34 [
"IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode", Justification =
"Module.ResolveMethod is marked as RequiresUnreferencedCode because it relies on tokenswhich are not guaranteed to be stable across trimming. So if somebody hardcodes a token it could break.The usage here is not like that as all these tokens come from existing metadata loaded from some ILand so trimming has no effect (the tokens are read AFTER trimming occured).")]
72 internal static void AssignAssociates(
MetadataImport scope,
int mdPropEvent,
RuntimeType declaringType,
RuntimeType reflectedType,
out RuntimeMethodInfo addOn,
out RuntimeMethodInfo removeOn,
out RuntimeMethodInfo fireOn,
out RuntimeMethodInfo getter,
out RuntimeMethodInfo setter,
out MethodInfo[]
out bool composedOfAllPrivateMethods,
out BindingFlags bindingFlags)
75 Attributes attributes = Attributes.ComposedOfAllVirtualMethods | Attributes.ComposedOfAllPrivateMethods | Attributes.ComposedOfNoPublicMembers |
83 int num = result.Length / 2;
84 for (
int i = 0; i < num; i++)
101 attributes &=
102 attributes &=
106 attributes &=
110 attributes &=
114 attributes &=
@ ComposedOfNoPublicMembers
@ ComposedOfAllPrivateMethods
@ ComposedOfAllVirtualMethods
@ ComposedOfNoStaticMembers
static void AssignAssociates(MetadataImport scope, int mdPropEvent, RuntimeType declaringType, RuntimeType reflectedType, out RuntimeMethodInfo addOn, out RuntimeMethodInfo removeOn, out RuntimeMethodInfo fireOn, out RuntimeMethodInfo getter, out RuntimeMethodInfo setter, out MethodInfo[] other, out bool composedOfAllPrivateMethods, out BindingFlags bindingFlags)
static RuntimeMethodInfo AssignAssociates(int tkMethod, RuntimeType declaredType, RuntimeType reflectedType)
static bool IncludeAccessor(MethodInfo associate, bool nonPublic)
static BindingFlags FilterPreCalculate(bool isPublic, bool isInherited, bool isStatic)
static MethodBase GetMethodBase(RuntimeModule scope, int typeMetadataToken)
static unsafe RuntimeMethodHandleInternal ResolveMethodHandleInternal(RuntimeModule module, int methodToken, IntPtr[] typeInstantiationContext, int typeInstCount, IntPtr[] methodInstantiationContext, int methodInstCount)
static int GetSlot(RuntimeMethodHandleInternal method)
static MethodAttributes GetAttributes(RuntimeMethodHandleInternal method)
static TypeAttributes GetAttributes(RuntimeType type)
static RuntimeModule GetModule(RuntimeType type)
static bool IsGenericVariable(RuntimeType type)
static RuntimeMethodHandleInternal GetMethodAt(RuntimeType type, int slot)