Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.XmlCanonicalWriter Class Referencesealed


struct  Attribute
class  AttributeSorter
struct  Element
struct  Scope
struct  XmlnsAttribute

Public Member Functions

void SetOutput (Stream stream, bool includeComments, string[] inclusivePrefixes)
void Flush ()
void Close ()
void WriteDeclaration ()
void WriteComment (string value)
void WriteStartElement (string prefix, string localName)
void WriteStartElement (byte[] prefixBuffer, int prefixOffset, int prefixLength, byte[] localNameBuffer, int localNameOffset, int localNameLength)
void WriteEndStartElement (bool isEmpty)
void WriteEndElement (string prefix, string localName)
void WriteXmlnsAttribute (string prefix, string ns)
void WriteXmlnsAttribute (byte[] prefixBuffer, int prefixOffset, int prefixLength, byte[] nsBuffer, int nsOffset, int nsLength)
void WriteStartAttribute (string prefix, string localName)
void WriteStartAttribute (byte[] prefixBuffer, int prefixOffset, int prefixLength, byte[] localNameBuffer, int localNameOffset, int localNameLength)
void WriteEndAttribute ()
void WriteCharEntity (int ch)
void WriteEscapedText (string value)
void WriteEscapedText (byte[] chars, int offset, int count)
void WriteEscapedText (char[] chars, int offset, int count)
void WriteText (int ch)
void WriteText (byte[] chars, int offset, int count)
void WriteText (string value)
void WriteText (char[] chars, int offset, int count)

Private Member Functions

void StartElement ()
void EndElement ()
bool IsInclusivePrefix (ref XmlnsAttribute xmlnsAttribute)
void EnsureXmlnsBuffer (int byteCount)
void ThrowIfClosed ()
void ThrowClosed ()
void WriteXmlnsAttribute (ref XmlnsAttribute xmlnsAttribute)
void SortAttributes ()
void AddAttribute (ref Attribute attribute)
void AddXmlnsAttribute (ref XmlnsAttribute xmlnsAttribute)
void ResolvePrefix (int prefixOffset, int prefixLength, out int nsOffset, out int nsLength)
void ResolvePrefix (ref Attribute attribute)
void ResolvePrefixes ()
int Compare (ref XmlnsAttribute xmlnsAttribute1, ref XmlnsAttribute xmlnsAttribute2)
int Compare (ref Attribute attribute1, ref Attribute attribute2)
int Compare (byte[] buffer, int offset1, int length1, int offset2, int length2)
int Compare (byte[] buffer1, int offset1, int length1, byte[] buffer2, int offset2, int length2)
bool Equals (byte[] buffer1, int offset1, int length1, byte[] buffer2, int offset2, int length2)

Private Attributes

XmlUTF8NodeWriter _writer
MemoryStream _elementStream
byte[] _elementBuffer
XmlUTF8NodeWriter _elementWriter
bool _inStartElement
int _depth
Scope[] _scopes
int _xmlnsAttributeCount
XmlnsAttribute[] _xmlnsAttributes
int _attributeCount
Attribute[] _attributes
Attribute _attribute
Element _element
byte[] _xmlnsBuffer
int _xmlnsOffset
int _xmlnsStartOffset
bool _includeComments
string[] _inclusivePrefixes

Static Private Attributes

const int maxBytesPerChar = 3
const string xmlnsNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"
static readonly bool[] s_isEscapedAttributeChar
static readonly bool[] s_isEscapedElementChar

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file XmlCanonicalWriter.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: