Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64< T > Class Template Reference

Public Member Functions

bool Equals (Vector64< T > other)
override bool Equals ([NotNullWhen(true)] object? obj)
override int GetHashCode ()
override string ToString ()
bool Equals (T? other)

Static Public Member Functions

static Vector64< UAs< T, U > (this Vector64< T > vector)
static Vector64< byte > AsByte< T > (this Vector64< T > vector)
static Vector64< double > AsDouble< T > (this Vector64< T > vector)
static Vector64< shortAsInt16< T > (this Vector64< T > vector)
static Vector64< int > AsInt32< T > (this Vector64< T > vector)
static Vector64< long > AsInt64< T > (this Vector64< T > vector)
static Vector64< sbyte > AsSByte< T > (this Vector64< T > vector)
static Vector64< float > AsSingle< T > (this Vector64< T > vector)
static Vector64< ushort > AsUInt16< T > (this Vector64< T > vector)
static Vector64< uint > AsUInt32< T > (this Vector64< T > vector)
static Vector64< ulong > AsUInt64< T > (this Vector64< T > vector)
static Vector64< byte > Create (byte value)
static Vector64< double > Create (double value)
static Vector64< shortCreate (short value)
static Vector64< int > Create (int value)
static Vector64< long > Create (long value)
static Vector64< sbyte > Create (sbyte value)
static Vector64< float > Create (float value)
static Vector64< ushort > Create (ushort value)
static Vector64< uint > Create (uint value)
static Vector64< ulong > Create (ulong value)
static Vector64< byte > Create (byte e0, byte e1, byte e2, byte e3, byte e4, byte e5, byte e6, byte e7)
static Vector64< shortCreate (short e0, short e1, short e2, short e3)
static Vector64< int > Create (int e0, int e1)
static Vector64< sbyte > Create (sbyte e0, sbyte e1, sbyte e2, sbyte e3, sbyte e4, sbyte e5, sbyte e6, sbyte e7)
static Vector64< float > Create (float e0, float e1)
static Vector64< ushort > Create (ushort e0, ushort e1, ushort e2, ushort e3)
static Vector64< uint > Create (uint e0, uint e1)
static Vector64< byte > CreateScalar (byte value)
static Vector64< double > CreateScalar (double value)
static Vector64< shortCreateScalar (short value)
static Vector64< int > CreateScalar (int value)
static Vector64< long > CreateScalar (long value)
static Vector64< sbyte > CreateScalar (sbyte value)
static Vector64< float > CreateScalar (float value)
static Vector64< ushort > CreateScalar (ushort value)
static Vector64< uint > CreateScalar (uint value)
static Vector64< ulong > CreateScalar (ulong value)
static unsafe Vector64< byte > CreateScalarUnsafe (byte value)
static unsafe Vector64< shortCreateScalarUnsafe (short value)
static unsafe Vector64< int > CreateScalarUnsafe (int value)
static unsafe Vector64< sbyte > CreateScalarUnsafe (sbyte value)
static unsafe Vector64< float > CreateScalarUnsafe (float value)
static unsafe Vector64< ushort > CreateScalarUnsafe (ushort value)
static unsafe Vector64< uint > CreateScalarUnsafe (uint value)
static T GetElement< T > (this Vector64< T > vector, int index)
static Vector64< TWithElement< T > (this Vector64< T > vector, int index, T value)
static T ToScalar< T > (this Vector64< T > vector)
static Vector128< TToVector128< T > (this Vector64< T > vector)
static unsafe Vector128< TToVector128Unsafe< T > (this Vector64< T > vector)


static int Count [get]
static Vector64< TZero [get]
static Vector64< TAllBitsSet [get]
string DisplayString [get]
static bool IsSupported [get]

Private Attributes

readonly ulong _00

Detailed Description

Type Constraints
T :struct 

Definition at line 579 of file Vector64.cs.

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