terraria-cpp2il v1.4.4.9
Terraria mobile dump, with CallAnalysis (see source code). Dump with reconstucted method: https://infinitynichto.github.io/terraria-cpp2il-methodrecon
No Matches
System.Net.IPAddress.ReadOnlyIPAddress Class Referencesealed
+ Inheritance diagram for System.Net.IPAddress.ReadOnlyIPAddress:
+ Collaboration diagram for System.Net.IPAddress.ReadOnlyIPAddress:

Public Member Functions

 ReadOnlyIPAddress (long newAddress)
bool TryWriteBytes (Span< byte > destination, out int bytesWritten)
byte[] GetAddressBytes ()
unsafe override string ToString ()
bool TryFormat (Span< char > destination, out int charsWritten)
override bool Equals (object comparand)
override int GetHashCode ()
IPAddress MapToIPv6 ()
IPAddress MapToIPv4 ()

Static Public Member Functions

static bool TryParse (string ipString, out IPAddress address)
static bool TryParse (ReadOnlySpan< char > ipSpan, out IPAddress address)
static IPAddress Parse (string ipString)
static IPAddress Parse (ReadOnlySpan< char > ipSpan)
static long HostToNetworkOrder (long host)
static int HostToNetworkOrder (int host)
static short HostToNetworkOrder (short host)
static long NetworkToHostOrder (long network)
static int NetworkToHostOrder (int network)
static short NetworkToHostOrder (short network)
static bool IsLoopback (IPAddress address)

Static Public Attributes

static readonly IPAddress Any
static readonly IPAddress Loopback
static readonly IPAddress Broadcast
static readonly IPAddress None
static readonly IPAddress IPv6Any
static readonly IPAddress IPv6Loopback
static readonly IPAddress IPv6None

Package Functions

bool Equals (object comparandObj, bool compareScopeId)

Static Package Attributes

const long LoopbackMask = 255L
const int NumberOfLabels = 8


bool IsIPv4 [get, set]
bool IsIPv6 [get, set]
uint PrivateAddress [get, set]
uint PrivateScopeId [get, set]
AddressFamily AddressFamily [get, set]
long ScopeId [get, set]
bool IsIPv6Multicast [get, set]
bool IsIPv6LinkLocal [get, set]
bool IsIPv6SiteLocal [get, set]
bool IsIPv6Teredo [get, set]
bool IsIPv4MappedToIPv6 [get, set]
long Address [get, set]

Private Member Functions

void WriteIPv6Bytes (Span< byte > destination)
void WriteIPv4Bytes (Span< byte > destination)

Static Private Member Functions

static byte[] ThrowAddressNullException ()

Private Attributes

uint _addressOrScopeId
readonly ushort[] _numbers
string _toString
int _hashCode

Detailed Description

Definition at line 772 of file IPAddress.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: