Terraria v1.4.4.9
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System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86.Sse41 Class Referenceabstract


class  X64

Static Public Member Functions

static Vector128< shortBlend (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right, byte control)
static Vector128< ushort > Blend (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right, byte control)
static Vector128< float > Blend (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right, byte control)
static Vector128< double > Blend (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right, byte control)
static Vector128< sbyte > BlendVariable (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right, Vector128< sbyte > mask)
static Vector128< byte > BlendVariable (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right, Vector128< byte > mask)
static Vector128< shortBlendVariable (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right, Vector128< short > mask)
static Vector128< ushort > BlendVariable (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right, Vector128< ushort > mask)
static Vector128< int > BlendVariable (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right, Vector128< int > mask)
static Vector128< uint > BlendVariable (Vector128< uint > left, Vector128< uint > right, Vector128< uint > mask)
static Vector128< long > BlendVariable (Vector128< long > left, Vector128< long > right, Vector128< long > mask)
static Vector128< ulong > BlendVariable (Vector128< ulong > left, Vector128< ulong > right, Vector128< ulong > mask)
static Vector128< float > BlendVariable (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right, Vector128< float > mask)
static Vector128< double > BlendVariable (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right, Vector128< double > mask)
static Vector128< float > Ceiling (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< double > Ceiling (Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< double > CeilingScalar (Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< float > CeilingScalar (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< double > CeilingScalar (Vector128< double > upper, Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< float > CeilingScalar (Vector128< float > upper, Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< long > CompareEqual (Vector128< long > left, Vector128< long > right)
static Vector128< ulong > CompareEqual (Vector128< ulong > left, Vector128< ulong > right)
static Vector128< shortConvertToVector128Int16 (Vector128< sbyte > value)
static Vector128< shortConvertToVector128Int16 (Vector128< byte > value)
static Vector128< int > ConvertToVector128Int32 (Vector128< sbyte > value)
static Vector128< int > ConvertToVector128Int32 (Vector128< byte > value)
static Vector128< int > ConvertToVector128Int32 (Vector128< short > value)
static Vector128< int > ConvertToVector128Int32 (Vector128< ushort > value)
static Vector128< long > ConvertToVector128Int64 (Vector128< sbyte > value)
static Vector128< long > ConvertToVector128Int64 (Vector128< byte > value)
static Vector128< long > ConvertToVector128Int64 (Vector128< short > value)
static Vector128< long > ConvertToVector128Int64 (Vector128< ushort > value)
static Vector128< long > ConvertToVector128Int64 (Vector128< int > value)
static Vector128< long > ConvertToVector128Int64 (Vector128< uint > value)
static unsafe Vector128< shortConvertToVector128Int16 (sbyte *address)
static unsafe Vector128< shortConvertToVector128Int16 (byte *address)
static unsafe Vector128< int > ConvertToVector128Int32 (sbyte *address)
static unsafe Vector128< int > ConvertToVector128Int32 (byte *address)
static unsafe Vector128< int > ConvertToVector128Int32 (short *address)
static unsafe Vector128< int > ConvertToVector128Int32 (ushort *address)
static unsafe Vector128< long > ConvertToVector128Int64 (sbyte *address)
static unsafe Vector128< long > ConvertToVector128Int64 (byte *address)
static unsafe Vector128< long > ConvertToVector128Int64 (short *address)
static unsafe Vector128< long > ConvertToVector128Int64 (ushort *address)
static unsafe Vector128< long > ConvertToVector128Int64 (int *address)
static unsafe Vector128< long > ConvertToVector128Int64 (uint *address)
static Vector128< float > DotProduct (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right, byte control)
static Vector128< double > DotProduct (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right, byte control)
static byte Extract (Vector128< byte > value, byte index)
static int Extract (Vector128< int > value, byte index)
static uint Extract (Vector128< uint > value, byte index)
static float Extract (Vector128< float > value, byte index)
static Vector128< float > Floor (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< double > Floor (Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< double > FloorScalar (Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< float > FloorScalar (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< double > FloorScalar (Vector128< double > upper, Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< float > FloorScalar (Vector128< float > upper, Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< sbyte > Insert (Vector128< sbyte > value, sbyte data, byte index)
static Vector128< byte > Insert (Vector128< byte > value, byte data, byte index)
static Vector128< int > Insert (Vector128< int > value, int data, byte index)
static Vector128< uint > Insert (Vector128< uint > value, uint data, byte index)
static Vector128< float > Insert (Vector128< float > value, Vector128< float > data, byte index)
