Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.DateTimeParse Class Reference

Package Types

enum  DTT {
  End , NumEnd , NumAmpm , NumSpace ,
  NumDatesep , NumTimesep , MonthEnd , MonthSpace ,
  MonthDatesep , NumDatesuff , NumTimesuff , DayOfWeek ,
  YearSpace , YearDateSep , YearEnd , TimeZone ,
  Era , NumUTCTimeMark , Unk , NumLocalTimeMark ,
enum  TM { NotSet = -1 , AM , PM }
enum  DS {
  BEGIN , N , NN , D_Nd ,
  D_NN , D_NNd , D_M , D_MN ,
  D_NM , D_MNd , D_NDS , D_Y ,
  D_YN , D_YNd , D_YM , D_YMd ,
  D_S , T_S , T_Nt , T_NNt ,
  DX_YN , DX_YM , TX_N , TX_NN ,

Package Functions

delegate bool MatchNumberDelegate (ref __DTString str, int digitLen, out int result)

Static Package Functions

static DateTime ParseExact (ReadOnlySpan< char > s, ReadOnlySpan< char > format, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style)
static DateTime ParseExact (ReadOnlySpan< char > s, ReadOnlySpan< char > format, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style, out TimeSpan offset)
static bool TryParseExact (ReadOnlySpan< char > s, ReadOnlySpan< char > format, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style, out DateTime result)
static bool TryParseExact (ReadOnlySpan< char > s, ReadOnlySpan< char > format, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style, out DateTime result, out TimeSpan offset)
static bool TryParseExact (ReadOnlySpan< char > s, ReadOnlySpan< char > format, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style, ref DateTimeResult result)
static DateTime ParseExactMultiple (ReadOnlySpan< char > s, string[] formats, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style)
static DateTime ParseExactMultiple (ReadOnlySpan< char > s, string[] formats, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style, out TimeSpan offset)
static bool TryParseExactMultiple (ReadOnlySpan< char > s, string[] formats, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style, out DateTime result, out TimeSpan offset)
static bool TryParseExactMultiple (ReadOnlySpan< char > s, string[] formats, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style, out DateTime result)
static bool TryParseExactMultiple (ReadOnlySpan< char > s, string[] formats, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style, ref DateTimeResult result)
static bool IsDigit (char ch)
static bool ProcessHebrewTerminalState (DS dps, ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeStyles styles, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
static bool ProcessTerminalState (DS dps, ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeStyles styles, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
static DateTime Parse (ReadOnlySpan< char > s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles)
static DateTime Parse (ReadOnlySpan< char > s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles, out TimeSpan offset)
static bool TryParse (ReadOnlySpan< char > s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles, out DateTime result)
static bool TryParse (ReadOnlySpan< char > s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles, out DateTime result, out TimeSpan offset)
static unsafe bool TryParse (ReadOnlySpan< char > s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles, ref DateTimeResult result)
static bool MatchHebrewDigits (ref __DTString str, int digitLen, out int number)
static bool ParseDigits (ref __DTString str, int digitLen, out int result)
static bool ParseDigits (ref __DTString str, int minDigitLen, int maxDigitLen, out int result)
static bool TryParseQuoteString (ReadOnlySpan< char > format, int pos, StringBuilder result, out int returnValue)

Static Private Member Functions

static bool MatchWord (ref __DTString str, string target)
static bool GetTimeZoneName (ref __DTString str)
static bool ParseFraction (ref __DTString str, out double result)
static bool ParseTimeZone (ref __DTString str, ref TimeSpan result)
static bool HandleTimeZone (ref __DTString str, ref DateTimeResult result)
static bool Lex (DS dps, ref __DTString str, ref DateTimeToken dtok, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles)
static bool VerifyValidPunctuation (ref __DTString str)
static bool GetYearMonthDayOrder (string datePattern, out int order)
static bool GetYearMonthOrder (string pattern, out int order)
static bool GetMonthDayOrder (string pattern, out int order)
static bool TryAdjustYear (ref DateTimeResult result, int year, out int adjustedYear)
static bool SetDateYMD (ref DateTimeResult result, int year, int month, int day)
static bool SetDateMDY (ref DateTimeResult result, int month, int day, int year)
static bool SetDateDMY (ref DateTimeResult result, int day, int month, int year)
static bool SetDateYDM (ref DateTimeResult result, int year, int day, int month)
static void GetDefaultYear (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeStyles styles)
static bool GetDayOfNN (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeStyles styles, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
static bool GetDayOfNNN (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
static bool GetDayOfMN (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeStyles styles, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
static bool GetHebrewDayOfNM (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
static bool GetDayOfNM (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeStyles styles, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
static bool GetDayOfMNN (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
static bool GetDayOfYNN (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
static bool GetDayOfNNY (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
static bool GetDayOfYMN (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw)
static bool GetDayOfYN (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw)
static bool GetDayOfYM (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw)
static void AdjustTimeMark (DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw)
static bool AdjustHour (ref int hour, TM timeMark)
static bool GetTimeOfN (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw)
static bool GetTimeOfNN (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw)
static bool GetTimeOfNNN (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw)
static bool GetDateOfDSN (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw)
static bool GetDateOfNDS (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw)
static bool GetDateOfNNDS (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
static bool ProcessDateTimeSuffix (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, ref DateTimeToken dtok)
static bool DetermineTimeZoneAdjustments (ref DateTimeResult result, DateTimeStyles styles, bool bTimeOnly)
static bool DateTimeOffsetTimeZonePostProcessing (ref DateTimeResult result, DateTimeStyles styles)
static bool AdjustTimeZoneToUniversal (ref DateTimeResult result)
static bool AdjustTimeZoneToLocal (ref DateTimeResult result, bool bTimeOnly)
static bool ParseISO8601 (ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, ref __DTString str, DateTimeStyles styles, ref DateTimeResult result)
static bool ParseFractionExact (ref __DTString str, int maxDigitLen, ref double result)
static bool ParseSign (ref __DTString str, ref bool result)
static bool ParseTimeZoneOffset (ref __DTString str, int len, ref TimeSpan result)
static bool MatchAbbreviatedMonthName (ref __DTString str, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, ref int result)
static bool MatchMonthName (ref __DTString str, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, ref int result)
static bool MatchAbbreviatedDayName (ref __DTString str, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, ref int result)
static bool MatchDayName (ref __DTString str, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, ref int result)
static bool MatchEraName (ref __DTString str, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, ref int result)
static bool MatchTimeMark (ref __DTString str, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, ref TM result)
static bool MatchAbbreviatedTimeMark (ref __DTString str, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, ref TM result)
static bool CheckNewValue (ref int currentValue, int newValue, char patternChar, ref DateTimeResult result)
static DateTime GetDateTimeNow (ref DateTimeResult result, ref DateTimeStyles styles)
static bool CheckDefaultDateTime (ref DateTimeResult result, ref Calendar cal, DateTimeStyles styles)
static string ExpandPredefinedFormat (ReadOnlySpan< char > format, ref DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, ref ParsingInfo parseInfo, ref DateTimeResult result)
static bool ParseJapaneseEraStart (ref __DTString str, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
static void ConfigureFormatR (ref DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, ref ParsingInfo parseInfo, ref DateTimeResult result)
static void ConfigureFormatOS (ref DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, ref ParsingInfo parseInfo)
static bool ParseByFormat (ref __DTString str, ref __DTString format, ref ParsingInfo parseInfo, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, ref DateTimeResult result)
static bool DoStrictParse (ReadOnlySpan< char > s, ReadOnlySpan< char > formatParam, DateTimeStyles styles, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, ref DateTimeResult result)
static bool ParseFormatR (ReadOnlySpan< char > source, ref ParsingInfo parseInfo, ref DateTimeResult result)
static bool ParseFormatO (ReadOnlySpan< char > source, ref DateTimeResult result)
static Exception GetDateTimeParseException (ref DateTimeResult result)

Static Private Attributes

static readonly MatchNumberDelegate s_hebrewNumberParser = MatchHebrewDigits
static readonly DS[][] s_dateParsingStates

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7 of file DateTimeParse.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: