static AssignBinaryExpression | Make (Expression left, Expression right, bool byRef) |
static BinaryExpression | Assign (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | MakeBinary (ExpressionType binaryType, Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | MakeBinary (ExpressionType binaryType, Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | MakeBinary (ExpressionType binaryType, Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion) |
static BinaryExpression | Equal (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | Equal (Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | ReferenceEqual (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | NotEqual (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | NotEqual (Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | ReferenceNotEqual (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | GreaterThan (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | GreaterThan (Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | LessThan (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | LessThan (Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | GreaterThanOrEqual (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | GreaterThanOrEqual (Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | LessThanOrEqual (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | LessThanOrEqual (Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | AndAlso (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | AndAlso (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | OrElse (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | OrElse (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | Coalesce (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | Coalesce (Expression left, Expression right, LambdaExpression? conversion) |
static BinaryExpression | Add (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | Add (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | AddAssign (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | AddAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | AddAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion) |
static BinaryExpression | AddAssignChecked (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | AddAssignChecked (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | AddAssignChecked (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion) |
static BinaryExpression | AddChecked (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | AddChecked (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | Subtract (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | Subtract (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | SubtractAssign (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | SubtractAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | SubtractAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion) |
static BinaryExpression | SubtractAssignChecked (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | SubtractAssignChecked (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | SubtractAssignChecked (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion) |
static BinaryExpression | SubtractChecked (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | SubtractChecked (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | Divide (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | Divide (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | DivideAssign (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | DivideAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | DivideAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion) |
static BinaryExpression | Modulo (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | Modulo (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | ModuloAssign (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | ModuloAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | ModuloAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion) |
static BinaryExpression | Multiply (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | Multiply (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | MultiplyAssign (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | MultiplyAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | MultiplyAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion) |
static BinaryExpression | MultiplyAssignChecked (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | MultiplyAssignChecked (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | MultiplyAssignChecked (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion) |
static BinaryExpression | MultiplyChecked (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | MultiplyChecked (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | LeftShift (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | LeftShift (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | LeftShiftAssign (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | LeftShiftAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | LeftShiftAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion) |