static Vector128< sbyte > Max (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static Vector128< ushort > Max (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static Vector128< int > Max (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< uint > Max (Vector128< uint > left, Vector128< uint > right)
static Vector128< sbyte > Min (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static Vector128< ushort > Min (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static Vector128< int > Min (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< uint > Min (Vector128< uint > left, Vector128< uint > right)
static Vector128< ushort > MinHorizontal (Vector128< ushort > value)
static Vector128< ushort > MultipleSumAbsoluteDifferences (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right, byte mask)
static Vector128< long > Multiply (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< int > MultiplyLow (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< uint > MultiplyLow (Vector128< uint > left, Vector128< uint > right)
static Vector128< ushort > PackUnsignedSaturate (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< float > RoundToNearestInteger (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > RoundToNegativeInfinity (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > RoundToPositiveInfinity (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > RoundToZero (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > RoundCurrentDirection (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< double > RoundToNearestInteger (Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< double > RoundToNegativeInfinity (Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< double > RoundToPositiveInfinity (Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< double > RoundToZero (Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< double > RoundCurrentDirection (Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< double > RoundCurrentDirectionScalar (Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< double > RoundToNearestIntegerScalar (Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< double > RoundToNegativeInfinityScalar (Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< double > RoundToPositiveInfinityScalar (Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< double > RoundToZeroScalar (Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< double > RoundCurrentDirectionScalar (Vector128< double > upper, Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< double > RoundToNearestIntegerScalar (Vector128< double > upper, Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< double > RoundToNegativeInfinityScalar (Vector128< double > upper, Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< double > RoundToPositiveInfinityScalar (Vector128< double > upper, Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< double > RoundToZeroScalar (Vector128< double > upper, Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< float > RoundCurrentDirectionScalar (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > RoundToNearestIntegerScalar (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > RoundToNegativeInfinityScalar (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > RoundToPositiveInfinityScalar (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > RoundToZeroScalar (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > RoundCurrentDirectionScalar (Vector128< float > upper, Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > RoundToNearestIntegerScalar (Vector128< float > upper, Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > RoundToNegativeInfinityScalar (Vector128< float > upper, Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > RoundToPositiveInfinityScalar (Vector128< float > upper, Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > RoundToZeroScalar (Vector128< float > upper, Vector128< float > value)
static unsafe Vector128< sbyte > LoadAlignedVector128NonTemporal (sbyte *address)
static unsafe Vector128< byte > LoadAlignedVector128NonTemporal (byte *address)
static unsafe Vector128< shortLoadAlignedVector128NonTemporal (short *address)
static unsafe Vector128< ushort > LoadAlignedVector128NonTemporal (ushort *address)
static unsafe Vector128< int > LoadAlignedVector128NonTemporal (int *address)
static unsafe Vector128< uint > LoadAlignedVector128NonTemporal (uint *address)
static unsafe Vector128< long > LoadAlignedVector128NonTemporal (long *address)
static unsafe Vector128< ulong > LoadAlignedVector128NonTemporal (ulong *address)
static bool TestC (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static bool TestC (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right)
static bool TestC (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static bool TestC (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static bool TestC (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static bool TestC (Vector128< uint > left, Vector128< uint > right)
static bool TestC (Vector128< long > left, Vector128< long > right)
static bool TestC (Vector128< ulong > left, Vector128< ulong > right)
static bool TestNotZAndNotC (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static bool TestNotZAndNotC (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right)
static bool TestNotZAndNotC (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static bool TestNotZAndNotC (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static bool TestNotZAndNotC (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static bool TestNotZAndNotC (Vector128< uint > left, Vector128< uint > right)
static bool TestNotZAndNotC (Vector128< long > left, Vector128< long > right)
static bool TestNotZAndNotC (Vector128< ulong > left, Vector128< ulong > right)
