Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator Class Reference

Public Member Functions

virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode)
virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, byte arg)
void Emit (OpCode opcode, sbyte arg)
virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, short arg)
virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, int arg)
virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, MethodInfo meth)
virtual void EmitCalli (OpCode opcode, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type? returnType, Type[]? parameterTypes, Type[]? optionalParameterTypes)
virtual void EmitCalli (OpCode opcode, CallingConvention unmanagedCallConv, Type? returnType, Type[]? parameterTypes)
virtual void EmitCall (OpCode opcode, MethodInfo methodInfo, Type[]? optionalParameterTypes)
virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, SignatureHelper signature)
virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, ConstructorInfo con)
virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, Type cls)
virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, long arg)
virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, float arg)
virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, double arg)
virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, Label label)
virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, Label[] labels)
virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, FieldInfo field)
virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, string str)
virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, LocalBuilder local)
virtual Label BeginExceptionBlock ()
virtual void EndExceptionBlock ()
virtual void BeginExceptFilterBlock ()
virtual void BeginCatchBlock (Type exceptionType)
virtual void BeginFaultBlock ()
virtual void BeginFinallyBlock ()
virtual Label DefineLabel ()
virtual void MarkLabel (Label loc)
virtual void ThrowException ([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicParameterlessConstructor)] Type excType)
virtual void EmitWriteLine (string value)
virtual void EmitWriteLine (LocalBuilder localBuilder)
virtual void EmitWriteLine (FieldInfo fld)
virtual LocalBuilder DeclareLocal (Type localType)
virtual LocalBuilder DeclareLocal (Type localType, bool pinned)
virtual void UsingNamespace (string usingNamespace)
virtual void BeginScope ()
virtual void EndScope ()

Package Functions

 ILGenerator (MethodInfo methodBuilder)
 ILGenerator (MethodInfo methodBuilder, int size)
virtual void RecordTokenFixup ()
void InternalEmit (OpCode opcode)
void UpdateStackSize (OpCode opcode, int stackchange)
SignatureHelper GetMemberRefSignature (CallingConventions call, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Type[] optionalParameterTypes)
virtual SignatureHelper GetMemberRefSignature (CallingConventions call, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Type[][] requiredCustomModifiers, Type[][] optionalCustomModifiers, Type[] optionalParameterTypes)
byte[] BakeByteArray ()
__ExceptionInfo[] GetExceptions ()
void EnsureCapacity (int size)
void PutInteger4 (int value)
int GetMaxStackSize ()
int[] GetTokenFixups ()

Static Package Functions

static T[] EnlargeArray< T > (T[] incoming)
static T[] EnlargeArray< T > (T[] incoming, int requiredSize)

Package Attributes

ScopeTree m_ScopeTree
MethodInfo m_methodBuilder
int m_localCount
SignatureHelper m_localSignature


int CurrExcStackCount [get]
__ExceptionInfo?[] CurrExcStack [get]
virtual int ILOffset [get]

Private Member Functions

int GetMethodToken (MethodBase method, Type[] optionalParameterTypes, bool useMethodDef)
SignatureHelper GetMemberRefSignature (CallingConventions call, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Type[][] requiredCustomModifiers, Type[][] optionalCustomModifiers, Type[] optionalParameterTypes, int cGenericParameters)
void IncreaseCapacity (int size)
int GetLabelPos (Label lbl)
void AddFixup (Label lbl, int pos, int instSize)

Static Private Member Functions

static void SortExceptions (__ExceptionInfo[] exceptions)

Private Attributes

int m_length
byte[] m_ILStream
int[] m_labelList
int m_labelCount
__FixupData[] m_fixupData
int m_fixupCount
int[] m_RelocFixupList
int m_RelocFixupCount
int m_exceptionCount
int m_currExcStackCount
__ExceptionInfo[] m_exceptions
__ExceptionInfo[] m_currExcStack
int m_maxStackSize
int m_maxMidStack
int m_maxMidStackCur

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file ILGenerator.cs.

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