Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Net.WebSockets.HttpWebSocket Class Reference

Static Package Functions

static string GetSecWebSocketAcceptString (string secWebSocketKey)
static bool ProcessWebSocketProtocolHeader (string clientSecWebSocketProtocol, string subProtocol, out string acceptProtocol)
static void ValidateOptions (string subProtocol, int receiveBufferSize, int sendBufferSize, TimeSpan keepAliveInterval)
static Task< HttpListenerWebSocketContextAcceptWebSocketAsync (HttpListenerContext context, string subProtocol, int receiveBufferSize, TimeSpan keepAliveInterval, ArraySegment< byte > internalBuffer)
static ConfiguredTaskAwaitable SuppressContextFlow (this Task task)
static ConfiguredTaskAwaitable< TSuppressContextFlow< T > (this Task< T > task)
static void ValidateInnerStream (Stream innerStream)
static void ThrowIfConnectionAborted (Stream connection, bool read)
static void ThrowPlatformNotSupportedException_WSPC ()


static string SupportedVersion [get]
static bool WebSocketsSupported = Environment.OSVersion.Version >= new Version(6, 2) [get]

Static Private Member Functions

static void ValidateWebSocketHeaders (HttpListenerContext context)
static async Task< HttpListenerWebSocketContextAcceptWebSocketAsyncCore (HttpListenerContext context, string subProtocol, int receiveBufferSize, TimeSpan keepAliveInterval, ArraySegment< byte > internalBuffer)
static unsafe ulong SendWebSocketHeaders (HttpListenerResponse response)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 12 of file HttpWebSocket.cs.

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