static bool TestZ (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static bool TestZ (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right)
static bool TestZ (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static bool TestZ (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static bool TestZ (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static bool TestZ (Vector128< uint > left, Vector128< uint > right)
static bool TestZ (Vector128< long > left, Vector128< long > right)
static bool TestZ (Vector128< ulong > left, Vector128< ulong > right)
static Vector128< byte > Abs (Vector128< sbyte > value)
static Vector128< ushort > Abs (Vector128< short > value)
static Vector128< uint > Abs (Vector128< int > value)
static Vector128< sbyte > AlignRight (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right, byte mask)
static Vector128< byte > AlignRight (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right, byte mask)
static Vector128< shortAlignRight (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right, byte mask)
static Vector128< ushort > AlignRight (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right, byte mask)
static Vector128< int > AlignRight (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right, byte mask)
static Vector128< uint > AlignRight (Vector128< uint > left, Vector128< uint > right, byte mask)
static Vector128< long > AlignRight (Vector128< long > left, Vector128< long > right, byte mask)
static Vector128< ulong > AlignRight (Vector128< ulong > left, Vector128< ulong > right, byte mask)
static Vector128< shortHorizontalAdd (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< int > HorizontalAdd (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< float > HorizontalAdd (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > HorizontalAdd (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< shortHorizontalAddSaturate (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< shortHorizontalSubtract (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< int > HorizontalSubtract (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< float > HorizontalSubtract (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > HorizontalSubtract (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< shortHorizontalSubtractSaturate (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< shortMultiplyAddAdjacent (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static Vector128< int > MultiplyAddAdjacent (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< shortMultiplyHighRoundScale (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< sbyte > Shuffle (Vector128< sbyte > value, Vector128< sbyte > mask)
static Vector128< byte > Shuffle (Vector128< byte > value, Vector128< byte > mask)
static Vector128< int > Shuffle (Vector128< int > value, byte control)
static Vector128< uint > Shuffle (Vector128< uint > value, byte control)
static Vector128< double > Shuffle (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right, byte control)
static Vector128< float > Shuffle (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right, byte control)
static Vector128< sbyte > Sign (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static Vector128< shortSign (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< int > Sign (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< float > AddSubtract (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > AddSubtract (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static unsafe Vector128< double > LoadAndDuplicateToVector128 (double *address)
static unsafe Vector128< sbyte > LoadDquVector128 (sbyte *address)
static unsafe Vector128< byte > LoadDquVector128 (byte *address)
static unsafe Vector128< shortLoadDquVector128 (short *address)
static unsafe Vector128< ushort > LoadDquVector128 (ushort *address)
static unsafe Vector128< int > LoadDquVector128 (int *address)
static unsafe Vector128< uint > LoadDquVector128 (uint *address)
static unsafe Vector128< long > LoadDquVector128 (long *address)
static unsafe Vector128< ulong > LoadDquVector128 (ulong *address)
static Vector128< double > MoveAndDuplicate (Vector128< double > source)
static Vector128< float > MoveHighAndDuplicate (Vector128< float > source)
static Vector128< float > MoveLowAndDuplicate (Vector128< float > source)
static Vector128< byte > Add (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right)
static Vector128< sbyte > Add (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static Vector128< shortAdd (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< ushort > Add (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static Vector128< int > Add (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< uint > Add (Vector128< uint > left, Vector128< uint > right)
static Vector128< long > Add (Vector128< long > left, Vector128< long > right)
static Vector128< ulong > Add (Vector128< ulong > left, Vector128< ulong > right)
static Vector128< double > Add (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > Add (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > AddScalar (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > AddScalar (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< sbyte > AddSaturate (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static Vector128< byte > AddSaturate (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right)
static Vector128< shortAddSaturate (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< ushort > AddSaturate (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static Vector128< byte > And (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right)
