Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Number.BigInteger Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

unsafe void Add (uint value)
unsafe uint GetBlock (uint index)
int GetLength ()
bool IsZero ()
void Multiply (uint value)
void Multiply (ref BigInteger value)
unsafe void Multiply10 ()
void MultiplyPow10 (uint exponent)
unsafe void ShiftLeft (uint shift)
unsafe uint ToUInt32 ()
unsafe ulong ToUInt64 ()

Static Public Member Functions

static unsafe void Add (ref BigInteger lhs, ref BigInteger rhs, out BigInteger result)
static unsafe int Compare (ref BigInteger lhs, ref BigInteger rhs)
static uint CountSignificantBits (uint value)
static uint CountSignificantBits (ulong value)
static unsafe uint CountSignificantBits (ref BigInteger value)
static unsafe void DivRem (ref BigInteger lhs, ref BigInteger rhs, out BigInteger quo, out BigInteger rem)
static unsafe uint HeuristicDivide (ref BigInteger dividend, ref BigInteger divisor)
static unsafe void Multiply (ref BigInteger lhs, uint value, out BigInteger result)
static unsafe void Multiply (ref BigInteger lhs, ref BigInteger rhs, out BigInteger result)
static unsafe void Pow2 (uint exponent, out BigInteger result)
static unsafe void Pow10 (uint exponent, out BigInteger result)
static unsafe void SetUInt32 (out BigInteger result, uint value)
static unsafe void SetUInt64 (out BigInteger result, ulong value)
static unsafe void SetValue (out BigInteger result, ref BigInteger value)
static void SetZero (out BigInteger result)

Private Member Functions

unsafe void Clear (uint length)

Static Private Member Functions

static unsafe uint AddDivisor (ref BigInteger lhs, int lhsStartIndex, ref BigInteger rhs)
static bool DivideGuessTooBig (ulong q, ulong valHi, uint valLo, uint divHi, uint divLo)
static unsafe uint SubtractDivisor (ref BigInteger lhs, int lhsStartIndex, ref BigInteger rhs, ulong q)
static uint DivRem32 (uint value, out uint remainder)

Private Attributes

int _length
unsafe fixed uint _blocks [115]

Static Private Attributes

static readonly uint[] s_Pow10UInt32Table = new uint[10] { 1u, 10u, 100u, 1000u, 10000u, 100000u, 1000000u, 10000000u, 100000000u, 1000000000u }
static readonly int[] s_Pow10BigNumTableIndices = new int[8] { 0, 2, 5, 10, 18, 33, 61, 116 }
static readonly uint[] s_Pow10BigNumTable

Detailed Description

Definition at line 15 of file Number.cs.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: