Terraria v1.4.4.9
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System.Linq.Expressions.NewArrayBoundsExpression Class Referencesealed

Public Member Functions

NewArrayExpression Update (IEnumerable< Expression > expressions)
Expression< TDelegateUpdate (Expression body, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters)
virtual Expression Reduce ()
Expression ReduceAndCheck ()
Expression ReduceExtensions ()
override string ToString ()
new TDelegate Compile ()
new TDelegate Compile (bool preferInterpretation)
new TDelegate Compile (DebugInfoGenerator debugInfoGenerator)

Static Public Member Functions

static BinaryExpression Assign (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression MakeBinary (ExpressionType binaryType, Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression MakeBinary (ExpressionType binaryType, Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression MakeBinary (ExpressionType binaryType, Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion)
static BinaryExpression Equal (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression Equal (Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression ReferenceEqual (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression NotEqual (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression NotEqual (Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression ReferenceNotEqual (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression GreaterThan (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression GreaterThan (Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression LessThan (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression LessThan (Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression GreaterThanOrEqual (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression GreaterThanOrEqual (Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression LessThanOrEqual (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression LessThanOrEqual (Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression AndAlso (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression AndAlso (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression OrElse (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression OrElse (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression Coalesce (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression Coalesce (Expression left, Expression right, LambdaExpression? conversion)
static BinaryExpression Add (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression Add (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression AddAssign (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression AddAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression AddAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion)
static BinaryExpression AddAssignChecked (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression AddAssignChecked (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression AddAssignChecked (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion)
static BinaryExpression AddChecked (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression AddChecked (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression Subtract (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression Subtract (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression SubtractAssign (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression SubtractAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression SubtractAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion)
static BinaryExpression SubtractAssignChecked (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression SubtractAssignChecked (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression SubtractAssignChecked (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion)
static BinaryExpression SubtractChecked (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression SubtractChecked (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression Divide (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression Divide (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression DivideAssign (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression DivideAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression DivideAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion)
static BinaryExpression Modulo (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression Modulo (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression ModuloAssign (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression ModuloAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression ModuloAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion)
static BinaryExpression Multiply (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression Multiply (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression MultiplyAssign (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression MultiplyAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression MultiplyAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion)
static BinaryExpression MultiplyAssignChecked (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression MultiplyAssignChecked (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression MultiplyAssignChecked (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion)
static BinaryExpression MultiplyChecked (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression MultiplyChecked (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression LeftShift (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression LeftShift (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression LeftShiftAssign (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression LeftShiftAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression LeftShiftAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion)
static BinaryExpression RightShift (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression RightShift (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression RightShiftAssign (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression RightShiftAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression RightShiftAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion)
static BinaryExpression And (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression And (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression AndAssign (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression AndAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression AndAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion)