static Vector128< sbyte > And (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static Vector128< shortAnd (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< ushort > And (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static Vector128< int > And (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< uint > And (Vector128< uint > left, Vector128< uint > right)
static Vector128< long > And (Vector128< long > left, Vector128< long > right)
static Vector128< ulong > And (Vector128< ulong > left, Vector128< ulong > right)
static Vector128< double > And (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > And (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< byte > AndNot (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right)
static Vector128< sbyte > AndNot (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static Vector128< shortAndNot (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< ushort > AndNot (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static Vector128< int > AndNot (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< uint > AndNot (Vector128< uint > left, Vector128< uint > right)
static Vector128< long > AndNot (Vector128< long > left, Vector128< long > right)
static Vector128< ulong > AndNot (Vector128< ulong > left, Vector128< ulong > right)
static Vector128< double > AndNot (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > AndNot (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< byte > Average (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right)
static Vector128< ushort > Average (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static Vector128< sbyte > CompareEqual (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static Vector128< byte > CompareEqual (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right)
static Vector128< shortCompareEqual (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< ushort > CompareEqual (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static Vector128< int > CompareEqual (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< uint > CompareEqual (Vector128< uint > left, Vector128< uint > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static bool CompareScalarOrderedEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static bool CompareScalarOrderedEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static bool CompareScalarUnorderedEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static bool CompareScalarUnorderedEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareScalarEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareScalarEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< sbyte > CompareGreaterThan (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static Vector128< shortCompareGreaterThan (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< int > CompareGreaterThan (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareGreaterThan (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareGreaterThan (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static bool CompareScalarOrderedGreaterThan (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static bool CompareScalarOrderedGreaterThan (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static bool CompareScalarUnorderedGreaterThan (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static bool CompareScalarUnorderedGreaterThan (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareScalarGreaterThan (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareScalarGreaterThan (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareGreaterThanOrEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareGreaterThanOrEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static bool CompareScalarOrderedGreaterThanOrEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static bool CompareScalarOrderedGreaterThanOrEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static bool CompareScalarUnorderedGreaterThanOrEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static bool CompareScalarUnorderedGreaterThanOrEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareScalarGreaterThanOrEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareScalarGreaterThanOrEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< sbyte > CompareLessThan (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static Vector128< shortCompareLessThan (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< int > CompareLessThan (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareLessThan (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareLessThan (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static bool CompareScalarOrderedLessThan (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static bool CompareScalarOrderedLessThan (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static bool CompareScalarUnorderedLessThan (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static bool CompareScalarUnorderedLessThan (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareScalarLessThan (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareScalarLessThan (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareLessThanOrEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareLessThanOrEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static bool CompareScalarOrderedLessThanOrEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static bool CompareScalarOrderedLessThanOrEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static bool CompareScalarUnorderedLessThanOrEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static bool CompareScalarUnorderedLessThanOrEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareScalarLessThanOrEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareScalarLessThanOrEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareNotEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareNotEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static bool CompareScalarOrderedNotEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static bool CompareScalarOrderedNotEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static bool CompareScalarUnorderedNotEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static bool CompareScalarUnorderedNotEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareScalarNotEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareScalarNotEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareNotGreaterThan (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareNotGreaterThan (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareScalarNotGreaterThan (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareScalarNotGreaterThan (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareNotGreaterThanOrEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareNotGreaterThanOrEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareScalarNotGreaterThanOrEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareScalarNotGreaterThanOrEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareNotLessThan (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareNotLessThan (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareScalarNotLessThan (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareScalarNotLessThan (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareNotLessThanOrEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareNotLessThanOrEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareScalarNotLessThanOrEqual (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareScalarNotLessThanOrEqual (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareOrdered (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareOrdered (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareScalarOrdered (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareScalarOrdered (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareUnordered (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareUnordered (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > CompareScalarUnordered (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > CompareScalarUnordered (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< int > ConvertToVector128Int32 (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< int > ConvertToVector128Int32 (Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< float > ConvertToVector128Single (Vector128< int > value)
static Vector128< float > ConvertToVector128Single (Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< double > ConvertToVector128Double (Vector128< int > value)
static Vector128< double > ConvertToVector128Double (Vector128< float > value)
static int ConvertToInt32 (Vector128< double > value)
static int ConvertToInt32 (Vector128< int > value)
static int ConvertToInt32 (Vector128< float > value)
static uint ConvertToUInt32 (Vector128< uint > value)
static Vector128< double > ConvertScalarToVector128Double (Vector128< double > upper, int value)
static Vector128< double > ConvertScalarToVector128Double (Vector128< double > upper, Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< int > ConvertScalarToVector128Int32 (int value)
static Vector128< float > ConvertScalarToVector128Single (Vector128< float > upper, Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< float > ConvertScalarToVector128Single (Vector128< float > upper, int value)
static Vector128< uint > ConvertScalarToVector128UInt32 (uint value)
static Vector128< int > ConvertToVector128Int32WithTruncation (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< int > ConvertToVector128Int32WithTruncation (Vector128< double > value)
static int ConvertToInt32WithTruncation (Vector128< double > value)
static int ConvertToInt32WithTruncation (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< double > Divide (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > Divide (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > DivideScalar (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > DivideScalar (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static ushort Extract (Vector128< ushort > value, byte index)
static Vector128< shortInsert (Vector128< short > value, short data, byte index)
static Vector128< ushort > Insert (Vector128< ushort > value, ushort data, byte index)
static unsafe Vector128< sbyte > LoadVector128 (sbyte *address)
static unsafe Vector128< byte > LoadVector128 (byte *address)
static unsafe Vector128< shortLoadVector128 (short *address)
static unsafe Vector128< ushort > LoadVector128 (ushort *address)
static unsafe Vector128< int > LoadVector128 (int *address)
static unsafe Vector128< uint > LoadVector128 (uint *address)
static unsafe Vector128< long > LoadVector128 (long *address)
static unsafe Vector128< ulong > LoadVector128 (ulong *address)
static unsafe Vector128< double > LoadVector128 (double *address)
static unsafe Vector128< float > LoadVector128 (float *address)
static unsafe Vector128< double > LoadScalarVector128 (double *address)
static unsafe Vector128< int > LoadScalarVector128 (int *address)
static unsafe Vector128< uint > LoadScalarVector128 (uint *address)
static unsafe Vector128< long > LoadScalarVector128 (long *address)
static unsafe Vector128< ulong > LoadScalarVector128 (ulong *address)
static unsafe Vector128< float > LoadScalarVector128 (float *address)
static unsafe Vector128< sbyte > LoadAlignedVector128 (sbyte *address)
static unsafe Vector128< byte > LoadAlignedVector128 (byte *address)
static unsafe Vector128< shortLoadAlignedVector128 (short *address)
