Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
Terraria.IO.WorldFile Class Reference


class  TilePacker

Static Public Member Functions

static void CacheSaveTime ()
static void SetOngoingToTemps ()
static bool IsValidWorld (string file, bool cloudSave)
static WorldFileData GetAllMetadata (string file, bool cloudSave)
static WorldFileData CreateMetadata (string name, bool cloudSave, int GameMode)
static void ResetTemps ()
static void ClearTempTiles ()
static void LoadWorld (bool loadFromCloud)
static void CheckSavedOreTiers ()
static void SaveWorld ()
static void SaveWorld (bool useCloudSaving, bool resetTime=false)
static void SaveWorld_Version2 (BinaryWriter writer)
static int SaveFileFormatHeader (BinaryWriter writer)
static int SaveHeaderPointers (BinaryWriter writer, int[] pointers)
static int SaveWorldHeader (BinaryWriter writer)
static int SaveWorldTiles (BinaryWriter writer)
static int SaveChests (BinaryWriter writer)
static int SaveSigns (BinaryWriter writer)
static int SaveNPCs (BinaryWriter writer)
static int SaveFooter (BinaryWriter writer)
static int LoadWorld_Version2 (BinaryReader reader)
static bool LoadFileFormatHeader (BinaryReader reader, out bool[] importance, out int[] positions)
static void LoadHeader (BinaryReader reader)
static void LoadWorldTiles (BinaryReader reader, bool[] importance)
static void LoadChests (BinaryReader reader)
static void LoadSigns (BinaryReader reader)
static void LoadDummies (BinaryReader reader)
static void LoadNPCs (BinaryReader reader)
static void ValidateLoadNPCs (BinaryReader fileIO)
static int LoadFooter (BinaryReader reader)
static bool ValidateWorld (BinaryReader fileIO)
static FileMetadata GetFileMetadata (string file, bool cloudSave)
static int SaveTileEntities (BinaryWriter writer)
static void LoadTileEntities (BinaryReader reader)
static int SaveWeightedPressurePlates (BinaryWriter writer)
static void LoadWeightedPressurePlates (BinaryReader reader)
static int SaveTownManager (BinaryWriter writer)
static void LoadTownManager (BinaryReader reader)
static int SaveBestiary (BinaryWriter writer)
static void LoadBestiary (BinaryReader reader, int loadVersionNumber)
static int SaveCreativePowers (BinaryWriter writer)
static void LoadCreativePowers (BinaryReader reader, int loadVersionNumber)

Static Public Attributes

static Exception LastThrownLoadException


static Action OnWorldLoad

Static Private Member Functions

static void InternalSaveWorld (bool useCloudSaving, bool resetTime)
static void DoRollingBackups (string backupWorldWritePath)
static void ResetTempsToDayTime ()
static void SetTempToOngoing ()
static void SetTempToCache ()
static void ConvertOldTileEntities ()
static void LoadWorld_LastMinuteFixes ()
static void FixAgainstExploits ()
static void ConvertIlluminantPaintToNewField ()
static void FixDresserChests ()
static void LoadBestiaryForVersionsBefore210 ()
static int LoadWorld_Version1_Old_BeforeRelease88 (BinaryReader fileIO)

Static Private Attributes

static readonly object IOLock = new object()
static double _tempTime = Main.time
static bool _tempRaining
static float _tempMaxRain
static int _tempRainTime
static bool _tempDayTime = Main.dayTime
static bool _tempBloodMoon = Main.bloodMoon
static bool _tempEclipse = Main.eclipse
static int _tempMoonPhase = Main.moonPhase
static int _tempCultistDelay = CultistRitual.delay
static int _versionNumber
static bool _isWorldOnCloud
static bool _tempPartyGenuine
static bool _tempPartyManual
static int _tempPartyCooldown
static readonly List< int > TempPartyCelebratingNPCs = new List<int>()
static bool _hasCache
static ? bool _cachedDayTime
static ? double _cachedTime
static ? int _cachedMoonPhase
static ? bool _cachedBloodMoon
static ? bool _cachedEclipse
static ? int _cachedCultistDelay
static ? bool _cachedPartyGenuine
static ? bool _cachedPartyManual
static ? int _cachedPartyDaysOnCooldown
static readonly List< int > CachedCelebratingNPCs = new List<int>()
static ? bool _cachedSandstormHappening
static bool _tempSandstormHappening
static ? int _cachedSandstormTimeLeft
static int _tempSandstormTimeLeft
static ? float _cachedSandstormSeverity
static float _tempSandstormSeverity
static ? float _cachedSandstormIntendedSeverity
static float _tempSandstormIntendedSeverity
static bool _tempLanternNightGenuine
static bool _tempLanternNightManual
static bool _tempLanternNightNextNightIsGenuine
static int _tempLanternNightCooldown
static ? bool _cachedLanternNightGenuine
static ? bool _cachedLanternNightManual
static ? bool _cachedLanternNightNextNightIsGenuine
static ? int _cachedLanternNightCooldown

Detailed Description

Definition at line 22 of file WorldFile.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: