Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable< TKey, TValue >.Container Class Referencesealed

Package Functions

 Container (ConditionalWeakTable< TKey, TValue > parent)
void CreateEntryNoResize (TKey key, TValue value)
bool TryGetValueWorker (TKey key, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out TValue value)
int FindEntry (TKey key, out object value)
bool TryGetEntry (int index, [NotNullWhen(true)] out TKey key, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out TValue value)
void RemoveAllKeys ()
bool Remove (TKey key)
void UpdateValue (int entryIndex, TValue newValue)
Container Resize ()
Container Resize (int newSize)


bool HasCapacity [get]
int FirstFreeEntry [get]

Private Member Functions

 Container (ConditionalWeakTable< TKey, TValue > parent, int[] buckets, Entry[] entries, int firstFreeEntry)
void RemoveIndex (int entryIndex)
void VerifyIntegrity ()
 ~Container ()

Private Attributes

readonly ConditionalWeakTable< TKey, TValue > _parent
int[] _buckets
Entry[] _entries
int _firstFreeEntry
bool _invalid
bool _finalized
volatile object _oldKeepAlive

Detailed Description

Definition at line 103 of file ConditionalWeakTable.cs.

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