terraria-cpp2il v1.4.4.9
Terraria mobile dump, with CallAnalysis (see source code). Dump with reconstucted method: https://infinitynichto.github.io/terraria-cpp2il-methodrecon
No Matches
System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCode Class Referencesealed
+ Collaboration diagram for System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCode:

Public Member Functions

 RegexCode (int[] codes, List< string > stringlist, int trackcount, Hashtable caps, int capsize, RegexBoyerMoore bmPrefix, RegexPrefix? fcPrefix, int anchors, bool rightToLeft)

Static Public Member Functions

static bool OpcodeBacktracks (int Op)

Public Attributes

readonly int[] Codes
readonly string[] Strings
readonly int TrackCount
readonly Hashtable Caps
readonly int CapSize
readonly? RegexPrefix FCPrefix
readonly RegexBoyerMoore BMPrefix
readonly int Anchors
readonly bool RightToLeft

Static Public Attributes

const int Onerep = 0
const int Notonerep = 1
const int Setrep = 2
const int Oneloop = 3
const int Notoneloop = 4
const int Setloop = 5
const int Onelazy = 6
const int Notonelazy = 7
const int Setlazy = 8
const int One = 9
const int Notone = 10
const int Set = 11
const int Multi = 12
const int Ref = 13
const int Bol = 14
const int Eol = 15
const int Boundary = 16
const int Nonboundary = 17
const int Beginning = 18
const int Start = 19
const int EndZ = 20
const int End = 21
const int Nothing = 22
const int Lazybranch = 23
const int Branchmark = 24
const int Lazybranchmark = 25
const int Nullcount = 26
const int Setcount = 27
const int Branchcount = 28
const int Lazybranchcount = 29
const int Nullmark = 30
const int Setmark = 31
const int Capturemark = 32
const int Getmark = 33
const int Setjump = 34
const int Backjump = 35
const int Forejump = 36
const int Testref = 37
const int Goto = 38
const int Prune = 39
const int Stop = 40
const int ECMABoundary = 41
const int NonECMABoundary = 42
const int Mask = 63
const int Rtl = 64
const int Back = 128
const int Back2 = 256
const int Ci = 512

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file RegexCode.cs.

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