static BinaryExpression | RightShift (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | RightShift (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | RightShiftAssign (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | RightShiftAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | RightShiftAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion) |
static BinaryExpression | And (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | And (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | AndAssign (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | AndAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | AndAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion) |
static BinaryExpression | Or (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | Or (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | OrAssign (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | OrAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | OrAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion) |
static BinaryExpression | ExclusiveOr (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | ExclusiveOr (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | ExclusiveOrAssign (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | ExclusiveOrAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | ExclusiveOrAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion) |
static BinaryExpression | Power (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | Power (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | PowerAssign (Expression left, Expression right) |
static BinaryExpression | PowerAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method) |
static BinaryExpression | PowerAssign (Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo? method, LambdaExpression? conversion) |
static BinaryExpression | ArrayIndex (Expression array, Expression index) |
static MethodCallExpression | ArrayIndex (Expression array, params Expression[] indexes) |
static MethodCallExpression | ArrayIndex (Expression array, IEnumerable< Expression > indexes) |
static BlockExpression | Block (Expression arg0, Expression arg1) |
static BlockExpression | Block (Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2) |
static BlockExpression | Block (Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3) |
static BlockExpression | Block (Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3, Expression arg4) |
static BlockExpression | Block (params Expression[] expressions) |
static BlockExpression | Block (IEnumerable< Expression > expressions) |
static BlockExpression | Block (Type type, params Expression[] expressions) |
static BlockExpression | Block (Type type, IEnumerable< Expression > expressions) |
static BlockExpression | Block (IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? variables, params Expression[] expressions) |
static BlockExpression | Block (Type type, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? variables, params Expression[] expressions) |
static BlockExpression | Block (IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? variables, IEnumerable< Expression > expressions) |
static BlockExpression | Block (Type type, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? variables, IEnumerable< Expression > expressions) |
static CatchBlock | Catch (Type type, Expression body) |
static CatchBlock | Catch (ParameterExpression variable, Expression body) |
static CatchBlock | Catch (Type type, Expression body, Expression? filter) |
static CatchBlock | Catch (ParameterExpression variable, Expression body, Expression? filter) |
static CatchBlock | MakeCatchBlock (Type type, ParameterExpression? variable, Expression body, Expression? filter) |
static ConditionalExpression | Condition (Expression test, Expression ifTrue, Expression ifFalse) |
static ConditionalExpression | Condition (Expression test, Expression ifTrue, Expression ifFalse, Type type) |
static ConditionalExpression | IfThen (Expression test, Expression ifTrue) |
static ConditionalExpression | IfThenElse (Expression test, Expression ifTrue, Expression ifFalse) |
static ConstantExpression | Constant (object? value) |
static ConstantExpression | Constant (object? value, Type type) |
static DebugInfoExpression | DebugInfo (SymbolDocumentInfo document, int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn) |
static DebugInfoExpression | ClearDebugInfo (SymbolDocumentInfo document) |
static DefaultExpression | Empty () |
static DefaultExpression | Default (Type type) |
static ElementInit | ElementInit (MethodInfo addMethod, params Expression[] arguments) |
static ElementInit | ElementInit (MethodInfo addMethod, IEnumerable< Expression > arguments) |
static DynamicExpression | Dynamic (CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, IEnumerable< Expression > arguments) |
static DynamicExpression | Dynamic (CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, Expression arg0) |
static DynamicExpression | Dynamic (CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, Expression arg0, Expression arg1) |
static DynamicExpression | Dynamic (CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2) |
static DynamicExpression | Dynamic (CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3) |
static DynamicExpression | Dynamic (CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, params Expression[] arguments) |
static DynamicExpression | MakeDynamic (Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, IEnumerable< Expression >? arguments) |
static DynamicExpression | MakeDynamic (Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0) |
static DynamicExpression | MakeDynamic (Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1) |
static DynamicExpression | MakeDynamic (Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2) |
static DynamicExpression | MakeDynamic (Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3) |
static DynamicExpression | MakeDynamic (Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, params Expression[]? arguments) |
static GotoExpression | Break (LabelTarget target) |
static GotoExpression | Break (LabelTarget target, Expression? value) |
static GotoExpression | Break (LabelTarget target, Type type) |
static GotoExpression | Break (LabelTarget target, Expression? value, Type type) |
static GotoExpression | Continue (LabelTarget target) |
static GotoExpression | Continue (LabelTarget target, Type type) |
static GotoExpression | Return (LabelTarget target) |
static GotoExpression | Return (LabelTarget target, Type type) |
static GotoExpression | Return (LabelTarget target, Expression? value) |
static GotoExpression | Return (LabelTarget target, Expression? value, Type type) |
static GotoExpression | Goto (LabelTarget target) |
static GotoExpression | Goto (LabelTarget target, Type type) |
static GotoExpression | Goto (LabelTarget target, Expression? value) |
static GotoExpression | Goto (LabelTarget target, Expression? value, Type type) |
static GotoExpression | MakeGoto (GotoExpressionKind kind, LabelTarget target, Expression? value, Type type) |
static IndexExpression | MakeIndex (Expression instance, PropertyInfo? indexer, IEnumerable< Expression >? arguments) |
static IndexExpression | ArrayAccess (Expression array, params Expression[]? indexes) |
static IndexExpression | ArrayAccess (Expression array, IEnumerable< Expression >? indexes) |
static IndexExpression | Property (Expression instance, string propertyName, params Expression[]? arguments) |
static IndexExpression | Property (Expression? instance, PropertyInfo indexer, params Expression[]? arguments) |
static IndexExpression | Property (Expression? instance, PropertyInfo indexer, IEnumerable< Expression >? arguments) |
static MemberExpression | Property (Expression expression, string propertyName) |
static MemberExpression | Property (Expression? expression, [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicProperties)] Type type, string propertyName) |
static MemberExpression | Property (Expression? expression, PropertyInfo property) |
static MemberExpression | Property (Expression? expression, MethodInfo propertyAccessor) |
static InvocationExpression | Invoke (Expression expression, params Expression[]? arguments) |
static InvocationExpression | Invoke (Expression expression, IEnumerable< Expression >? arguments) |
static LabelExpression | Label (LabelTarget target) |
static LabelExpression | Label (LabelTarget target, Expression? defaultValue) |
static LabelTarget | Label () |
static LabelTarget | Label (string? name) |
static LabelTarget | Label (Type type) |
static LabelTarget | Label (Type type, string? name) |
static Expression< TDelegate > | Lambda< TDelegate > (Expression body, params ParameterExpression[]? parameters) |
static Expression< TDelegate > | Lambda< TDelegate > (Expression body, bool tailCall, params ParameterExpression[]? parameters) |
static Expression< TDelegate > | Lambda< TDelegate > (Expression body, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters) |
static Expression< TDelegate > | Lambda< TDelegate > (Expression body, bool tailCall, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters) |
static Expression< TDelegate > | Lambda< TDelegate > (Expression body, string? name, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters) |
static Expression< TDelegate > | Lambda< TDelegate > (Expression body, string? name, bool tailCall, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters) |
static LambdaExpression | Lambda (Expression body, params ParameterExpression[]? parameters) |
static LambdaExpression | Lambda (Expression body, bool tailCall, params ParameterExpression[]? parameters) |
static LambdaExpression | Lambda (Expression body, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters) |
static LambdaExpression | Lambda (Expression body, bool tailCall, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters) |
static LambdaExpression | Lambda (Type delegateType, Expression body, params ParameterExpression[]? parameters) |
static LambdaExpression | Lambda (Type delegateType, Expression body, bool tailCall, params ParameterExpression[]? parameters) |
static LambdaExpression | Lambda (Type delegateType, Expression body, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters) |
static LambdaExpression | Lambda (Type delegateType, Expression body, bool tailCall, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters) |
static LambdaExpression | Lambda (Expression body, string? name, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters) |
static LambdaExpression | Lambda (Expression body, string? name, bool tailCall, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters) |
static LambdaExpression | Lambda (Type delegateType, Expression body, string? name, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters) |
static LambdaExpression | Lambda (Type delegateType, Expression body, string? name, bool tailCall, IEnumerable< ParameterExpression >? parameters) |
static Type | GetFuncType (params Type[]? typeArgs) |
static bool | TryGetFuncType (Type[] typeArgs, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Type? funcType) |
static Type | GetActionType (params Type[]? typeArgs) |
static bool | TryGetActionType (Type[] typeArgs, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Type? actionType) |
static Type | GetDelegateType (params Type[] typeArgs) |
static ListInitExpression | ListInit (NewExpression newExpression, params Expression[] initializers) |
static ListInitExpression | ListInit (NewExpression newExpression, IEnumerable< Expression > initializers) |
static ListInitExpression | ListInit (NewExpression newExpression, MethodInfo? addMethod, params Expression[] initializers) |
static ListInitExpression | ListInit (NewExpression newExpression, MethodInfo? addMethod, IEnumerable< Expression > initializers) |
static ListInitExpression | ListInit (NewExpression newExpression, params ElementInit[] initializers) |
static ListInitExpression | ListInit (NewExpression newExpression, IEnumerable< ElementInit > initializers) |
static LoopExpression | Loop (Expression body) |
static LoopExpression | Loop (Expression body, LabelTarget? @break) |
static LoopExpression | Loop (Expression body, LabelTarget? @break, LabelTarget? @continue) |
static MemberAssignment | Bind (MemberInfo member, Expression expression) |
static MemberAssignment | Bind (MethodInfo propertyAccessor, Expression expression) |
static MemberExpression | Field (Expression? expression, FieldInfo field) |
static MemberExpression | Field (Expression expression, string fieldName) |
static MemberExpression | Field (Expression? expression, [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicFields|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicFields)] Type type, string fieldName) |
static MemberExpression | PropertyOrField (Expression expression, string propertyOrFieldName) |
static MemberExpression | MakeMemberAccess (Expression? expression, MemberInfo member) |
static MemberInitExpression | MemberInit (NewExpression newExpression, params MemberBinding[] bindings) |
static MemberInitExpression | MemberInit (NewExpression newExpression, IEnumerable< MemberBinding > bindings) |
static MemberListBinding | ListBind (MemberInfo member, params ElementInit[] initializers) |
static MemberListBinding | ListBind (MemberInfo member, IEnumerable< ElementInit > initializers) |
static MemberListBinding | ListBind (MethodInfo propertyAccessor, params ElementInit[] initializers) |
static MemberListBinding | ListBind (MethodInfo propertyAccessor, IEnumerable< ElementInit > initializers) |
static MemberMemberBinding | MemberBind (MemberInfo member, params MemberBinding[] bindings) |
static MemberMemberBinding | MemberBind (MemberInfo member, IEnumerable< MemberBinding > bindings) |
static MemberMemberBinding | MemberBind (MethodInfo propertyAccessor, params MemberBinding[] bindings) |
static MemberMemberBinding | MemberBind (MethodInfo propertyAccessor, IEnumerable< MemberBinding > bindings) |
static MethodCallExpression | Call (MethodInfo method, Expression arg0) |
static MethodCallExpression | Call (MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1) |
static MethodCallExpression | Call (MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2) |
static MethodCallExpression | Call (MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3) |
static MethodCallExpression | Call (MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3, Expression arg4) |
static MethodCallExpression | Call (MethodInfo method, params Expression[]? arguments) |
static MethodCallExpression | Call (MethodInfo method, IEnumerable< Expression >? arguments) |
static MethodCallExpression | Call (Expression? instance, MethodInfo method) |
static MethodCallExpression | Call (Expression? instance, MethodInfo method, params Expression[]? arguments) |
static MethodCallExpression | Call (Expression? instance, MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1) |
static MethodCallExpression | Call (Expression? instance, MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2) |
static MethodCallExpression | Call (Expression instance, string methodName, Type[]? typeArguments, params Expression[]? arguments) |
static MethodCallExpression | Call ([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicMethods|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicMethods)] Type type, string methodName, Type[]? typeArguments, params Expression[]? arguments) |
static MethodCallExpression | Call (Expression? instance, MethodInfo method, IEnumerable< Expression >? arguments) |
static NewArrayExpression | NewArrayInit (Type type, params Expression[] initializers) |
static NewArrayExpression | NewArrayInit (Type type, IEnumerable< Expression > initializers) |
static NewArrayExpression | NewArrayBounds (Type type, params Expression[] bounds) |
static NewArrayExpression | NewArrayBounds (Type type, IEnumerable< Expression > bounds) |
static NewExpression | New (ConstructorInfo constructor) |
static NewExpression | New (ConstructorInfo constructor, params Expression[]? arguments) |
static NewExpression | New (ConstructorInfo constructor, IEnumerable< Expression >? arguments) |
static NewExpression | New (ConstructorInfo constructor, IEnumerable< Expression >? arguments, IEnumerable< MemberInfo >? members) |
static NewExpression | New (ConstructorInfo constructor, IEnumerable< Expression >? arguments, params MemberInfo[]? members) |
static NewExpression | New ([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicConstructors)] Type type) |
static ParameterExpression | Parameter (Type type) |
static ParameterExpression | Parameter (Type type, string? name) |
static ParameterExpression | Variable (Type type) |
static ParameterExpression | Variable (Type type, string? name) |
static RuntimeVariablesExpression | RuntimeVariables (params ParameterExpression[] variables) |
static RuntimeVariablesExpression | RuntimeVariables (IEnumerable< ParameterExpression > variables) |
static SwitchCase | SwitchCase (Expression body, params Expression[] testValues) |
static SwitchCase | SwitchCase (Expression body, IEnumerable< Expression > testValues) |
static SwitchExpression | Switch (Expression switchValue, params SwitchCase[]? cases) |
static SwitchExpression | Switch (Expression switchValue, Expression? defaultBody, params SwitchCase[]? cases) |
static SwitchExpression | Switch (Expression switchValue, Expression? defaultBody, MethodInfo? comparison, params SwitchCase[]? cases) |
static SwitchExpression | Switch (Type? type, Expression switchValue, Expression? defaultBody, MethodInfo? comparison, params SwitchCase[]? cases) |
static SwitchExpression | Switch (Expression switchValue, Expression? defaultBody, MethodInfo? comparison, IEnumerable< SwitchCase >? cases) |
static SwitchExpression | Switch (Type? type, Expression switchValue, Expression? defaultBody, MethodInfo? comparison, IEnumerable< SwitchCase >? cases) |
static SymbolDocumentInfo | SymbolDocument (string fileName) |
static SymbolDocumentInfo | SymbolDocument (string fileName, Guid language) |
static SymbolDocumentInfo | SymbolDocument (string fileName, Guid language, Guid languageVendor) |
static SymbolDocumentInfo | SymbolDocument (string fileName, Guid language, Guid languageVendor, Guid documentType) |
static TryExpression | TryFault (Expression body, Expression? fault) |
static TryExpression | TryFinally (Expression body, Expression? @finally) |
static TryExpression | TryCatch (Expression body, params CatchBlock[]? handlers) |
static TryExpression | TryCatchFinally (Expression body, Expression? @finally, params CatchBlock[]? handlers) |
static TryExpression | MakeTry (Type? type, Expression body, Expression? @finally, Expression? fault, IEnumerable< CatchBlock >? handlers) |
static TypeBinaryExpression | TypeIs (Expression expression, Type type) |
static TypeBinaryExpression | TypeEqual (Expression expression, Type type) |
static UnaryExpression | MakeUnary (ExpressionType unaryType, Expression operand, Type type) |
static UnaryExpression | MakeUnary (ExpressionType unaryType, Expression operand, Type type, MethodInfo? method) |
static UnaryExpression | Negate (Expression expression) |
static UnaryExpression | Negate (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method) |
static UnaryExpression | UnaryPlus (Expression expression) |
static UnaryExpression | UnaryPlus (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method) |
static UnaryExpression | NegateChecked (Expression expression) |
static UnaryExpression | NegateChecked (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method) |
static UnaryExpression | Not (Expression expression) |
static UnaryExpression | Not (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method) |
static UnaryExpression | IsFalse (Expression expression) |
static UnaryExpression | IsFalse (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method) |
static UnaryExpression | IsTrue (Expression expression) |
static UnaryExpression | IsTrue (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method) |
static UnaryExpression | OnesComplement (Expression expression) |
static UnaryExpression | OnesComplement (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method) |
static UnaryExpression | TypeAs (Expression expression, Type type) |
static UnaryExpression | Unbox (Expression expression, Type type) |
static UnaryExpression | Convert (Expression expression, Type type) |
static UnaryExpression | Convert (Expression expression, Type type, MethodInfo? method) |
static UnaryExpression | ConvertChecked (Expression expression, Type type) |
static UnaryExpression | ConvertChecked (Expression expression, Type type, MethodInfo? method) |
static UnaryExpression | ArrayLength (Expression array) |
static UnaryExpression | Quote (Expression expression) |
static UnaryExpression | Rethrow () |
static UnaryExpression | Rethrow (Type type) |
static UnaryExpression | Throw (Expression? value) |
static UnaryExpression | Throw (Expression? value, Type type) |
static UnaryExpression | Increment (Expression expression) |
static UnaryExpression | Increment (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method) |
static UnaryExpression | Decrement (Expression expression) |
static UnaryExpression | Decrement (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method) |
static UnaryExpression | PreIncrementAssign (Expression expression) |
static UnaryExpression | PreIncrementAssign (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method) |
static UnaryExpression | PreDecrementAssign (Expression expression) |
static UnaryExpression | PreDecrementAssign (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method) |
static UnaryExpression | PostIncrementAssign (Expression expression) |
static UnaryExpression | PostIncrementAssign (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method) |
static UnaryExpression | PostDecrementAssign (Expression expression) |
static UnaryExpression | PostDecrementAssign (Expression expression, MethodInfo? method) |
static bool | IsOpAssignment (ExpressionType op) |
static ExpressionType | GetBinaryOpFromAssignmentOp (ExpressionType op) |
static MethodCallExpression | CallGetValueOrDefault (ParameterExpression nullable) |
static MemberExpression | GetHasValueProperty (ParameterExpression nullable) |
static BinaryExpression | GetUserDefinedBinaryOperator (ExpressionType binaryType, string name, Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull) |
static MethodInfo | GetUserDefinedBinaryOperator (ExpressionType binaryType, Type leftType, Type rightType, string name) |
static BinaryExpression | GetMethodBasedBinaryOperator (ExpressionType binaryType, Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo method, bool liftToNull) |
static BinaryExpression | GetMethodBasedAssignOperator (ExpressionType binaryType, Expression left, Expression right, MethodInfo method, LambdaExpression conversion, bool liftToNull) |
static BinaryExpression | GetUserDefinedBinaryOperatorOrThrow (ExpressionType binaryType, string name, Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull) |
static BinaryExpression | GetUserDefinedAssignOperatorOrThrow (ExpressionType binaryType, string name, Expression left, Expression right, LambdaExpression conversion, bool liftToNull) |
static bool | IsLiftingConditionalLogicalOperator (Type left, Type right, MethodInfo method, ExpressionType binaryType) |
static void | ValidateParamswithOperandsOrThrow (Type paramType, Type operandType, ExpressionType exprType, string name) |
static void | ValidateOperator (MethodInfo method) |
static void | ValidateMethodInfo (MethodInfo method, string paramName) |
static bool | IsNullComparison (Expression left, Expression right) |
static bool | IsNullConstant (Expression e) |
static void | ValidateUserDefinedConditionalLogicOperator (ExpressionType nodeType, Type left, Type right, MethodInfo method) |
static void | VerifyOpTrueFalse (ExpressionType nodeType, Type left, MethodInfo opTrue, string paramName) |
static bool | IsValidLiftedConditionalLogicalOperator (Type left, Type right, ParameterInfo[] pms) |
static BinaryExpression | GetEqualityComparisonOperator (ExpressionType binaryType, string opName, Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull) |
static BinaryExpression | GetComparisonOperator (ExpressionType binaryType, string opName, Expression left, Expression right, bool liftToNull) |
static Type | ValidateCoalesceArgTypes (Type left, Type right) |
static void | ValidateOpAssignConversionLambda (LambdaExpression conversion, Expression left, MethodInfo method, ExpressionType nodeType) |
static bool | IsSimpleShift (Type left, Type right) |
static Type | GetResultTypeOfShift (Type left, Type right) |
static BlockExpression | BlockCore (Type type, ReadOnlyCollection< ParameterExpression > variables, ReadOnlyCollection< Expression > expressions) |
static BlockExpression | GetOptimizedBlockExpression (IReadOnlyList< Expression > expressions) |
static void | ValidateSpan (int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn) |
static void | ValidateElementInitAddMethodInfo (MethodInfo addMethod, string paramName) |
static void | RequiresCanRead (IReadOnlyList< Expression > items, string paramName) |
static void | RequiresCanWrite (Expression expression, string paramName) |
static void | ValidateGoto (LabelTarget target, ref Expression value, string targetParameter, string valueParameter, Type type) |
static void | ValidateGotoType (Type expectedType, ref Expression value, string paramName) |
static PropertyInfo | FindInstanceProperty ([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicProperties)] Type type, string propertyName, Expression[] arguments) |
static string | GetArgTypesString (Expression[] arguments) |
static PropertyInfo | FindProperty ([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicProperties)] Type type, string propertyName, Expression[] arguments, BindingFlags flags) |
static bool | IsCompatible (PropertyInfo pi, Expression[] args) |
static bool | IsCompatible (MethodBase m, Expression[] arguments) |
static IndexExpression | MakeIndexProperty (Expression instance, PropertyInfo indexer, string paramName, ReadOnlyCollection< Expression > argList) |
static void | ValidateIndexedProperty (Expression instance, PropertyInfo indexer, string paramName, ref ReadOnlyCollection< Expression > argList) |
static void | ValidateAccessor (Expression instance, MethodInfo method, ParameterInfo[] indexes, ref ReadOnlyCollection< Expression > arguments, string paramName) |
static void | ValidateAccessorArgumentTypes (MethodInfo method, ParameterInfo[] indexes, ref ReadOnlyCollection< Expression > arguments, string paramName) |
static void | ValidateLambdaArgs (Type delegateType, ref Expression body, ReadOnlyCollection< ParameterExpression > parameters, string paramName) |
static TryGetFuncActionArgsResult | ValidateTryGetFuncActionArgs (Type[] typeArgs) |
static void | ValidateSettableFieldOrPropertyMember (MemberInfo member, out Type memberType) |
static PropertyInfo | GetProperty (MethodInfo mi, string paramName, int index=-1) |
static bool | CheckMethod (MethodInfo method, MethodInfo propertyMethod) |
static void | ValidateListInitArgs (Type listType, ReadOnlyCollection< ElementInit > initializers, string listTypeParamName) |
static void | ValidateGettableFieldOrPropertyMember (MemberInfo member, out Type memberType) |
static void | ValidateMemberInitArgs (Type type, ReadOnlyCollection< MemberBinding > bindings) |
static ParameterInfo[] | ValidateMethodAndGetParameters (Expression instance, MethodInfo method) |
static void | ValidateStaticOrInstanceMethod (Expression instance, MethodInfo method) |
static void | ValidateCallInstanceType (Type instanceType, MethodInfo method) |
static void | ValidateArgumentTypes (MethodBase method, ExpressionType nodeKind, ref ReadOnlyCollection< Expression > arguments, string methodParamName) |
static ParameterInfo[] | GetParametersForValidation (MethodBase method, ExpressionType nodeKind) |
static void | ValidateArgumentCount (MethodBase method, ExpressionType nodeKind, int count, ParameterInfo[] pis) |
static Expression | ValidateOneArgument (MethodBase method, ExpressionType nodeKind, Expression arg, ParameterInfo pi, string methodParamName, string argumentParamName) |
static bool | TryQuote (Type parameterType, ref Expression argument) |
static MethodInfo | FindMethod ([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicMethods|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicMethods)] Type type, string methodName, Type[] typeArgs, Expression[] args, BindingFlags flags) |
static MethodInfo | ApplyTypeArgs (MethodInfo m, Type[] typeArgs) |
static void | ValidateNewArgs (ConstructorInfo constructor, ref ReadOnlyCollection< Expression > arguments, ref ReadOnlyCollection< MemberInfo > members) |
static void | ValidateAnonymousTypeMember (ref MemberInfo member, out Type memberType, string paramName, int index) |
static void | ValidateConstructor (ConstructorInfo constructor, string paramName) |
static void | Validate (Type type, bool allowByRef) |
static void | ValidateSwitchCaseType (Expression @case, bool customType, Type resultType, string parameterName) |
static void | ValidateTryAndCatchHaveSameType (Type type, Expression tryBody, ReadOnlyCollection< CatchBlock > handlers) |
static UnaryExpression | GetUserDefinedUnaryOperatorOrThrow (ExpressionType unaryType, string name, Expression operand) |
static UnaryExpression | GetUserDefinedUnaryOperator (ExpressionType unaryType, string name, Expression operand) |
static UnaryExpression | GetMethodBasedUnaryOperator (ExpressionType unaryType, Expression operand, MethodInfo method) |
static UnaryExpression | GetUserDefinedCoercionOrThrow (ExpressionType coercionType, Expression expression, Type convertToType) |
static UnaryExpression | GetUserDefinedCoercion (ExpressionType coercionType, Expression expression, Type convertToType) |
static UnaryExpression | GetMethodBasedCoercionOperator (ExpressionType unaryType, Expression operand, Type convertToType, MethodInfo method) |
static UnaryExpression | MakeOpAssignUnary (ExpressionType kind, Expression expression, MethodInfo method) |