terraria-cpp2il v1.4.4.9
Terraria mobile dump, with CallAnalysis (see source code). Dump with reconstucted method: https://infinitynichto.github.io/terraria-cpp2il-methodrecon
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System.Xml.Schema.XmlAnyConverter Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for System.Xml.Schema.XmlAnyConverter:
+ Collaboration diagram for System.Xml.Schema.XmlAnyConverter:

Public Member Functions

override bool ToBoolean (object value)
override DateTime ToDateTime (object value)
override DateTimeOffset ToDateTimeOffset (object value)
override decimal ToDecimal (object value)
override double ToDouble (object value)
override int ToInt32 (object value)
override long ToInt64 (object value)
override float ToSingle (object value)
override object ChangeType (bool value, Type destinationType)
override object ChangeType (DateTime value, Type destinationType)
override object ChangeType (decimal value, Type destinationType)
override object ChangeType (double value, Type destinationType)
override object ChangeType (int value, Type destinationType)
override object ChangeType (long value, Type destinationType)
override object ChangeType (string value, Type destinationType, IXmlNamespaceResolver nsResolver)
override object ChangeType (object value, Type destinationType, IXmlNamespaceResolver nsResolver)
override bool ToBoolean (DateTime value)
override bool ToBoolean (double value)
override bool ToBoolean (int value)
override bool ToBoolean (long value)
override bool ToBoolean (string value)
override DateTime ToDateTime (bool value)
override DateTime ToDateTime (DateTimeOffset value)
override DateTime ToDateTime (double value)
override DateTime ToDateTime (int value)
override DateTime ToDateTime (long value)
override DateTime ToDateTime (string value)
override DateTimeOffset ToDateTimeOffset (DateTime value)
override DateTimeOffset ToDateTimeOffset (string value)
override decimal ToDecimal (string value)
override double ToDouble (bool value)
override double ToDouble (DateTime value)
override double ToDouble (int value)
override double ToDouble (long value)
override double ToDouble (string value)
override int ToInt32 (bool value)
override int ToInt32 (DateTime value)
override int ToInt32 (double value)
override int ToInt32 (long value)
override int ToInt32 (string value)
override long ToInt64 (bool value)
override long ToInt64 (DateTime value)
override long ToInt64 (double value)
override long ToInt64 (int value)
override long ToInt64 (string value)
override float ToSingle (double value)
override float ToSingle (string value)
override string ToString (bool value)
override string ToString (DateTime value)
override string ToString (DateTimeOffset value)
override string ToString (decimal value)
override string ToString (double value)
override string ToString (int value)
override string ToString (long value)
override string ToString (float value)
override string ToString (object value, IXmlNamespaceResolver nsResolver)
override string ToString (object value)
override object ChangeType (object value, Type destinationType)

Static Public Attributes

static readonly XmlValueConverter Item
static readonly XmlValueConverter AnyAtomic

Protected Member Functions

 XmlAnyConverter (XmlTypeCode typeCode)
Exception CreateInvalidClrMappingException (Type sourceType, Type destinationType)
virtual object ChangeListType (object value, Type destinationType, IXmlNamespaceResolver nsResolver)

Static Protected Member Functions

static bool IsDerivedFrom (Type derivedType, Type baseType)
static string QNameToString (XmlQualifiedName name)
static string QNameToString (XmlQualifiedName qname, IXmlNamespaceResolver nsResolver)
static byte[] StringToBase64Binary (string value)
static DateTime StringToDate (string value)
static DateTime StringToDateTime (string value)
static TimeSpan StringToDayTimeDuration (string value)
static TimeSpan StringToDuration (string value)
static DateTime StringToGDay (string value)
static DateTime StringToGMonth (string value)
static DateTime StringToGMonthDay (string value)
static DateTime StringToGYear (string value)
static DateTime StringToGYearMonth (string value)
static DateTimeOffset StringToDateOffset (string value)
static DateTimeOffset StringToDateTimeOffset (string value)
static DateTimeOffset StringToGDayOffset (string value)
static DateTimeOffset StringToGMonthOffset (string value)
static DateTimeOffset StringToGMonthDayOffset (string value)
static DateTimeOffset StringToGYearOffset (string value)
static DateTimeOffset StringToGYearMonthOffset (string value)
static byte[] StringToHexBinary (string value)
static XmlQualifiedName StringToQName (string value, IXmlNamespaceResolver nsResolver)
static DateTime StringToTime (string value)
static DateTimeOffset StringToTimeOffset (string value)
static TimeSpan StringToYearMonthDuration (string value)
static string AnyUriToString (Uri value)
static string Base64BinaryToString (byte[] value)
static string DateToString (DateTime value)
static string DateTimeToString (DateTime value)
static string DayTimeDurationToString (TimeSpan value)
static string DurationToString (TimeSpan value)
static string GDayToString (DateTime value)
static string GMonthToString (DateTime value)
static string GMonthDayToString (DateTime value)
static string GYearToString (DateTime value)
static string GYearMonthToString (DateTime value)
static string DateOffsetToString (DateTimeOffset value)
static string DateTimeOffsetToString (DateTimeOffset value)
static string GDayOffsetToString (DateTimeOffset value)
static string GMonthOffsetToString (DateTimeOffset value)
static string GMonthDayOffsetToString (DateTimeOffset value)
static string GYearOffsetToString (DateTimeOffset value)
static string GYearMonthOffsetToString (DateTimeOffset value)
static string TimeToString (DateTime value)
static string TimeOffsetToString (DateTimeOffset value)
static string YearMonthDurationToString (TimeSpan value)
static long DecimalToInt64 (decimal value)
static ulong DecimalToUInt64 (decimal value)
static byte Int32ToByte (int value)
static short Int32ToInt16 (int value)
static sbyte Int32ToSByte (int value)
static ushort Int32ToUInt16 (int value)
static int Int64ToInt32 (long value)
static uint Int64ToUInt32 (long value)
static DateTime UntypedAtomicToDateTime (string value)
static DateTimeOffset UntypedAtomicToDateTimeOffset (string value)

Static Protected Attributes

static readonly Type ICollectionType
static readonly Type IEnumerableType
static readonly Type IListType
static readonly Type ObjectArrayType
static readonly Type StringArrayType
static readonly Type XmlAtomicValueArrayType
static readonly Type DecimalType
static readonly Type Int32Type
static readonly Type Int64Type
static readonly Type StringType
static readonly Type XmlAtomicValueType
static readonly Type ObjectType
static readonly Type ByteType
static readonly Type Int16Type
static readonly Type SByteType
static readonly Type UInt16Type
static readonly Type UInt32Type
static readonly Type UInt64Type
static readonly Type XPathItemType
static readonly Type DoubleType
static readonly Type SingleType
static readonly Type DateTimeType
static readonly Type DateTimeOffsetType
static readonly Type BooleanType
static readonly Type ByteArrayType
static readonly Type XmlQualifiedNameType
static readonly Type UriType
static readonly Type TimeSpanType
static readonly Type XPathNavigatorType

Static Package Functions

static DateTime DateTimeOffsetToDateTime (DateTimeOffset value)
static int DecimalToInt32 (decimal value)


XmlSchemaType SchemaType [get, set]
XmlTypeCode TypeCode [get, set]
string XmlTypeName [get, set]
Type DefaultClrType [get, set]

Private Member Functions

object ChangeTypeWildcardDestination (object value, Type destinationType, IXmlNamespaceResolver nsResolver)
object ChangeTypeWildcardSource (object value, Type destinationType, IXmlNamespaceResolver nsResolver)
XPathNavigator ToNavigator (XPathNavigator nav)

Static Private Member Functions

static XmlAnyConverter ()

Private Attributes

XmlSchemaType schemaType
XmlTypeCode typeCode
Type clrTypeDefault

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file XmlAnyConverter.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: