Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.Xsl.IlGen.GenerateHelper Class Referencesealed

Public Member Functions

 GenerateHelper (XmlILModule module, bool isDebug)
void MethodBegin (MethodBase methInfo, ISourceLineInfo sourceInfo, bool initWriters)
void MethodEnd ()
void CallSyncToNavigator ()
void LoadInteger (int intVal)
void LoadBoolean (bool boolVal)
void LoadType (Type clrTyp)
LocalBuilder DeclareLocal (string name, Type type)
void LoadQueryRuntime ()
void LoadQueryContext ()
void LoadXsltLibrary ()
void LoadQueryOutput ()
void LoadParameter (int paramPos)
void SetParameter (object paramId)
void BranchAndMark (Label lblBranch, Label lblMark)
void TestAndBranch (int i4, Label lblBranch, OpCode opcodeBranch)
void ConvBranchToBool (Label lblBranch, bool isTrueBranch)
void TailCall (MethodInfo meth)
void Call (MethodInfo meth)
void Construct (ConstructorInfo constr)
void CallConcatStrings (int cStrings)
void TreatAs (Type clrTypeSrc, Type clrTypeDst)
void ConstructLiteralDecimal (decimal dec)
void ConstructLiteralQName (string localName, string namespaceName)
void CallArithmeticOp (QilNodeType opType, XmlTypeCode code)
void CallCompareEquals (XmlTypeCode code)
void CallCompare (XmlTypeCode code)
void CallStartRtfConstruction (string baseUri)
void CallEndRtfConstruction ()
void CallStartSequenceConstruction ()
void CallEndSequenceConstruction ()
void CallGetEarlyBoundObject (int idxObj, Type clrType)
void CallGetAtomizedName (int idxName)
void CallGetNameFilter (int idxFilter)
void CallGetTypeFilter (XPathNodeType nodeType)
void CallParseTagName (GenerateNameType nameType)
void CallGetGlobalValue (int idxValue, Type clrType)
void CallSetGlobalValue (Type clrType)
void CallGetCollation (int idxName)
void CallGetParameter (string localName, string namespaceUri)
void CallStartTree (XPathNodeType rootType)
void CallEndTree ()
void CallWriteStartRoot ()
void CallWriteEndRoot ()
void CallWriteStartElement (GenerateNameType nameType, bool callChk)
void CallWriteEndElement (GenerateNameType nameType, bool callChk)
void CallStartElementContent ()
void CallWriteStartAttribute (GenerateNameType nameType, bool callChk)
void CallWriteEndAttribute (bool callChk)
void CallWriteNamespaceDecl (bool callChk)
void CallWriteString (bool disableOutputEscaping, bool callChk)
void CallWriteStartPI ()
void CallWriteEndPI ()
void CallWriteStartComment ()
void CallWriteEndComment ()
void CallCacheCount (Type itemStorageType)
void CallCacheItem (Type itemStorageType)
void CallValueAs (Type clrType)
void AddSortKey (XmlQueryType keyType)
void DebugStartScope ()
void DebugEndScope ()
void DebugSequencePoint (ISourceLineInfo sourceInfo)
Label DefineLabel ()
void MarkLabel (Label lbl)
void Emit (OpCode opcode)
void Emit (OpCode opcode, ConstructorInfo constrInfo)
void Emit (OpCode opcode, double dblVal)
void Emit (OpCode opcode, FieldInfo fldInfo)
void Emit (OpCode opcode, int intVal)
void Emit (OpCode opcode, long longVal)
void Emit (OpCode opcode, Label lblVal)
void Emit (OpCode opcode, Label[] arrLabels)
void Emit (OpCode opcode, LocalBuilder locBldr)
void Emit (OpCode opcode, string strVal)
void Emit (OpCode opcode, Type typVal)
void EmitUnconditionalBranch (OpCode opcode, Label lblTarget)


StaticDataManager StaticData [get]

Private Member Functions

void EnsureWriter ()
string GetFileName (ISourceLineInfo sourceInfo)
void MarkSequencePoint (ISourceLineInfo sourceInfo)

Private Attributes

MethodBase _methInfo
ILGenerator _ilgen
LocalBuilder _locXOut
readonly XmlILModule _module
readonly bool _isDebug
bool _initWriters
readonly StaticDataManager _staticData
ISourceLineInfo _lastSourceInfo
MethodInfo _methSyncToNav
string _lastUriString
string _lastFileName

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file GenerateHelper.cs.

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