Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Globalization.FormatProvider.Number Class Reference


struct  NumberBuffer

Static Package Functions

static unsafe bool TryStringToNumber (ReadOnlySpan< char > str, NumberStyles options, ref NumberBuffer number, StringBuilder sb, NumberFormatInfo numfmt, bool parseDecimal)
static unsafe void Int32ToDecChars (char *buffer, ref int index, uint value, int digits)
static char ParseFormatSpecifier (ReadOnlySpan< char > format, out int digits)
static unsafe void NumberToString (ref System.Text.ValueStringBuilder sb, ref NumberBuffer number, char format, int nMaxDigits, NumberFormatInfo info, bool isDecimal)
static unsafe void NumberToStringFormat (ref System.Text.ValueStringBuilder sb, ref NumberBuffer number, ReadOnlySpan< char > format, NumberFormatInfo info)

Static Private Member Functions

static bool IsWhite (char ch)
static unsafe char * MatchChars (char *p, char *pEnd, string str)
static unsafe char * MatchChars (char *p, char *pEnd, char *str)
static bool AllowHyphenDuringParsing (NumberFormatInfo info)
static unsafe char * MatchNegativeSignChars (char *p, char *pEnd, string negativeSign, bool allowHyphenDuringParsing)
static unsafe bool ParseNumber (ref char *str, char *strEnd, NumberStyles options, ref NumberBuffer number, StringBuilder sb, NumberFormatInfo numfmt, bool parseDecimal)
static bool TrailingZeros (ReadOnlySpan< char > s, int index)
static void FormatCurrency (ref System.Text.ValueStringBuilder sb, ref NumberBuffer number, int nMinDigits, int nMaxDigits, NumberFormatInfo info)
static unsafe void FormatFixed (ref System.Text.ValueStringBuilder sb, ref NumberBuffer number, int nMinDigits, int nMaxDigits, NumberFormatInfo info, int[] groupDigits, string sDecimal, string sGroup)
static void FormatNumber (ref System.Text.ValueStringBuilder sb, ref NumberBuffer number, int nMinDigits, int nMaxDigits, NumberFormatInfo info)
static unsafe void FormatScientific (ref System.Text.ValueStringBuilder sb, ref NumberBuffer number, int nMinDigits, int nMaxDigits, NumberFormatInfo info, char expChar)
static unsafe void FormatExponent (ref System.Text.ValueStringBuilder sb, NumberFormatInfo info, int value, char expChar, int minDigits, bool positiveSign)
static unsafe void FormatGeneral (ref System.Text.ValueStringBuilder sb, ref NumberBuffer number, int nMinDigits, int nMaxDigits, NumberFormatInfo info, char expChar, bool bSuppressScientific)
static void FormatPercent (ref System.Text.ValueStringBuilder sb, ref NumberBuffer number, int nMinDigits, int nMaxDigits, NumberFormatInfo info)
static unsafe void RoundNumber (ref NumberBuffer number, int pos)
static unsafe int FindSection (ReadOnlySpan< char > format, int section)

Static Private Attributes

static readonly string[] s_posCurrencyFormats = new string[4] { "$#", "#$", "$ #", "# $" }
static readonly string[] s_negCurrencyFormats
static readonly string[] s_posPercentFormats = new string[4] { "# %", "#%", "%#", "% #" }
static readonly string[] s_negPercentFormats
static readonly string[] s_negNumberFormats = new string[5] { "(#)", "-#", "- #", "#-", "# -" }

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file FormatProvider.cs.

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