terraria-cpp2il v1.4.4.9
Terraria mobile dump, with CallAnalysis (see source code). Dump with reconstucted method: https://infinitynichto.github.io/terraria-cpp2il-methodrecon
No Matches

◆ ZoneBeach

bool Terraria.Player.ZoneBeach

Definition at line 2549 of file Player.cs.

2550 {
2551 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x60022E5")]
2552 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Address(RVA = "0xEA3038", Offset = "0xEA3038", Length = "0x10")]
2553 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = typeof(Chest), Member = "SetupShop", MemberParameters = new object[] { typeof(int) }, ReturnType = typeof(void))]
2554 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = typeof(Projectile), Member = "FishingCheck_RollItemDrop", MemberParameters = new object[] { typeof(ref FishingAttempt) }, ReturnType = typeof(void))]
2555 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = typeof(WorldGen), Member = "RandomizeBackgroundBasedOnPlayer", MemberParameters = new object[]
2556 {
2558 typeof(Player)
2559 }, ReturnType = typeof(void))]
2560 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = typeof(OceanBiome), Member = "IsInBiome", MemberParameters = new object[] { typeof(Player) }, ReturnType = typeof(bool))]
2561 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = typeof(Terraria.GameContent.ItemDropRules.Conditions.DesertKeyCondition), Member = "CanDrop", MemberParameters = new object[] { typeof(DropAttemptInfo) }, ReturnType = typeof(bool))]
2562 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = typeof(Sandstorm), Member = "EmitDust", ReturnType = typeof(void))]
2563 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = "Terraria.GameContent.Ambience.AmbienceServer.<>c", Member = "<.ctor>b__10_18", MemberParameters = new object[] { typeof(Player) }, ReturnType = typeof(bool))]
2564 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CallerCount(Count = 13)]
2565 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(BitsByte), Member = "get_Item", MemberParameters = new object[] { typeof(int) }, ReturnType = typeof(bool))]
2566 get
2567 {
2568 throw null;
2569 }
2570 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x60022E6")]
2571 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Address(RVA = "0xEA3048", Offset = "0xEA3048", Length = "0x14")]
2572 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CallerCount(Count = 0)]
2573 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(BitsByte), Member = "set_Item", MemberParameters = new object[]
2574 {
2575 typeof(int),
2576 typeof(bool)
2577 }, ReturnType = typeof(void))]
2578 set
2579 {
2580 throw null;
2581 }
2582 }
class f__AnonymousType0<< Count > j__TPar