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System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo Class Referencesealed

Public Member Functions

 NumberFormatInfo ()
object Clone ()
object? GetFormat (Type? formatType)

Static Public Member Functions

static NumberFormatInfo GetInstance (IFormatProvider? formatProvider)
static NumberFormatInfo ReadOnly (NumberFormatInfo nfi)

Package Functions

 NumberFormatInfo (CultureData cultureData)

Static Package Functions

static void CheckGroupSize (string propName, int[] groupSize)
static void ValidateParseStyleInteger (NumberStyles style)
static void ValidateParseStyleFloatingPoint (NumberStyles style)

Package Attributes

int[] _numberGroupSizes = new int[1] { 3 }
int[] _currencyGroupSizes = new int[1] { 3 }
int[] _percentGroupSizes = new int[1] { 3 }
string _positiveSign = "+"
string _negativeSign = "-"
string _numberDecimalSeparator = "."
string _numberGroupSeparator = ","
string _currencyGroupSeparator = ","
string _currencyDecimalSeparator = "."
string _currencySymbol = "¤"
string _nanSymbol = "NaN"
string _positiveInfinitySymbol = "Infinity"
string _negativeInfinitySymbol = "-Infinity"
string _percentDecimalSeparator = "."
string _percentGroupSeparator = ","
string _percentSymbol = "%"
string _perMilleSymbol = "‰"
string[] _nativeDigits = new string[10] { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" }
int _numberDecimalDigits = 2
int _currencyDecimalDigits = 2
int _currencyPositivePattern
int _currencyNegativePattern
int _numberNegativePattern = 1
int _percentPositivePattern
int _percentNegativePattern
int _percentDecimalDigits = 2
int _digitSubstitution = 1
bool _isReadOnly


bool HasInvariantNumberSigns [get]
bool AllowHyphenDuringParsing [get]
static NumberFormatInfo InvariantInfo [get]
int CurrencyDecimalDigits [get, set]
string CurrencyDecimalSeparator [get, set]
bool IsReadOnly [get]
int[] CurrencyGroupSizes [get, set]
int[] NumberGroupSizes [get, set]
int[] PercentGroupSizes [get, set]
string CurrencyGroupSeparator [get, set]
string CurrencySymbol [get, set]
static NumberFormatInfo CurrentInfo [get]
string NaNSymbol [get, set]
int CurrencyNegativePattern [get, set]
int NumberNegativePattern [get, set]
int PercentPositivePattern [get, set]
int PercentNegativePattern [get, set]
string NegativeInfinitySymbol [get, set]
string NegativeSign [get, set]
int NumberDecimalDigits [get, set]
string NumberDecimalSeparator [get, set]
string NumberGroupSeparator [get, set]
int CurrencyPositivePattern [get, set]
string PositiveInfinitySymbol [get, set]
string PositiveSign [get, set]
int PercentDecimalDigits [get, set]
string PercentDecimalSeparator [get, set]
string PercentGroupSeparator [get, set]
string PercentSymbol [get, set]
string PerMilleSymbol [get, set]
string[] NativeDigits [get, set]
DigitShapes DigitSubstitution [get, set]

Private Member Functions

void InitializeInvariantAndNegativeSignFlags ()
void VerifyWritable ()

Static Private Member Functions

static void VerifyDecimalSeparator (string decSep, string propertyName)
static void VerifyGroupSeparator (string groupSep, string propertyName)
static void VerifyNativeDigits (string[] nativeDig, string propertyName)
static void VerifyDigitSubstitution (DigitShapes digitSub, string propertyName)

Private Attributes

bool _hasInvariantNumberSigns = true
bool _allowHyphenDuringParsing

Static Private Attributes

static volatile NumberFormatInfo s_invariantInfo

Detailed Description

Definition at line 3 of file NumberFormatInfo.cs.

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