Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchSparse Class Referencesealed

Public Member Functions

Match NextMatch ()
virtual string Result (string replacement)
override string ToString ()

Static Public Member Functions

static Match Synchronized (Match inner)
static Group Synchronized (Group inner)

Package Functions

 MatchSparse (Regex regex, Hashtable caps, int capcount, string text, int begpos, int len, int startpos)
void Reset (Regex regex, string text, int textbeg, int textend, int textstart)
ReadOnlyMemory< char > GroupToStringImpl (int groupnum)
ReadOnlyMemory< char > LastGroupToStringImpl ()
void AddMatch (int cap, int start, int len)
void BalanceMatch (int cap)
void RemoveMatch (int cap)
bool IsMatched (int cap)
int MatchIndex (int cap)
int MatchLength (int cap)
void Tidy (int textpos)
ReadOnlyMemory< char > GetLeftSubstring ()
ReadOnlyMemory< char > GetRightSubstring ()

Package Attributes

new readonly Hashtable _caps
GroupCollection _groupcoll
Regex _regex
int _textbeg
int _textpos
int _textend
int _textstart
int[][] _matches
int[] _matchcount
bool _balancing
int _capcount
CaptureCollection _capcoll

Static Package Attributes

static readonly Group s_emptyGroup = new Group(string.Empty, Array.Empty<int>(), 0, string.Empty)


override GroupCollection Groups [get]
static Match Empty = new Match(null, 1, string.Empty, 0, 0, 0) [get]
bool Success [get]
string Name [get]
CaptureCollection Captures [get]
int Index [get, protected set]
int Length [get, protected set]
string Text [get, set]
string Value [get]
ReadOnlySpan< char > ValueSpan [get]

Private Member Functions

void TidyBalancing ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file MatchSparse.cs.

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