Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression Class Referenceabstract

Public Member Functions

Delegate Compile ()
Delegate Compile (bool preferInterpretation)
Delegate Compile (DebugInfoGenerator debugInfoGenerator)

Package Functions

 LambdaExpression (Expression body)
virtual ReadOnlyCollection< ParameterExpressionGetOrMakeParameters ()
virtual ParameterExpression GetParameter (int index)
LambdaExpression Accept (StackSpiller spiller)

Static Package Functions

static MethodInfo GetCompileMethod (Type lambdaExpressionType)


override Type Type [get]
Type TypeCore [get]
Type PublicType [get]
override ExpressionType NodeType [get]
ReadOnlyCollection< ParameterExpressionParameters [get]
stringName [get]
virtual ? string NameCore [get]
Expression Body [get]
Type ReturnType [get]
bool TailCall [get]
virtual bool TailCallCore [get]
int IParameterProvider. ParameterCount [get]
virtual int ParameterCount [get]

Private Member Functions

ParameterExpression IParameterProvider. GetParameter (int index)

Private Attributes

readonly Expression _body

Static Private Attributes

static readonly MethodInfo s_expressionCompileMethodInfo = typeof(Expression<>).GetMethod("Compile", System.Type.EmptyTypes)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 13 of file LambdaExpression.cs.

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