Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
Interop.WebSocket Class Reference


struct  Buffer
struct  CloseBuffer
struct  DataBuffer
struct  HttpHeader
struct  Property

Package Functions

static void WebSocketAbortHandle ([In] SafeHandle webSocketHandle)
static int WebSocketBeginClientHandshake ([In] SafeHandle webSocketHandle, [In] IntPtr subProtocols, [In] uint subProtocolCount, [In] IntPtr extensions, [In] uint extensionCount, [In] HttpHeader[] initialHeaders, [In] uint initialHeaderCount, out IntPtr additionalHeadersPtr, out uint additionalHeaderCount)
static int WebSocketBeginServerHandshake ([In] SafeHandle webSocketHandle, [In] IntPtr subProtocol, [In] IntPtr extensions, [In] uint extensionCount, [In] HttpHeader[] requestHeaders, [In] uint requestHeaderCount, out IntPtr responseHeadersPtr, out uint responseHeaderCount)
static void WebSocketCompleteAction ([In] SafeHandle webSocketHandle, [In] IntPtr actionContext, [In] uint bytesTransferred)
static int WebSocketCreateClientHandle ([In] Property[] properties, [In] uint propertyCount, out SafeWebSocketHandle webSocketHandle)
static int WebSocketCreateServerHandle ([In] Property[] properties, [In] uint propertyCount, out SafeWebSocketHandle webSocketHandle)
static void WebSocketDeleteHandle ([In] IntPtr webSocketHandle)
static int WebSocketEndServerHandshake ([In] SafeHandle webSocketHandle)
static int WebSocketGetAction ([In] SafeHandle webSocketHandle, [In] WebSocketProtocolComponent.ActionQueue actionQueue, [In][Out] Buffer[] dataBuffers, [In][Out] ref uint dataBufferCount, out WebSocketProtocolComponent.Action action, out WebSocketProtocolComponent.BufferType bufferType, out IntPtr applicationContext, out IntPtr actionContext)
static int WebSocketReceive ([In] SafeHandle webSocketHandle, [In] IntPtr buffers, [In] IntPtr applicationContext)
static int WebSocketSend_Raw ([In] SafeHandle webSocketHandle, [In] WebSocketProtocolComponent.BufferType bufferType, [In] ref Buffer buffer, [In] IntPtr applicationContext)
static int WebSocketSendWithoutBody_Raw ([In] SafeHandle webSocketHandle, [In] WebSocketProtocolComponent.BufferType bufferType, [In] IntPtr buffer, [In] IntPtr applicationContext)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 21 of file Interop.cs.

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