static unsafe Vector128< ushort > LoadAlignedVector128 (ushort *address)
static unsafe Vector128< int > LoadAlignedVector128 (int *address)
static unsafe Vector128< uint > LoadAlignedVector128 (uint *address)
static unsafe Vector128< long > LoadAlignedVector128 (long *address)
static unsafe Vector128< ulong > LoadAlignedVector128 (ulong *address)
static unsafe Vector128< double > LoadAlignedVector128 (double *address)
static unsafe Vector128< float > LoadAlignedVector128 (float *address)
static void LoadFence ()
static unsafe Vector128< double > LoadHigh (Vector128< double > lower, double *address)
static unsafe Vector128< float > LoadHigh (Vector128< float > lower, float *address)
static unsafe Vector128< double > LoadLow (Vector128< double > upper, double *address)
static unsafe Vector128< float > LoadLow (Vector128< float > upper, float *address)
static unsafe void MaskMove (Vector128< sbyte > source, Vector128< sbyte > mask, sbyte *address)
static unsafe void MaskMove (Vector128< byte > source, Vector128< byte > mask, byte *address)
static Vector128< byte > Max (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right)
static Vector128< shortMax (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< double > Max (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > Max (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > MaxScalar (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > MaxScalar (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static void MemoryFence ()
static Vector128< byte > Min (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right)
static Vector128< shortMin (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< double > Min (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > Min (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > MinScalar (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > MinScalar (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > MoveScalar (Vector128< double > upper, Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< long > MoveScalar (Vector128< long > value)
static Vector128< ulong > MoveScalar (Vector128< ulong > value)
static Vector128< float > MoveScalar (Vector128< float > upper, Vector128< float > value)
static int MoveMask (Vector128< sbyte > value)
static int MoveMask (Vector128< byte > value)
static int MoveMask (Vector128< double > value)
static int MoveMask (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< ulong > Multiply (Vector128< uint > left, Vector128< uint > right)
static Vector128< double > Multiply (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > Multiply (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > MultiplyScalar (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > MultiplyScalar (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< shortMultiplyHigh (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< ushort > MultiplyHigh (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static Vector128< shortMultiplyLow (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< ushort > MultiplyLow (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static Vector128< byte > Or (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right)
static Vector128< sbyte > Or (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static Vector128< shortOr (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< ushort > Or (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static Vector128< int > Or (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< uint > Or (Vector128< uint > left, Vector128< uint > right)
static Vector128< long > Or (Vector128< long > left, Vector128< long > right)
static Vector128< ulong > Or (Vector128< ulong > left, Vector128< ulong > right)
static Vector128< double > Or (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > Or (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< sbyte > PackSignedSaturate (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< shortPackSignedSaturate (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< byte > PackUnsignedSaturate (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< ushort > SumAbsoluteDifferences (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right)
static Vector128< shortShuffleHigh (Vector128< short > value, byte control)
static Vector128< ushort > ShuffleHigh (Vector128< ushort > value, byte control)
static Vector128< shortShuffleLow (Vector128< short > value, byte control)
static Vector128< ushort > ShuffleLow (Vector128< ushort > value, byte control)
static Vector128< shortShiftLeftLogical (Vector128< short > value, Vector128< short > count)
static Vector128< ushort > ShiftLeftLogical (Vector128< ushort > value, Vector128< ushort > count)
static Vector128< int > ShiftLeftLogical (Vector128< int > value, Vector128< int > count)
static Vector128< uint > ShiftLeftLogical (Vector128< uint > value, Vector128< uint > count)
static Vector128< long > ShiftLeftLogical (Vector128< long > value, Vector128< long > count)
static Vector128< ulong > ShiftLeftLogical (Vector128< ulong > value, Vector128< ulong > count)
static Vector128< shortShiftLeftLogical (Vector128< short > value, byte count)
static Vector128< ushort > ShiftLeftLogical (Vector128< ushort > value, byte count)
static Vector128< int > ShiftLeftLogical (Vector128< int > value, byte count)
static Vector128< uint > ShiftLeftLogical (Vector128< uint > value, byte count)
static Vector128< long > ShiftLeftLogical (Vector128< long > value, byte count)
static Vector128< ulong > ShiftLeftLogical (Vector128< ulong > value, byte count)
static Vector128< sbyte > ShiftLeftLogical128BitLane (Vector128< sbyte > value, byte numBytes)
static Vector128< byte > ShiftLeftLogical128BitLane (Vector128< byte > value, byte numBytes)
