Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.DocumentXPathNavigator Class Referencesealed

Public Member Functions

 DocumentXPathNavigator (XmlDocument document, XmlNode node)
 DocumentXPathNavigator (DocumentXPathNavigator other)
override XPathNavigator Clone ()
override void SetValue (string value)
override string GetAttribute (string localName, string namespaceURI)
override bool MoveToAttribute (string localName, string namespaceURI)
override bool MoveToFirstAttribute ()
override bool MoveToNextAttribute ()
override string GetNamespace (string name)
override bool MoveToNamespace (string name)
override bool MoveToFirstNamespace (XPathNamespaceScope scope)
override bool MoveToNextNamespace (XPathNamespaceScope scope)
override string LookupNamespace (string prefix)
override bool MoveToNext ()
override bool MoveToPrevious ()
override bool MoveToFirst ()
override bool MoveToFirstChild ()
override bool MoveToParent ()
override void MoveToRoot ()
override bool MoveTo (XPathNavigator other)
override bool MoveToId (string id)
override bool MoveToChild (string localName, string namespaceUri)
override bool MoveToChild (XPathNodeType type)
override bool MoveToFollowing (string localName, string namespaceUri, XPathNavigator end)
override bool MoveToFollowing (XPathNodeType type, XPathNavigator end)
override bool MoveToNext (string localName, string namespaceUri)
override bool MoveToNext (XPathNodeType type)
override bool IsSamePosition (XPathNavigator other)
override bool IsDescendant ([NotNullWhen(true)] XPathNavigator other)
override bool CheckValidity (XmlSchemaSet schemas, ValidationEventHandler validationEventHandler)
override XmlNodeOrder ComparePosition (XPathNavigator other)
override XPathNodeIterator SelectDescendants (string localName, string namespaceURI, bool matchSelf)
override XPathNodeIterator SelectDescendants (XPathNodeType nt, bool includeSelf)
override XmlWriter PrependChild ()
override XmlWriter AppendChild ()
override XmlWriter InsertAfter ()
override XmlWriter InsertBefore ()
override XmlWriter CreateAttributes ()
override XmlWriter ReplaceRange (XPathNavigator lastSiblingToReplace)
override void DeleteRange (XPathNavigator lastSiblingToDelete)
override void DeleteSelf ()
override string ToString ()
virtual void SetTypedValue (object typedValue)
override object ValueAs (Type returnType, IXmlNamespaceResolver? nsResolver)
virtual object ValueAs (Type returnType)
virtual XPathNavigator CreateNavigator ()
virtual ? string LookupPrefix (string namespaceURI)
virtual IDictionary< string, stringGetNamespacesInScope (XmlNamespaceScope scope)
virtual XmlReader ReadSubtree ()
virtual void WriteSubtree (XmlWriter writer)
bool MoveToFirstNamespace ()
bool MoveToNextNamespace ()
virtual bool MoveToFollowing (string localName, string namespaceURI)
virtual bool MoveToFollowing (string localName, string namespaceURI, XPathNavigator? end)
virtual bool MoveToFollowing (XPathNodeType type)
virtual bool MoveToFollowing (XPathNodeType type, XPathNavigator? end)
virtual bool IsDescendant ([NotNullWhen(true)] XPathNavigator? nav)
virtual XmlNodeOrder ComparePosition (XPathNavigator? nav)
virtual XPathExpression Compile (string xpath)
virtual ? XPathNavigator SelectSingleNode (string xpath)
virtual ? XPathNavigator SelectSingleNode (string xpath, IXmlNamespaceResolver? resolver)
virtual ? XPathNavigator SelectSingleNode (XPathExpression expression)
virtual XPathNodeIterator Select (string xpath)
virtual XPathNodeIterator Select (string xpath, IXmlNamespaceResolver? resolver)
virtual XPathNodeIterator Select (XPathExpression expr)
virtual object Evaluate (string xpath)
virtual object Evaluate (string xpath, IXmlNamespaceResolver? resolver)
virtual object Evaluate (XPathExpression expr)
virtual object Evaluate (XPathExpression expr, XPathNodeIterator? context)
virtual bool Matches (XPathExpression expr)
virtual bool Matches (string xpath)
virtual XPathNodeIterator SelectChildren (XPathNodeType type)
virtual XPathNodeIterator SelectChildren (string name, string namespaceURI)
virtual XPathNodeIterator SelectAncestors (XPathNodeType type, bool matchSelf)
virtual XPathNodeIterator SelectAncestors (string name, string namespaceURI, bool matchSelf)
virtual void PrependChild (string newChild)
virtual void PrependChild (XmlReader newChild)
virtual void PrependChild (XPathNavigator newChild)
virtual void AppendChild (string newChild)
virtual void AppendChild (XmlReader newChild)
virtual void AppendChild (XPathNavigator newChild)
virtual void InsertAfter (string newSibling)
virtual void InsertAfter (XmlReader newSibling)
virtual void InsertAfter (XPathNavigator newSibling)
virtual void InsertBefore (string newSibling)
virtual void InsertBefore (XmlReader newSibling)
virtual void InsertBefore (XPathNavigator newSibling)
virtual void ReplaceSelf (string newNode)
virtual void ReplaceSelf (XmlReader newNode)
virtual void ReplaceSelf (XPathNavigator newNode)
virtual void PrependChildElement (string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI, string value)
virtual void AppendChildElement (string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI, string value)
virtual void InsertElementBefore (string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI, string value)
virtual void InsertElementAfter (string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI, string value)
virtual void CreateAttribute (string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI, string value)

