48 int num = parameters.Length;
55 for (
int i = 0; i < num; i++)
77 int num = parameters.Length;
80 for (
int i = 0; i < num; i++)
118 [
"System.Collections.Immutable converters use Reflection to find and create Immutable Collection types, which requires unreferenced code.")]
124 [
"System.Collections.Immutable converters use Reflection to find and create Immutable Collection types, which requires unreferenced code.")]
136 [
"System.Collections.Immutable converters use Reflection to find and create Immutable Collection types, which requires unreferenced code.")]
142 [
"System.Collections.Immutable converters use Reflection to find and create Immutable Collection types, which requires unreferenced code.")]
static readonly string ConstructorName
static readonly OpCode Castclass
static readonly OpCode Unbox
static readonly OpCode Ldarg_2
static readonly OpCode Unbox_Any
static readonly OpCode Callvirt
static readonly OpCode Newobj
static readonly OpCode Initobj
static readonly OpCode Ldarg_3
static readonly OpCode Ldfld
static readonly OpCode Ldelem_Ref
static readonly OpCode Ldarg_1
static readonly OpCode Call
static readonly OpCode Ret
static readonly OpCode Ldloc
static readonly OpCode Box
static readonly OpCode Ldarg_0
static readonly OpCode Ldc_I4_S
static readonly OpCode Ldloca_S
static readonly OpCode Stfld
virtual Type ParameterType
virtual ? MethodInfo GetMethod
virtual ? MethodInfo SetMethod
static readonly Type ObjectType
delegate object ConstructorDelegate()
static DynamicMethod CreatePropertyGetter(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, Type runtimePropertyType)
override JsonTypeInfo.ParameterizedConstructorDelegate< T, TArg0, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3 > CreateParameterizedConstructor< T, TArg0, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3 >(ConstructorInfo constructor)
override Func< IEnumerable< KeyValuePair< TKey, TValue > >, TCollection > CreateImmutableDictionaryCreateRangeDelegate< TCollection, TKey, TValue >()
static DynamicMethod CreateImmutableEnumerableCreateRangeDelegate(Type collectionType, Type elementType, Type enumerableType)
override Action< object, TProperty > CreateFieldSetter< TProperty >(FieldInfo fieldInfo)
static DynamicMethod CreateParameterizedConstructor(ConstructorInfo constructor, Type parameterType1, Type parameterType2, Type parameterType3, Type parameterType4)
static DynamicMethod CreateParameterizedConstructor(ConstructorInfo constructor)
override Action< object, TProperty > CreatePropertySetter< TProperty >(PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
static DynamicMethod CreateImmutableDictionaryCreateRangeDelegate(Type collectionType, Type keyType, Type valueType, Type enumerableType)
static DynamicMethod CreateFieldSetter(FieldInfo fieldInfo, Type runtimeFieldType)
override Func< object, TProperty > CreatePropertyGetter< TProperty >(PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
static DynamicMethod CreateSetterMethod(string memberName, Type memberType)
override Func< object[], T > CreateParameterizedConstructor< T >(ConstructorInfo constructor)
override JsonTypeInfo.ConstructorDelegate CreateConstructor([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors)] Type type)
static DynamicMethod CreateGetterMethod(string memberName, Type memberType)
override Func< IEnumerable< TElement >, TCollection > CreateImmutableEnumerableCreateRangeDelegate< TCollection, TElement >()
static T CreateDelegate< T >(DynamicMethod method)
static DynamicMethod CreateAddMethodDelegate([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicMethods)] Type collectionType)
override Func< object, TProperty > CreateFieldGetter< TProperty >(FieldInfo fieldInfo)
static DynamicMethod CreateFieldGetter(FieldInfo fieldInfo, Type runtimeFieldType)
static DynamicMethod CreatePropertySetter(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, Type runtimePropertyType)
static readonly Type[] EmptyTypes