static Vector128< shortShiftLeftLogical128BitLane (Vector128< short > value, byte numBytes)
static Vector128< ushort > ShiftLeftLogical128BitLane (Vector128< ushort > value, byte numBytes)
static Vector128< int > ShiftLeftLogical128BitLane (Vector128< int > value, byte numBytes)
static Vector128< uint > ShiftLeftLogical128BitLane (Vector128< uint > value, byte numBytes)
static Vector128< long > ShiftLeftLogical128BitLane (Vector128< long > value, byte numBytes)
static Vector128< ulong > ShiftLeftLogical128BitLane (Vector128< ulong > value, byte numBytes)
static Vector128< shortShiftRightArithmetic (Vector128< short > value, Vector128< short > count)
static Vector128< int > ShiftRightArithmetic (Vector128< int > value, Vector128< int > count)
static Vector128< shortShiftRightArithmetic (Vector128< short > value, byte count)
static Vector128< int > ShiftRightArithmetic (Vector128< int > value, byte count)
static Vector128< shortShiftRightLogical (Vector128< short > value, Vector128< short > count)
static Vector128< ushort > ShiftRightLogical (Vector128< ushort > value, Vector128< ushort > count)
static Vector128< int > ShiftRightLogical (Vector128< int > value, Vector128< int > count)
static Vector128< uint > ShiftRightLogical (Vector128< uint > value, Vector128< uint > count)
static Vector128< long > ShiftRightLogical (Vector128< long > value, Vector128< long > count)
static Vector128< ulong > ShiftRightLogical (Vector128< ulong > value, Vector128< ulong > count)
static Vector128< shortShiftRightLogical (Vector128< short > value, byte count)
static Vector128< ushort > ShiftRightLogical (Vector128< ushort > value, byte count)
static Vector128< int > ShiftRightLogical (Vector128< int > value, byte count)
static Vector128< uint > ShiftRightLogical (Vector128< uint > value, byte count)
static Vector128< long > ShiftRightLogical (Vector128< long > value, byte count)
static Vector128< ulong > ShiftRightLogical (Vector128< ulong > value, byte count)
static Vector128< sbyte > ShiftRightLogical128BitLane (Vector128< sbyte > value, byte numBytes)
static Vector128< byte > ShiftRightLogical128BitLane (Vector128< byte > value, byte numBytes)
static Vector128< shortShiftRightLogical128BitLane (Vector128< short > value, byte numBytes)
static Vector128< ushort > ShiftRightLogical128BitLane (Vector128< ushort > value, byte numBytes)
static Vector128< int > ShiftRightLogical128BitLane (Vector128< int > value, byte numBytes)
static Vector128< uint > ShiftRightLogical128BitLane (Vector128< uint > value, byte numBytes)
static Vector128< long > ShiftRightLogical128BitLane (Vector128< long > value, byte numBytes)
static Vector128< ulong > ShiftRightLogical128BitLane (Vector128< ulong > value, byte numBytes)
static Vector128< double > Sqrt (Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< float > Sqrt (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< double > SqrtScalar (Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< double > SqrtScalar (Vector128< double > upper, Vector128< double > value)
static Vector128< float > SqrtScalar (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > SqrtScalar (Vector128< float > upper, Vector128< float > value)
static unsafe void StoreScalar (double *address, Vector128< double > source)
static unsafe void StoreScalar (int *address, Vector128< int > source)
static unsafe void StoreScalar (long *address, Vector128< long > source)
static unsafe void StoreScalar (uint *address, Vector128< uint > source)
static unsafe void StoreScalar (ulong *address, Vector128< ulong > source)
static unsafe void StoreScalar (float *address, Vector128< float > source)
static unsafe void StoreAligned (sbyte *address, Vector128< sbyte > source)
static unsafe void StoreAligned (byte *address, Vector128< byte > source)
static unsafe void StoreAligned (short *address, Vector128< short > source)
static unsafe void StoreAligned (ushort *address, Vector128< ushort > source)
static unsafe void StoreAligned (int *address, Vector128< int > source)
static unsafe void StoreAligned (uint *address, Vector128< uint > source)
static unsafe void StoreAligned (long *address, Vector128< long > source)
static unsafe void StoreAligned (ulong *address, Vector128< ulong > source)
static unsafe void StoreAligned (double *address, Vector128< double > source)
static unsafe void StoreAligned (float *address, Vector128< float > source)
static unsafe void StoreAlignedNonTemporal (sbyte *address, Vector128< sbyte > source)
static unsafe void StoreAlignedNonTemporal (byte *address, Vector128< byte > source)
static unsafe void StoreAlignedNonTemporal (short *address, Vector128< short > source)
static unsafe void StoreAlignedNonTemporal (ushort *address, Vector128< ushort > source)
static unsafe void StoreAlignedNonTemporal (int *address, Vector128< int > source)
static unsafe void StoreAlignedNonTemporal (uint *address, Vector128< uint > source)
static unsafe void StoreAlignedNonTemporal (long *address, Vector128< long > source)
static unsafe void StoreAlignedNonTemporal (ulong *address, Vector128< ulong > source)
static unsafe void StoreAlignedNonTemporal (double *address, Vector128< double > source)
static unsafe void StoreAlignedNonTemporal (float *address, Vector128< float > source)
static unsafe void Store (sbyte *address, Vector128< sbyte > source)
static unsafe void Store (byte *address, Vector128< byte > source)
static unsafe void Store (short *address, Vector128< short > source)
static unsafe void Store (ushort *address, Vector128< ushort > source)
static unsafe void Store (int *address, Vector128< int > source)
static unsafe void Store (uint *address, Vector128< uint > source)
static unsafe void Store (long *address, Vector128< long > source)