Package Functions

void ResetPosition (XmlNode node)
bool MoveToPrevious (string localName, string namespaceURI)
bool MoveToPrevious (XPathNodeType type)
bool MoveToNonDescendant ()
void BuildSubtree (XmlReader reader, XmlWriter writer)

Static Package Functions

static void DeleteToFollowingSibling (XmlNode node, XmlNode end)
static bool IsFollowingSibling (XmlNode left, [NotNullWhen(true)] XmlNode right)
static XmlNamespaceManager GetNamespaces (IXmlNamespaceResolver resolver)
static int GetContentKindMask (XPathNodeType type)
static int GetKindMask (XPathNodeType type)
static bool IsText (XPathNodeType type)

Static Package Attributes

static readonly XPathNavigatorKeyComparer comparer = new XPathNavigatorKeyComparer()
static readonly char[] NodeTypeLetter = new char[10] { 'R', 'E', 'A', 'N', 'T', 'S', 'W', 'P', 'C', 'X' }
static readonly char[] UniqueIdTbl
static readonly int[] ContentKindMasks = new int[10] { 1, 2, 0, 0, 112, 32, 64, 128, 256, 2147483635 }


override XmlNameTable NameTable [get]
override XPathNodeType NodeType [get]
override string LocalName [get]
override string NamespaceURI [get]
override string Name [get]
override string Prefix [get]
override string Value [get]
string ValueDocument [get]
string ValueText [get]
override string BaseURI [get]
override bool IsEmptyElement [get]
override string XmlLang [get]
override object UnderlyingObject [get]
override bool HasAttributes [get]
override bool HasChildren [get]
override IXmlSchemaInfo SchemaInfo [get]
override bool CanEdit [get]
override bool IsNode [get]
override? XmlSchemaType XmlType [get]
override object TypedValue [get]
override Type ValueType [get]
override bool ValueAsBoolean [get]
override DateTime ValueAsDateTime [get]
override double ValueAsDouble [get]
override int ValueAsInt [get]
override long ValueAsLong [get]
static IEqualityComparer NavigatorComparer [get]
virtual string OuterXml [get, set]
virtual string InnerXml [get, set]
uint IndexInParent [get]
virtual string UniqueId [get]
object debuggerDisplayProxy [get]

Private Member Functions

bool PathHasDuplicateNamespace (XmlElement top, XmlElement bottom, string localName)
XmlNodeOrder Compare (XmlNode node1, XmlNode node2)
XmlNode IHasXmlNode. GetNode ()
void CalibrateText ()
XmlNode ParentNode (XmlNode node)
XmlNode ParentNodeTail (XmlNode parent)
XmlNode FirstChild (XmlNode node)
XmlNode FirstChildTail (XmlNode child)
XmlNode NextSibling (XmlNode node)
XmlNode NextSiblingTail (XmlNode node, XmlNode sibling)
XmlNode PreviousSibling (XmlNode node)
XmlNode PreviousSiblingTail (XmlNode node, XmlNode sibling)
XmlNode PreviousText (XmlNode node)
XmlNode PreviousTextTail (XmlNode node, XmlNode text)
XmlNode TextStart (XmlNode node)
XmlNode TextEnd (XmlNode node)
XmlReader GetValidatingReader (XmlReader reader, XmlSchemaSet schemas, ValidationEventHandler validationEvent, XmlSchemaType schemaType, XmlSchemaElement schemaElement, XmlSchemaAttribute schemaAttribute)
XmlNodeOrder CompareSiblings (XPathNavigator n1, XPathNavigator n2)
bool IsValidChildType (XPathNodeType type)
bool IsValidSiblingType (XPathNodeType type)
XmlReader CreateReader ()
XmlReader CreateContextReader (string xml, bool fromCurrentNode)

Static Private Member Functions

static bool MoveToFirstNamespaceLocal (XmlAttributeCollection attributes, ref int index)
static bool MoveToFirstNamespaceGlobal (ref XmlAttributeCollection attributes, ref int index)
static bool MoveToNextNamespaceLocal (XmlAttributeCollection attributes, ref int index)
static bool MoveToNextNamespaceGlobal (ref XmlAttributeCollection attributes, ref int index)
static XmlNode OwnerNode (XmlNode node)
static int GetDepth (XmlNode node)
static void DeleteAttribute (XmlAttribute attribute, int index)
static XmlNamespaceManager GetNamespaceManager (XmlNode node, XmlDocument document)
static bool ResetAttributePosition (XmlAttribute attribute, [NotNullWhen(true)] XmlAttributeCollection attributes, out int index)
static bool CheckAttributePosition (XmlAttribute attribute, [NotNullWhen(true)] out XmlAttributeCollection attributes, int index)
static bool IsDescendant (XmlNode top, XmlNode bottom)
static bool IsValidChild (XmlNode parent, XmlNode child)
static XPathExpression CompileMatchPattern (string xpath)

Private Attributes

readonly XmlDocument _document
XmlNode _source
int _attributeIndex
XmlElement _namespaceParent

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file DocumentXPathNavigator.cs.

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