49 [
"chapterValue and dataReader schema table rows DataTypes type cannot be statically analyzed.")]
154 for (
int i = 0; i <
array.Length; i++)
162 for (
int j = 0;
j <
164 if (
j].Expression.Length == 0)
180 for (
int l = 0;
l <
182 if (
l].Expression.Length == 0)
254 for (
int i = 0; i <
_xmlMap.Length; i++)
384 for (
int i = 0; i <
num2; i++)
422 for (
int i = 0; i <
index; i++)
432 for (
int i = 0; i <
array.Length; i++)
465 if (items[num] !=
490 object[] result =
647 [
"chapterValue and _schemaTable schema rows DataTypes type cannot be statically analyzed. When _loadOption is set, members from types used in the expression column may be trimmed if not referenced directly.")]
667 object[] result =
894 if (flag &&
array !=
896 if (num <
955 [
"Members from types used in the expression column may be trimmed if not referenced directly.")]
1032 object[] result =
new object[
static unsafe void Copy(Array sourceArray, Array destinationArray, int length)
bool ICollection< KeyValuePair< TKey, TValue > >. Remove(KeyValuePair< TKey, TValue > keyValuePair)
bool ICollection< KeyValuePair< TKey, TValue > >. IsReadOnly
void Add(TKey key, TValue value)
static bool IsDBNull([NotNullWhen(true)] object? value)
static readonly DBNull Value
static ArgumentOutOfRangeException InvalidLoadOption(LoadOption value)
static ArgumentOutOfRangeException InvalidSchemaType(SchemaType value)
static Exception FillChapterAutoIncrement()
static InvalidOperationException MissingDataReaderFieldType(int index)
static InvalidOperationException MissingTableMappingDestination(string dstTable)
static void BuildSchemaTableInfoTableNames(string[] columnNameArray)
static bool IsCatchableOrSecurityExceptionType(Exception e)
static ArgumentOutOfRangeException InvalidMissingMappingAction(MissingMappingAction value)
MissingSchemaAction MissingSchemaAction
virtual bool ShouldSerializeFillLoadOption()
MissingMappingAction MissingMappingAction
int FillFromReader(DataSet dataset, DataTable datatable, string srcTable, DataReaderContainer dataReader, int startRecord, int maxRecords)
DataTableMappingCollection TableMappings
LoadOption FillLoadOption
bool AcceptChangesDuringFill
DataTableMapping GetTableMappingBySchemaAction(string sourceTableName, string dataSetTableName, MissingMappingAction mappingAction)
int IndexOfDataSetTable(string dataSetTable)
static DataColumn CreateDataColumnBySchemaAction(string sourceColumn, string dataSetColumn, DataTable dataTable, [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicFields|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties)] Type dataType, MissingSchemaAction schemaAction)
static ? DataTableMapping GetTableMappingBySchemaAction(DataTableMappingCollection? tableMappings, string sourceTable, string dataSetTable, MissingMappingAction mappingAction)
DataTable? GetDataTableBySchemaAction(DataSet dataSet, MissingSchemaAction schemaAction)
DataColumn? GetDataColumn(string sourceColumn, [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicFields|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties)] Type? dataType, DataTable dataTable, MissingMappingAction mappingAction, MissingSchemaAction schemaAction)
static DbSchemaRow[] GetSortedSchemaRows(DataTable dataTable, bool returnProviderSpecificTypes)
static readonly string AutoIncrementStep
static readonly string DefaultValue
static readonly string Expression
static readonly string AutoIncrementSeed
static readonly string ColumnMapping
static readonly string BaseColumnNamespace
static bool IsAutoIncrementType(Type dataType)
DataRelationCollection Relations
DataTableCollection Tables
void Add(DataTable table)
ConstraintCollection Constraints
DataColumnCollection Columns
DataRow LoadDataRow(object?[] values, bool fAcceptChanges)
Type GetFieldType(int ordinal)
int GetValues(object[] values)
static DataReaderContainer Create(IDataReader dataReader, bool returnProviderSpecificTypes)
bool ReturnProviderSpecificTypes
object[] SetupMapping(int count, DataColumnCollection columnCollection, DataColumn chapterColumn, object chapterValue)
static string[] GenerateFieldNames(DataReaderContainer dataReader)
object[] GetMappedValues()
readonly DataReaderContainer _dataReader
void RollbackAddedItems(List< object > items)
void LoadDataRowWithClear()
readonly object[] _readerDataValues
readonly DataTable _schemaTable
void AddItemToAllowRollback(ref List< object > items, object value)
readonly DataAdapter _adapter
DataColumn[] ResizeColumnArray(DataColumn[] rgcol, int len)
void MappedChapterIndex()
SchemaMapping(DataAdapter adapter, DataSet dataset, DataTable datatable, DataReaderContainer dataReader, bool keyInfo, SchemaType schemaType, string sourceTableName, bool gettingData, DataColumn parentChapterColumn, object parentChapterValue)
readonly DataTableMapping _tableMapping
int[] CreateIndexMap(int count, int index)
readonly DataSet _dataSet
DataReaderContainer DataReader
int LoadDataRowChapters(DataRow dataRow)
object[] SetupSchemaWithKeyInfo(MissingMappingAction mappingAction, MissingSchemaAction schemaAction, bool gettingData, DataColumn parentChapterColumn, object chapterValue)
void ApplyToDataRow(DataRow dataRow)
readonly LoadOption _loadOption
object[] SetupSchemaWithoutKeyInfo(MissingMappingAction mappingAction, MissingSchemaAction schemaAction, bool gettingData, DataColumn parentChapterColumn, object chapterValue)
void AddAdditionalProperties(DataColumn targetColumn, DataRow schemaRow)
void AddRelation(DataColumn parentChapterColumn, DataColumn chapterColumn)
readonly string[] _fieldNames
object[] _mappedDataValues
void FreeDataRowChapters()
static CultureInfo InvariantCulture
static byte Min(byte val1, byte val2)
static XmlReader Create(string inputUri)