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System.Xml.HtmlEncodedRawTextWriterIndent Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for System.Xml.HtmlEncodedRawTextWriterIndent:
+ Collaboration diagram for System.Xml.HtmlEncodedRawTextWriterIndent:

Public Member Functions

 HtmlEncodedRawTextWriterIndent (TextWriter writer, XmlWriterSettings settings)
 HtmlEncodedRawTextWriterIndent (Stream stream, XmlWriterSettings settings)
override void WriteDocType (string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset)
override void WriteStartElement (string prefix, string localName, string ns)
override void WriteStartAttribute (string prefix, string localName, string ns)
override void WriteEndElement ()
override void WriteFullEndElement ()
override void WriteEndAttribute ()
override void WriteProcessingInstruction (string target, string text)
unsafe override void WriteString (string text)
override void WriteEntityRef (string name)
override void WriteCharEntity (char ch)
override void WriteSurrogateCharEntity (char lowChar, char highChar)
unsafe override void WriteChars (char[] buffer, int index, int count)
override void WriteCData (string text)
override void WriteComment (string text)
unsafe override void WriteWhitespace (string ws)
unsafe override void WriteRaw (char[] buffer, int index, int count)
unsafe override void WriteRaw (string data)
override void Close ()
override void Flush ()
override void WriteStartDocument ()
override void WriteStartDocument (bool standalone)
override void WriteEndDocument ()
override void WriteBase64 (byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
override string LookupPrefix (string ns)
override void WriteValue (string value)
void WriteAttributeString (string prefix, string localName, string ns, string value)
virtual void WriteBinHex (byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
void Dispose ()

Static Public Member Functions

static XmlWriter Create (Stream output, XmlWriterSettings settings)
static XmlWriter Create (TextWriter output, XmlWriterSettings settings)

Protected Member Functions

override void FlushBuffer ()
void WriteMetaElement ()
unsafe void WriteHtmlElementTextBlock (char *pSrc, char *pSrcEnd)
unsafe void WriteHtmlAttributeTextBlock (char *pSrc, char *pSrcEnd)
unsafe void WriteAttributeTextBlock (char *pSrc, char *pSrcEnd)
unsafe void WriteElementTextBlock (char *pSrc, char *pSrcEnd)
unsafe void RawText (string s)
unsafe void RawText (char *pSrcBegin, char *pSrcEnd)
unsafe void WriteRawWithCharChecking (char *pSrcBegin, char *pSrcEnd)
unsafe void WriteCommentOrPi (string text, int stopChar)
unsafe void WriteCDataSection (string text)
void ChangeTextContentMark (bool value)
unsafe char * WriteNewLine (char *pDst)
void ValidateContentChars (string chars, string propertyName, bool allowOnlyWhitespace)
virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)

Static Protected Member Functions

static unsafe char * LtEntity (char *pDst)
static unsafe char * GtEntity (char *pDst)
static unsafe char * AmpEntity (char *pDst)
static unsafe char * QuoteEntity (char *pDst)
static unsafe char * TabEntity (char *pDst)
static unsafe char * LineFeedEntity (char *pDst)
static unsafe char * CarriageReturnEntity (char *pDst)
static unsafe char * RawStartCData (char *pDst)
static unsafe char * RawEndCData (char *pDst)

Protected Attributes

ByteStack elementScope
ElementProperties currentElementProperties
byte[] bufBytes
Stream stream
Encoding encoding
XmlCharType xmlCharType
int bufPos
int textPos
int contentPos
int cdataPos
int attrEndPos
int bufLen
bool writeToNull
bool hadDoubleBracket
bool inAttributeValue
int bufBytesUsed
char[] bufChars
Encoder encoder
TextWriter writer
bool trackTextContent
bool inTextContent
NewLineHandling newLineHandling
bool closeOutput
bool omitXmlDeclaration
string newLineChars
bool checkCharacters
XmlStandalone standalone
XmlOutputMethod outputMethod
bool autoXmlDeclaration
bool mergeCDataSections
XmlRawWriterBase64Encoder base64Encoder
IXmlNamespaceResolver resolver

Static Protected Attributes

static TernaryTreeReadOnly elementPropertySearch
static TernaryTreeReadOnly attributePropertySearch

Package Functions

override void StartElementContent ()
override void WriteEndElement (string prefix, string localName, string ns)
override void WriteXmlDeclaration (XmlStandalone standalone)
override void WriteXmlDeclaration (string xmldecl)
override void WriteFullEndElement (string prefix, string localName, string ns)
override void WriteNamespaceDeclaration (string prefix, string namespaceName)
override void WriteStartNamespaceDeclaration (string prefix)
override void WriteEndNamespaceDeclaration ()
virtual void Close (WriteState currentState)
unsafe void EncodeChar (ref char *pSrc, char *pSrcEnd, ref char *pDst)
virtual void OnRootElement (ConformanceLevel conformanceLevel)
virtual void WriteEndBase64 ()


override bool SupportsNamespaceDeclarationInChunks [get, set]
override WriteState WriteState [get, set]
virtual IXmlNamespaceResolver NamespaceResolver [set]

Private Member Functions

void Init (XmlWriterSettings settings)
void WriteIndent ()
unsafe void WriteHtmlAttributeText (char *pSrc, char *pSrcEnd)
unsafe void WriteUriAttributeText (char *pSrc, char *pSrcEnd)
void OutputRestAmps ()
void EncodeChars (int startOffset, int endOffset, bool writeAllToStream)
void FlushEncoder ()
unsafe char * InvalidXmlChar (int ch, char *pDst, bool entitize)
void GrowTextContentMarks ()

Static Private Member Functions

static unsafe char * EncodeSurrogate (char *pSrc, char *pSrcEnd, char *pDst)
static unsafe char * CharEntity (char *pDst, char ch)

Private Attributes

int indentLevel
int endBlockPos
string indentChars
bool newLineOnAttributes
AttributeProperties currentAttributeProperties
bool endsWithAmpersand
byte[] uriEscapingBuffer
string mediaType
bool doNotEscapeUriAttributes
readonly bool useAsync
int lastMarkPos
int[] textContentMarks
CharEntityEncoderFallback charEntityFallback

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file HtmlEncodedRawTextWriterIndent.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: