonly string _rootDirectory
ulong _quota
bool _validQuota
object _applicationIdentity
object _assemblyIdentity
object _domainIdentity

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7 of file IsolatedStorageFile.cs.

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