terraria-cpp2il v1.4.4.9
Terraria mobile dump, with CallAnalysis (see source code). Dump with reconstucted method: https://infinitynichto.github.io/terraria-cpp2il-methodrecon
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ReLogic.Content.Sources.ZipContentSource Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for ReLogic.Content.Sources.ZipContentSource:
+ Collaboration diagram for ReLogic.Content.Sources.ZipContentSource:

Public Member Functions

 ZipContentSource (string path)
 ZipContentSource (string path, string contentDir)
bool HasAsset (string assetName)
string GetExtension (string assetName)
Stream OpenStream (string assetName)
void Dispose ()
void RejectAsset (string assetName, IRejectionReason reason)
void ClearRejections ()
bool TryGetRejections (List< string > rejectionReasons)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)


int EntryCount [get, set]
IContentValidator ContentValidator [get, set]

Private Member Functions

void BuildExtensionFreeEntryList ()
bool< BuildExtensionFreeEntryListb__14_0 (ZipEntry entry)

Static Private Member Functions

static bool ZipPathContainsInvalidCharacters (string path)
static string CleanZipPath (string path)

Private Attributes

IContentValidator< ContentValidatork__BackingField
readonly ZipFile _zipFile
readonly Dictionary< string, ZipEntry_entries
readonly string _basePath
bool _isDisposed
readonly RejectedAssetCollection _rejections

Detailed Description

Definition at line 15 of file ZipContentSource.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: