Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo Class Referencesealed


class  TokenHashValue

Public Member Functions

object? GetFormat (Type? formatType)
object Clone ()

Package Attributes

bool _isReadOnly


string CultureName [get]
CultureInfo Culture [get]
string LanguageName [get]
static DateTimeFormatInfo InvariantInfo [get]
static DateTimeFormatInfo CurrentInfo [get]
string AMDesignator [get, set]
Calendar Calendar [get, set]
CalendarId[] OptionalCalendars [get]
string[] EraNames [get]
string[] AbbreviatedEraNames [get]
string[] AbbreviatedEnglishEraNames [get]
string DateSeparator [get, set]
DayOfWeek FirstDayOfWeek [get, set]
CalendarWeekRule CalendarWeekRule [get, set]
string FullDateTimePattern [get, set]
string LongDatePattern [get, set]
string LongTimePattern [get, set]
string MonthDayPattern [get, set]
string PMDesignator [get, set]
string RFC1123Pattern [get]
string ShortDatePattern [get, set]
string ShortTimePattern [get, set]
string SortableDateTimePattern [get]
string GeneralShortTimePattern [get]
string GeneralLongTimePattern [get]

Private Attributes

readonly CultureData _cultureData
string _name
string _langName
CompareInfo _compareInfo
CultureInfo _cultureInfo
string amDesignator
string pmDesignator
string dateSeparator
string generalShortTimePattern
string generalLongTimePattern
string timeSeparator
string monthDayPattern
string dateTimeOffsetPattern
Calendar calendar
int firstDayOfWeek = -1
int calendarWeekRule = -1
string fullDateTimePattern
string[] abbreviatedDayNames
string[] m_superShortDayNames
string[] dayNames
string[] abbreviatedMonthNames
string[] monthNames
string[] genitiveMonthNames
string[] m_genitiveAbbreviatedMonthNames
string[] leapYearMonthNames
string longDatePattern
string shortDatePattern
string yearMonthPattern
string longTimePattern
string shortTimePattern
string[] allYearMonthPatterns
string[] allShortDatePatterns
string[] allLongDatePatterns
string[] allShortTimePatterns
string[] allLongTimePatterns
string[] m_eraNames
string[] m_abbrevEraNames
string[] m_abbrevEnglishEraNames
CalendarId[] optionalCalendars
DateTimeFormatFlags formatFlags = DateTimeFormatFlags.NotInitialized
string _decimalSeparator
string _fullTimeSpanPositivePattern
string _fullTimeSpanNegativePattern
TokenHashValue[] _dtfiTokenHash

Static Private Attributes

static volatile DateTimeFormatInfo s_invariantInfo
static volatile DateTimeFormatInfo s_jajpDTFI
static volatile DateTimeFormatInfo s_zhtwDTFI

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7 of file DateTimeFormatInfo.cs.

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