Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAce Class Referencesealed

Public Member Functions

 ObjectAce (AceFlags aceFlags, AceQualifier qualifier, int accessMask, SecurityIdentifier sid, ObjectAceFlags flags, Guid type, Guid inheritedType, bool isCallback, byte[]? opaque)
override void GetBinaryForm (byte[] binaryForm, int offset)
byte?[] GetOpaque ()
void SetOpaque (byte[]? opaque)
GenericAce Copy ()
override bool Equals ([NotNullWhen(true)] object? o)
override int GetHashCode ()

Static Public Member Functions

static int MaxOpaqueLength (bool isCallback)
static GenericAce CreateFromBinaryForm (byte[] binaryForm, int offset)
static bool operator== (GenericAce? left, GenericAce? right)
static bool operator!= (GenericAce? left, GenericAce? right)

Package Functions

bool ObjectTypesMatch (ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, Guid objectType)
bool InheritedObjectTypesMatch (ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, Guid inheritedObjectType)
void MarshalHeader (byte[] binaryForm, int offset)

Static Package Functions

static bool ParseBinaryForm (byte[] binaryForm, int offset, out AceQualifier qualifier, out int accessMask, [NotNullWhen(true)] out SecurityIdentifier sid, out ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, out Guid objectAceType, out Guid inheritedObjectAceType, out bool isCallback, out byte[] opaque)
static AceFlags AceFlagsFromAuditFlags (AuditFlags auditFlags)
static AceFlags AceFlagsFromInheritanceFlags (InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags)
static void VerifyHeader (byte[] binaryForm, int offset)

Package Attributes

ushort _indexInAcl


ObjectAceFlags ObjectAceFlags [get, set]
Guid ObjectAceType [get, set]
Guid InheritedObjectAceType [get, set]
override int BinaryLength [get]
override int MaxOpaqueLengthInternal [get]
AceQualifier AceQualifier [get]
bool IsCallback [get]
int OpaqueLength [get]
int AccessMask [get, set]
SecurityIdentifier SecurityIdentifier [get, set]
AceType AceType [get]
AceFlags AceFlags [get, set]
bool IsInherited [get]
InheritanceFlags InheritanceFlags [get]
PropagationFlags PropagationFlags [get]
AuditFlags AuditFlags [get]

Private Member Functions

AceQualifier QualifierFromType (AceType type, out bool isCallback)

Static Private Member Functions

static AceType TypeFromQualifier (bool isCallback, AceQualifier qualifier)

Private Attributes

ObjectAceFlags _objectFlags
Guid _objectAceType
Guid _inheritedObjectAceType
readonly bool _isCallback
readonly AceQualifier _qualifier
byte[] _opaque
int _accessMask
SecurityIdentifier _sid
readonly AceType _type
AceFlags _flags

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file ObjectAce.cs.

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