static BinaryExpression Or (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression Or (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression OrAssign (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression OrAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression OrAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion)
static BinaryExpression ExclusiveOr (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression ExclusiveOr (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression ExclusiveOrAssign (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression ExclusiveOrAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression ExclusiveOrAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion)
static BinaryExpression Power (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression Power (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression PowerAssign (Expression left, Expression right)
static BinaryExpression PowerAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method)
static BinaryExpression PowerAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion)
static BinaryExpression ArrayIndex (Expression array, Expression index)
static MethodCallExpression ArrayIndex (Expression array, params Expression[] indexes)
static MethodCallExpression ArrayIndex (Expression array, IEnumerable< Expression > indexes)
static BlockExpression Block (Expression arg0, Expression arg1)
static BlockExpression Block (Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
static BlockExpression Block (Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3)
static BlockExpression Block (Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3, Expression arg4)
static BlockExpression Block (params Expression[] expressions)
static BlockExpression Block (IEnumerable< Expression > expressions)
static BlockExpression Block (Type type, params Expression[] expressions)
static BlockExpression Block (Type type, IEnumerable< Expression > expressions)
static BlockExpression Block (IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? variables, params Expression[] expressions)
static BlockExpression Block (Type type, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? variables, params Expression[] expressions)
static BlockExpression Block (IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? variables, IEnumerable< Expression > expressions)
static BlockExpression Block (Type type, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? variables, IEnumerable< Expression > expressions)
static CatchBlock Catch (Type type, Expression body)
static CatchBlock Catch (ParameterExpression variable, Expression body)
static CatchBlock Catch (Type type, Expression body, Expression? filter)
static CatchBlock Catch (ParameterExpression variable, Expression body, Expression? filter)
static CatchBlock MakeCatchBlock (Type type, ParameterExpression? variable, Expression body, Expression? filter)
static ConditionalExpression Condition (Expression test, Expression ifTrue, Expression ifFalse)
static ConditionalExpression Condition (Expression test, Expression ifTrue, Expression ifFalse, Type type)
static ConditionalExpression IfThen (Expression test, Expression ifTrue)
static ConditionalExpression IfThenElse (Expression test, Expression ifTrue, Expression ifFalse)
static ConstantExpression Constant (object? value)
static ConstantExpression Constant (object? value, Type type)
static DebugInfoExpression DebugInfo (SymbolDocumentInfo document, int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn)
static DebugInfoExpression ClearDebugInfo (SymbolDocumentInfo document)
static DefaultExpression Empty ()
static DefaultExpression Default (Type type)
static ElementInit ElementInit (MethodInfo addMethod, params Expression[] arguments)
static ElementInit ElementInit (MethodInfo addMethod, IEnumerable< Expression > arguments)
static DynamicExpression Dynamic (CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, IEnumerable< Expression > arguments)
static DynamicExpression Dynamic (CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, Expression arg0)
static DynamicExpression Dynamic (CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, Expression arg0, Expression arg1)
static DynamicExpression Dynamic (CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
static DynamicExpression Dynamic (CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3)
static DynamicExpression Dynamic (CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, params Expression[] arguments)
static DynamicExpression MakeDynamic (Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, IEnumerable< Expression >? arguments)
static DynamicExpression MakeDynamic (Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0)
static DynamicExpression MakeDynamic (Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1)
static DynamicExpression MakeDynamic (Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
static DynamicExpression MakeDynamic (Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3)
static DynamicExpression MakeDynamic (Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, params Expression[]? arguments)
static GotoExpression Break (LabelTarget target)
static GotoExpression Break (LabelTarget target, Expression? value)
static GotoExpression Break (LabelTarget target, Type type)
static GotoExpression Break (LabelTarget target, Expression? value, Type type)
static GotoExpression Continue (LabelTarget target)
static GotoExpression Continue (LabelTarget target, Type type)
static GotoExpression Return (LabelTarget target)
static GotoExpression Return (LabelTarget target, Type type)
static GotoExpression Return (LabelTarget target, Expression? value)
static GotoExpression Return (LabelTarget target, Expression? value, Type type)
static GotoExpression Goto (LabelTarget target)
static GotoExpression Goto (LabelTarget target, Type type)
static GotoExpression Goto (LabelTarget target, Expression? value)
static GotoExpression Goto (LabelTarget target, Expression? value, Type type)
static GotoExpression MakeGoto (GotoExpressionKind kind, LabelTarget target, Expression? value, Type type)
static IndexExpression MakeIndex (Expression instance, PropertyInfo? indexer, IEnumerable< Expression >? arguments)
static IndexExpression ArrayAccess (Expression array, params Expression[]? indexes)
static IndexExpression ArrayAccess (Expression array, IEnumerable< Expression >? indexes)
static IndexExpression Property (Expression instance, string propertyName, params Expression[]? arguments)
static IndexExpression Property (Expression? instance, PropertyInfo indexer, params Expression[]? arguments)
static IndexExpression Property (Expression? instance, PropertyInfo indexer, IEnumerable< Expression >? arguments)
static MemberExpression Property (Expression expression, string propertyName)
static MemberExpression Property (Expression? expression, [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicProperties)] Type type, string propertyName)
static MemberExpression Property (Expression? expression, PropertyInfo property)
static MemberExpression Property (Expression? expression, MethodInfo propertyAccessor)
static InvocationExpression Invoke (Expression expression, params Expression[]? arguments)
static InvocationExpression Invoke (Expression expression, IEnumerable< Expression >? arguments)
static LabelExpression Label (LabelTarget target)
static LabelExpression Label (LabelTarget target, Expression? defaultValue)
static LabelTarget Label ()
static LabelTarget Label (string? name)
static LabelTarget Label (Type type)
static LabelTarget Label (Type type, string? name)
static Expression< TDelegateLambda< TDelegate > (Expression body, params ParameterExpression[]? parameters)
static Expression< TDelegateLambda< TDelegate > (Expression body, bool tailCall, params ParameterExpression[]? parameters)
static Expression< TDelegateLambda< TDelegate > (Expression body, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters)
static Expression< TDelegateLambda< TDelegate > (Expression body, bool tailCall, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters)
static Expression< TDelegateLambda< TDelegate > (Expression body, string? name, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters)
static Expression< TDelegateLambda< TDelegate > (Expression body, string? name, bool tailCall, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters)
static LambdaExpression Lambda (Expression body, params ParameterExpression[]? parameters)
static LambdaExpression Lambda (Expression body, bool tailCall, params ParameterExpression[]? parameters)
static LambdaExpression Lambda (Expression body, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters)
static LambdaExpression Lambda (Expression body, bool tailCall, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters)
static LambdaExpression Lambda (Type delegateType, Expression body, params ParameterExpression[]? parameters)
static LambdaExpression Lambda (Type delegateType, Expression body, bool tailCall, params ParameterExpression[]? parameters)
static LambdaExpression Lambda (Type delegateType, Expression body, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters)
static LambdaExpression Lambda (Type delegateType, Expression body, bool tailCall, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters)
static LambdaExpression Lambda (Expression body, string? name, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters)
static LambdaExpression Lambda (Expression body, string? name, bool tailCall, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters)
static LambdaExpression Lambda (Type delegateType, Expression body, string? name, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters)
static LambdaExpression Lambda (Type delegateType, Expression body, string? name, bool tailCall, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters)
static Type GetFuncType (params Type[]? typeArgs)
static bool TryGetFuncType (Type[] typeArgs, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Type? funcType)
static Type GetActionType (params Type[]? typeArgs)
static bool TryGetActionType (Type[] typeArgs, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Type? actionType)
static Type GetDelegateType (params Type[] typeArgs)
static ListInitExpression ListInit (NewExpression newExpression, params Expression[] initializers)
static ListInitExpression ListInit (NewExpression newExpression, IEnumerable< Expression > initializers)
static ListInitExpression ListInit (NewExpression newExpression, MethodInfo? addMethod, params Expression[] initializers)
static ListInitExpression ListInit (NewExpression newExpression, MethodInfo? addMethod, IEnumerable< Expression > initializers)
static ListInitExpression ListInit (NewExpression newExpression, params ElementInit[] initializers)
static ListInitExpression ListInit (NewExpression newExpression, IEnumerable< ElementInit > initializers)
static LoopExpression Loop (Expression body)
static LoopExpression Loop (Expression body, LabelTarget? @break)
static LoopExpression Loop (Expression body, LabelTarget? @break, LabelTarget? @continue)
static MemberAssignment Bind (MemberInfo member, Expression expression)
static MemberAssignment Bind (MethodInfo propertyAccessor, Expression expression)
static MemberExpression Field (Expression? expression, FieldInfo field)
static MemberExpression Field (Expression expression, string fieldName)
static MemberExpression Field (Expression? expression, [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicFields|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicFields)] Type type, string fieldName)
static MemberExpression PropertyOrField (Expression expression, string propertyOrFieldName)
static MemberExpression MakeMemberAccess (Expression? expression, MemberInfo member)
static MemberInitExpression MemberInit (NewExpression newExpression, params MemberBinding[] bindings)
static MemberInitExpression MemberInit (NewExpression newExpression, IEnumerable< MemberBinding > bindings)
static MemberListBinding ListBind (MemberInfo member, params ElementInit[] initializers)
static MemberListBinding ListBind (MemberInfo member, IEnumerable< ElementInit > initializers)
static MemberListBinding ListBind (MethodInfo propertyAccessor, params ElementInit[] initializers)
static MemberListBinding ListBind (MethodInfo propertyAccessor, IEnumerable< ElementInit > initializers)
static MemberMemberBinding MemberBind (MemberInfo member, params MemberBinding[] bindings)
static MemberMemberBinding MemberBind (MemberInfo member, IEnumerable< MemberBinding > bindings)
static MemberMemberBinding MemberBind (MethodInfo propertyAccessor, params MemberBinding[] bindings)
static MemberMemberBinding MemberBind (MethodInfo propertyAccessor, IEnumerable< MemberBinding > bindings)
static MethodCallExpression Call (MethodInfo method, Expression arg0)
static MethodCallExpression Call (MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1)
static MethodCallExpression Call (MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
static MethodCallExpression Call (MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3)
static MethodCallExpression Call (MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3, Expression arg4)
static MethodCallExpression Call (MethodInfo method, params Expression[]? arguments)
static MethodCallExpression Call (MethodInfo method, IEnumerable< Expression >? arguments)
static MethodCallExpression Call (Expression? instance, MethodInfo method)
static MethodCallExpression Call (Expression? instance, MethodInfo method, params Expression[]? arguments)
static MethodCallExpression Call (Expression? instance, MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1)
static MethodCallExpression Call (Expression? instance, MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
static MethodCallExpression Call (Expression instance, string methodName, Type[]? typeArguments, params Expression[]? arguments)
static MethodCallExpression Call ([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicMethods|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicMethods)] Type type, string methodName, Type[]? typeArguments, params Expression[]? arguments)
static MethodCallExpression Call (Expression? instance, MethodInfo method, IEnumerable< Expression >? arguments)
static NewArrayExpression NewArrayInit (Type type, params Expression[] initializers)
static NewArrayExpression NewArrayInit (Type type, IEnumerable< Expression > initializers)
static NewArrayExpression NewArrayBounds (Type type, params Expression[] bounds)
static NewArrayExpression NewArrayBounds (Type type, IEnumerable< Expression > bounds)
static NewExpression New (ConstructorInfo constructor)
static NewExpression New (ConstructorInfo constructor, params Expression[]? arguments)
static NewExpression New (ConstructorInfo constructor, IEnumerable< Expression >? arguments)
static NewExpression New (ConstructorInfo constructor, IEnumerable< Expression >? arguments, IEnumerable< MemberInfo >? members)
static NewExpression New (ConstructorInfo constructor, IEnumerable< Expression >? arguments, params MemberInfo[]? members)
static NewExpression New ([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicConstructors)] Type type)
static ParameterExpression Parameter (Type type)
static ParameterExpression Parameter (Type type, string? name)
static ParameterExpression Variable (Type type)
static ParameterExpression Variable (Type type, string? name)
static RuntimeVariablesExpression RuntimeVariables (params ParameterExpression[] variables)
static RuntimeVariablesExpression RuntimeVariables (IEnumerable< ParameterExpression > variables)
static SwitchCase SwitchCase (Expression body, params Expression[] testValues)
static SwitchCase SwitchCase (Expression body, IEnumerable< Expression > testValues)
static SwitchExpression Switch (Expression switchValue, params SwitchCase[]? cases)
static SwitchExpression Switch (Expression switchValue, Expression? defaultBody, params SwitchCase[]? cases)
static SwitchExpression Switch (Expression switchValue, Expression? defaultBody, MethodInfo? comparison, params SwitchCase[]? cases)
static SwitchExpression Switch (Type? type, Expression switchValue, Expression? defaultBody, MethodInfo? comparison, params SwitchCase[]? cases)
static SwitchExpression Switch (Expression switchValue, Expression? defaultBody, MethodInfo? comparison, IEnumerable< SwitchCase >? cases)
static SwitchExpression Switch (Type? type, Expression switchValue, Expression? defaultBody, MethodInfo? comparison, IEnumerable< SwitchCase >? cases)
static SymbolDocumentInfo SymbolDocument (string fileName)
static SymbolDocumentInfo SymbolDocument (string fileName, Guid language)
static SymbolDocumentInfo SymbolDocument (string fileName, Guid language, Guid languageVendor)
static SymbolDocumentInfo SymbolDocument (string fileName, Guid language, Guid languageVendor, Guid documentType)
static TryExpression TryFault (Expression body, Expression? fault)
static TryExpression TryFinally (Expression body, Expression? @finally)
static TryExpression TryCatch (Expression body, params CatchBlock[]? handlers)
static TryExpression TryCatchFinally (Expression body, Expression? @finally, params CatchBlock[]? handlers)
static TryExpression MakeTry (Type? type, Expression body, Expression? @finally, Expression? fault, IEnumerable< CatchBlock >? handlers)
static TypeBinaryExpression TypeIs (Expression expression, Type type)
static TypeBinaryExpression TypeEqual (Expression expression, Type type)
static UnaryExpression MakeUnary (ExpressionType unaryType, Expression operand, Type type)
static UnaryExpression MakeUnary (ExpressionType unaryType, Expression operand, Type type, MethodInfo? method)
static UnaryExpression Negate (Expression expression)
static UnaryExpression Negate (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method)
static UnaryExpression UnaryPlus (Expression expression)
static UnaryExpression UnaryPlus (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method)
static UnaryExpression NegateChecked (Expression expression)
static UnaryExpression NegateChecked (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method)
static UnaryExpression Not (Expression expression)
static UnaryExpression Not (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method)
static UnaryExpression IsFalse (Expression expression)
static UnaryExpression IsFalse (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method)
static UnaryExpression IsTrue (Expression expression)
static UnaryExpression IsTrue (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method)
static UnaryExpression OnesComplement (Expression expression)
static UnaryExpression OnesComplement (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method)
static UnaryExpression TypeAs (Expression expression, Type type)
static UnaryExpression Unbox (Expression expression, Type type)
static UnaryExpression Convert (Expression expression, Type type)
static UnaryExpression Convert (Expression expression, Type type, MethodInfo? method)
static UnaryExpression ConvertChecked (Expression expression, Type type)
static UnaryExpression ConvertChecked (Expression expression, Type type, MethodInfo? method)
static UnaryExpression ArrayLength (Expression array)
static UnaryExpression Quote (Expression expression)
static UnaryExpression Rethrow ()
static UnaryExpression Rethrow (Type type)
static UnaryExpression Throw (Expression? value)
static UnaryExpression Throw (Expression? value, Type type)
static UnaryExpression Increment (Expression expression)
static UnaryExpression Increment (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method)
static UnaryExpression Decrement (Expression expression)
static UnaryExpression Decrement (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method)
static UnaryExpression PreIncrementAssign (Expression expression)
static UnaryExpression PreIncrementAssign (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method)
static UnaryExpression PreDecrementAssign (Expression expression)
static UnaryExpression PreDecrementAssign (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method)
static UnaryExpression PostIncrementAssign (Expression expression)
static UnaryExpression PostIncrementAssign (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method)
static UnaryExpression PostDecrementAssign (Expression expression)
static UnaryExpression PostDecrementAssign (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method)

Package Functions

 NewArrayBoundsExpression (Type type, ReadOnlyCollection< Expression > expressions)
override Expression Accept (ExpressionVisitor visitor)
override LambdaExpression Accept (StackSpiller spiller)
virtual Expression VisitChildren (ExpressionVisitor visitor)
virtual bool SameParameters (ICollection< ParameterExpression > parameters)
virtual Expression< TDelegateRewrite (Expression body, ParameterExpression[] parameters)
virtual ReadOnlyCollection< ParameterExpressionGetOrMakeParameters ()
virtual ParameterExpression GetParameter (int index)

Static Package Functions

static NewArrayExpression Make (ExpressionType nodeType, Type type, ReadOnlyCollection< Expression > expressions)
static bool ParameterIsAssignable (ParameterInfo pi, Type argType)
static void ValidateVariables (ReadOnlyCollection< ParameterExpression > varList, string collectionName)
static InvocationExpression Invoke (Expression expression)
static InvocationExpression Invoke (Expression expression, Expression arg0)
static InvocationExpression Invoke (Expression expression, Expression arg0, Expression arg1)
static InvocationExpression Invoke (Expression expression, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
static InvocationExpression Invoke (Expression expression, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3)
static InvocationExpression Invoke (Expression expression, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3, Expression arg4)
static MethodInfo GetInvokeMethod (Expression expression)
static LambdaExpression CreateLambda (Type delegateType, Expression body, string name, bool tailCall, ReadOnlyCollection< ParameterExpression > parameters)
static MethodCallExpression Call (MethodInfo method)
static MethodCallExpression Call (Expression instance, MethodInfo method, Expression arg0)
static Expression< TDelegateCreate (Expression body, string name, bool tailCall, IReadOnlyList< ParameterExpression > parameters)
static MethodInfo GetCompileMethod (Type lambdaExpressionType)


override ExpressionType NodeType [get]
override Type Type [get]
ReadOnlyCollection< ExpressionExpressions [get]
virtual bool CanReduce [get]
string DebugView [get]
override Type TypeCore [get]
override Type PublicType [get]
ReadOnlyCollection< ParameterExpressionParameters [get]
stringName [get]
virtual ? string NameCore [get]
Expression Body [get]
Type ReturnType [get]
bool TailCall [get]
virtual bool TailCallCore [get]
int IParameterProvider. ParameterCount [get]
virtual int ParameterCount [get]

Private Types

enum  TryGetFuncActionArgsResult { Valid , ArgumentNull , ByRef , PointerOrVoid }

Private Member Functions

ParameterExpression IParameterProvider. GetParameter (int index)

Static Private Member Functions

static BinaryExpression GetUserDefinedBinaryOperator (ExpressionType binaryType, string name, Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull)
static MethodInfo GetUserDefinedBinaryOperator (ExpressionType binaryType, Type leftType, Type rightType, string name)
static BinaryExpression GetMethodBasedBinaryOperator (ExpressionType binaryType, Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo method, bool liftToNull)
static BinaryExpression GetMethodBasedAssignOperator (ExpressionType binaryType, Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo method, LambdaExpression conversion, bool liftToNull)
static BinaryExpression GetUserDefinedBinaryOperatorOrThrow (ExpressionType binaryType, string name, Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull)
static BinaryExpression GetUserDefinedAssignOperatorOrThrow (ExpressionType binaryType, string name, Expression left, Expression right, LambdaExpression conversion, bool liftToNull)
static bool IsLiftingConditionalLogicalOperator (Type left, Type right, MethodInfo method, ExpressionType binaryType)
static void ValidateParamswithOperandsOrThrow (Type paramType, Type operandType, ExpressionType exprType, string name)
static void ValidateOperator (MethodInfo method)
static void ValidateMethodInfo (MethodInfo method, string paramName)
static bool IsNullComparison (Expression left, Expression right)
static bool IsNullConstant (Expression e)
static void ValidateUserDefinedConditionalLogicOperator (ExpressionType nodeType, Type left, Type right, MethodInfo method)
static void VerifyOpTrueFalse (ExpressionType nodeType, Type left, MethodInfo opTrue, string paramName)
static bool IsValidLiftedConditionalLogicalOperator (Type left, Type right, ParameterInfo[] pms)
static BinaryExpression GetEqualityComparisonOperator (ExpressionType binaryType, string opName, Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull)
static BinaryExpression GetComparisonOperator (ExpressionType binaryType, string opName, Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull)
static Type ValidateCoalesceArgTypes (Type left, Type right)
static void ValidateOpAssignConversionLambda (LambdaExpression conversion, Expression left, MethodInfo method, ExpressionType nodeType)
static bool IsSimpleShift (Type left, Type right)
static Type GetResultTypeOfShift (Type left, Type right)
static BlockExpression BlockCore (Type type, ReadOnlyCollection< ParameterExpression > variables, ReadOnlyCollection< Expression > expressions)
static BlockExpression GetOptimizedBlockExpression (IReadOnlyList< Expression > expressions)
static void ValidateSpan (int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn)
static void ValidateElementInitAddMethodInfo (MethodInfo addMethod, string paramName)
static void RequiresCanRead (IReadOnlyList< Expression > items, string paramName)
static void RequiresCanWrite (Expression expression, string paramName)
static void ValidateGoto (LabelTarget target, ref Expression value, string targetParameter, string valueParameter, Type type)
static void ValidateGotoType (Type expectedType, ref Expression value, string paramName)
static PropertyInfo FindInstanceProperty ([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicProperties)] Type type, string propertyName, Expression[] arguments)
static string GetArgTypesString (Expression[] arguments)
static PropertyInfo FindProperty ([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicProperties)] Type type, string propertyName, Expression[] arguments, BindingFlags flags)
static bool IsCompatible (PropertyInfo pi, Expression[] args)
static bool IsCompatible (MethodBase m, Expression[] arguments)
static IndexExpression MakeIndexProperty (Expression instance, PropertyInfo indexer, string paramName, ReadOnlyCollection< Expression > argList)
static void ValidateIndexedProperty (Expression instance, PropertyInfo indexer, string paramName, ref ReadOnlyCollection< Expression > argList)
static void ValidateAccessor (Expression instance, MethodInfo method, ParameterInfo[] indexes, ref ReadOnlyCollection< Expression > arguments, string paramName)
static void ValidateAccessorArgumentTypes (MethodInfo method, ParameterInfo[] indexes, ref ReadOnlyCollection< Expression > arguments, string paramName)
static void ValidateLambdaArgs (Type delegateType, ref Expression body, ReadOnlyCollection< ParameterExpression > parameters, string paramName)
static TryGetFuncActionArgsResult ValidateTryGetFuncActionArgs (Type[] typeArgs)
static void ValidateSettableFieldOrPropertyMember (MemberInfo member, out Type memberType)
static PropertyInfo GetProperty (MethodInfo mi, string paramName, int index=-1)
static bool CheckMethod (MethodInfo method, MethodInfo propertyMethod)
static void ValidateListInitArgs (Type listType, ReadOnlyCollection< ElementInit > initializers, string listTypeParamName)
static void ValidateGettableFieldOrPropertyMember (MemberInfo member, out Type memberType)
static void ValidateMemberInitArgs (Type type, ReadOnlyCollection< MemberBinding > bindings)
static ParameterInfo[] ValidateMethodAndGetParameters (Expression instance, MethodInfo method)
static void ValidateStaticOrInstanceMethod (Expression instance, MethodInfo method)
static void ValidateCallInstanceType (Type instanceType, MethodInfo method)
static void ValidateArgumentTypes (MethodBase method, ExpressionType nodeKind, ref ReadOnlyCollection< Expression > arguments, string methodParamName)
static ParameterInfo[] GetParametersForValidation (MethodBase method, ExpressionType nodeKind)
static void ValidateArgumentCount (MethodBase method, ExpressionType nodeKind, int count, ParameterInfo[] pis)
static Expression ValidateOneArgument (MethodBase method, ExpressionType nodeKind, Expression arg, ParameterInfo pi, string methodParamName, string argumentParamName)
static bool TryQuote (Type parameterType, ref Expression argument)
static MethodInfo FindMethod ([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicMethods|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicMethods)] Type type, string methodName, Type[] typeArgs, Expression[] args, BindingFlags flags)
static MethodInfo ApplyTypeArgs (MethodInfo m, Type[] typeArgs)
static void ValidateNewArgs (ConstructorInfo constructor, ref ReadOnlyCollection< Expression > arguments, ref ReadOnlyCollection< MemberInfo > members)
static void ValidateAnonymousTypeMember (ref MemberInfo member, out Type memberType, string paramName, int index)
static void ValidateConstructor (ConstructorInfo constructor, string paramName)
static void Validate (Type type, bool allowByRef)
static void ValidateSwitchCaseType (Expression @case, bool customType, Type resultType, string parameterName)
static void ValidateTryAndCatchHaveSameType (Type type, Expression tryBody, ReadOnlyCollection< CatchBlock > handlers)
static UnaryExpression GetUserDefinedUnaryOperatorOrThrow (ExpressionType unaryType, string name, Expression operand)
static UnaryExpression GetUserDefinedUnaryOperator (ExpressionType unaryType, string name, Expression operand)
static UnaryExpression GetMethodBasedUnaryOperator (ExpressionType unaryType, Expression operand, MethodInfo method)
static UnaryExpression GetUserDefinedCoercionOrThrow (ExpressionType coercionType, Expression expression, Type convertToType)
static UnaryExpression GetUserDefinedCoercion (ExpressionType coercionType, Expression expression, Type convertToType)
static UnaryExpression GetMethodBasedCoercionOperator (ExpressionType unaryType, Expression operand, Type convertToType, MethodInfo method)
static UnaryExpression MakeOpAssignUnary (ExpressionType kind, Expression expression, MethodInfo method)

Private Attributes

readonly Expression _body

Static Private Attributes

static readonly CacheDict< Type, MethodInfos_lambdaDelegateCache = new CacheDict<Type, MethodInfo>(40)
static volatile CacheDict< Type, Func< Expression, string, bool, ReadOnlyCollection< ParameterExpression >, LambdaExpression > > s_lambdaFactories
static ConditionalWeakTable< Expression, ExtensionInfos_legacyCtorSupportTable
static readonly MethodInfo s_expressionCompileMethodInfo = typeof(Expression<>).GetMethod("Compile", System.Type.EmptyTypes)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file NewArrayBoundsExpression.cs.

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