static unsafe void Store (ulong *address, Vector128< ulong > source)
static unsafe void Store (double *address, Vector128< double > source)
static unsafe void Store (float *address, Vector128< float > source)
static unsafe void StoreHigh (double *address, Vector128< double > source)
static unsafe void StoreHigh (float *address, Vector128< float > source)
static unsafe void StoreLow (double *address, Vector128< double > source)
static unsafe void StoreLow (float *address, Vector128< float > source)
static unsafe void StoreNonTemporal (int *address, int value)
static unsafe void StoreNonTemporal (uint *address, uint value)
static Vector128< byte > Subtract (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right)
static Vector128< sbyte > Subtract (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static Vector128< shortSubtract (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< ushort > Subtract (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static Vector128< int > Subtract (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< uint > Subtract (Vector128< uint > left, Vector128< uint > right)
static Vector128< long > Subtract (Vector128< long > left, Vector128< long > right)
static Vector128< ulong > Subtract (Vector128< ulong > left, Vector128< ulong > right)
static Vector128< double > Subtract (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > Subtract (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< double > SubtractScalar (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > SubtractScalar (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< sbyte > SubtractSaturate (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static Vector128< shortSubtractSaturate (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< byte > SubtractSaturate (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right)
static Vector128< ushort > SubtractSaturate (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static Vector128< byte > UnpackHigh (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right)
static Vector128< sbyte > UnpackHigh (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static Vector128< shortUnpackHigh (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< ushort > UnpackHigh (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static Vector128< int > UnpackHigh (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< uint > UnpackHigh (Vector128< uint > left, Vector128< uint > right)
static Vector128< long > UnpackHigh (Vector128< long > left, Vector128< long > right)
static Vector128< ulong > UnpackHigh (Vector128< ulong > left, Vector128< ulong > right)
static Vector128< double > UnpackHigh (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > UnpackHigh (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< byte > UnpackLow (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right)
static Vector128< sbyte > UnpackLow (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static Vector128< shortUnpackLow (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< ushort > UnpackLow (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static Vector128< int > UnpackLow (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< uint > UnpackLow (Vector128< uint > left, Vector128< uint > right)
static Vector128< long > UnpackLow (Vector128< long > left, Vector128< long > right)
static Vector128< ulong > UnpackLow (Vector128< ulong > left, Vector128< ulong > right)
static Vector128< double > UnpackLow (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > UnpackLow (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< byte > Xor (Vector128< byte > left, Vector128< byte > right)
static Vector128< sbyte > Xor (Vector128< sbyte > left, Vector128< sbyte > right)
static Vector128< shortXor (Vector128< short > left, Vector128< short > right)
static Vector128< ushort > Xor (Vector128< ushort > left, Vector128< ushort > right)
static Vector128< int > Xor (Vector128< int > left, Vector128< int > right)
static Vector128< uint > Xor (Vector128< uint > left, Vector128< uint > right)
static Vector128< long > Xor (Vector128< long > left, Vector128< long > right)
static Vector128< ulong > Xor (Vector128< ulong > left, Vector128< ulong > right)
static Vector128< double > Xor (Vector128< double > left, Vector128< double > right)
static Vector128< float > Xor (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< float > MoveHighToLow (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static Vector128< float > MoveLowToHigh (Vector128< float > left, Vector128< float > right)
static unsafe void Prefetch0 (void *address)
static unsafe void Prefetch1 (void *address)
static unsafe void Prefetch2 (void *address)
static unsafe void PrefetchNonTemporal (void *address)
static Vector128< float > Reciprocal (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > ReciprocalScalar (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > ReciprocalScalar (Vector128< float > upper, Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > ReciprocalSqrt (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > ReciprocalSqrtScalar (Vector128< float > value)
static Vector128< float > ReciprocalSqrtScalar (Vector128< float > upper, Vector128< float > value)
static void StoreFence ()
static unsafe (int Eax, int Ebx, int Ecx, int Edx) CpuId(int functionId

Static Package Functions

static uint BitScanForward (uint value)
static uint BitScanReverse (uint value)


static new bool IsSupported [get]
static int subFunctionId

Private Member Functions

static unsafe void __cpuidex (int *cpuInfo, int functionId, int subFunctionId)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7 of file Sse41.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: