Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriterCodeGen Class Referencesealed

Package Functions

 XmlSerializationWriterCodeGen (IndentedWriter writer, TypeScope[] scopes, string access, string className)
void GenerateBegin ()
override void GenerateMethod (TypeMapping mapping)
void GenerateEnd ()
string GenerateElement (XmlMapping xmlMapping)
void GenerateReferencedMethods ()
string ReferenceMapping (TypeMapping mapping)
void WriteQuotedCSharpString (string value)
void GenerateHashtableGetBegin (string privateName, string publicName)
void GenerateHashtableGetEnd (string privateName)
void GeneratePublicMethods (string privateName, string publicName, string[] methods, XmlMapping[] xmlMappings)
void GenerateSupportedTypes (Type[] types)
string GenerateBaseSerializer (string baseSerializer, string readerClass, string writerClass, CodeIdentifiers classes)
string GenerateTypedSerializer (string readMethod, string writeMethod, XmlMapping mapping, CodeIdentifiers classes, string baseSerializer, string readerClass, string writerClass)
void GenerateSerializerContract (string className, XmlMapping[] xmlMappings, Type[] types, string readerType, string[] readMethods, string writerType, string[] writerMethods, Hashtable serializers)

Static Package Functions

static bool IsWildcard (SpecialMapping mapping)


IndentedWriter Writer [get]
int NextMethodNumber [get, set]
ReflectionAwareCodeGen RaCodeGen [get]
TypeDesc StringTypeDesc [get]
TypeDesc QnameTypeDesc [get]
string ClassName [get]
string Access [get]
TypeScope[] Scopes [get]
Hashtable MethodNames [get]
Hashtable GeneratedMethods [get]

Private Member Functions

void GenerateInitCallbacksMethod ()
void WriteQualifiedNameElement (string name, string ns, object defaultValue, string source, bool nullable, bool IsSoap, TypeMapping mapping)
void WriteEnumValue (EnumMapping mapping, string source)
void WritePrimitiveValue (TypeDesc typeDesc, string source, bool isElement)
void WritePrimitive (string method, string name, string ns, object defaultValue, string source, TypeMapping mapping, bool writeXsiType, bool isElement, bool isNullable)
void WriteTag (string methodName, string name, string ns)
void WriteTag (string methodName, string name, string ns, bool writePrefixed)
void WriteStartElement (string name, string ns, bool writePrefixed)
void WriteEndElement ()
void WriteEndElement (string source)
void WriteEncodedNullTag (string name, string ns)
void WriteLiteralNullTag (string name, string ns)
void WriteEmptyTag (string name, string ns)
string GenerateMembersElement (XmlMembersMapping xmlMembersMapping)
string GenerateTypeElement (XmlTypeMapping xmlTypeMapping)
string NextMethodName (string name)
void WriteEnumMethod (EnumMapping mapping)
void WriteDerivedTypes (StructMapping mapping)
void WriteEnumAndArrayTypes ()
void WriteStructMethod (StructMapping mapping)
bool CanOptimizeWriteListSequence (TypeDesc listElementTypeDesc)
void WriteMember (string source, AttributeAccessor attribute, TypeDesc memberTypeDesc, string parent)
void WriteAttribute (string source, AttributeAccessor attribute, string parent)
void WriteMember (string source, string choiceSource, ElementAccessor[] elements, TextAccessor text, ChoiceIdentifierAccessor choice, TypeDesc memberTypeDesc, bool writeAccessors)
void WriteArray (string source, string choiceSource, ElementAccessor[] elements, TextAccessor text, ChoiceIdentifierAccessor choice, TypeDesc arrayTypeDesc)
void WriteArrayItems (ElementAccessor[] elements, TextAccessor text, ChoiceIdentifierAccessor choice, TypeDesc arrayTypeDesc, string arrayName, string choiceName)
void WriteElements (string source, ElementAccessor[] elements, TextAccessor text, ChoiceIdentifierAccessor choice, string arrayName, bool writeAccessors, bool isNullable)
void WriteElements (string source, string enumSource, ElementAccessor[] elements, TextAccessor text, ChoiceIdentifierAccessor choice, string arrayName, bool writeAccessors, bool isNullable)
void WriteText (string source, TextAccessor text)
void WriteElement (string source, ElementAccessor element, string arrayName, bool writeAccessor)
void WriteElementCall (string func, Type cast, string source, string name, string ns, bool isNullable, bool isAny)
void WriteCheckDefault (TypeMapping mapping, string source, object value, bool isNullable)
void WriteChoiceTypeCheck (string source, string fullTypeName, bool useReflection, ChoiceIdentifierAccessor choice, string enumName, TypeDesc typeDesc)
void WriteNullCheckBegin (string source, ElementAccessor element)
void WriteValue (object value)
void WriteNamespaces (string source)
int FindXmlnsIndex (MemberMapping[] members)
void WriteExtraMembers (string loopStartSource, string loopEndSource)
void WriteLocalDecl (string typeName, string variableName, string initValue, bool useReflection)
void WriteArrayLocalDecl (string typeName, string variableName, string initValue, TypeDesc arrayTypeDesc)
void WriteTypeCompare (string variable, string escapedTypeName, bool useReflection)
void WriteInstanceOf (string source, string escapedTypeName, bool useReflection)
void WriteArrayTypeCompare (string variable, string escapedTypeName, string elementTypeName, bool useReflection)
void WriteEnumCase (string fullTypeName, ConstantMapping c, bool useReflection)
string FindChoiceEnumValue (ElementAccessor element, EnumMapping choiceMapping, bool useReflection)
TypeMapping[] EnsureArrayIndex (TypeMapping[] a, int index)
void GenerateTypedSerializers (Hashtable serializers)
void GenerateGetSerializer (Hashtable serializers, XmlMapping[] xmlMappings)

Private Attributes

readonly IndentedWriter _writer
int _nextMethodNumber
readonly Hashtable _methodNames = new Hashtable()
readonly ReflectionAwareCodeGen _raCodeGen
readonly TypeScope[] _scopes
readonly TypeDesc _stringTypeDesc
readonly TypeDesc _qnameTypeDesc
readonly string _access
readonly string _className
TypeMapping[] _referencedMethods
int _references
readonly Hashtable _generatedMethods = new Hashtable()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file XmlSerializationWriterCodeGen.cs.

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