Terraria v1.4.4.9
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System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.DataflowBlock Class Reference


class  ChooseTarget
class  EncapsulatingPropagator
class  FilteredLinkPropagator
class  NullTargetBlock
class  OutputAvailableAsyncTarget
class  ReceiveTarget
class  SendAsyncSource
class  SourceObservable
class  TargetObserver

Static Public Member Functions

static IDisposable LinkTo< TOutput > (this ISourceBlock< TOutput > source, ITargetBlock< TOutput > target)
static IDisposable LinkTo< TOutput > (this ISourceBlock< TOutput > source, ITargetBlock< TOutput > target, Predicate< TOutput > predicate)
static IDisposable LinkTo< TOutput > (this ISourceBlock< TOutput > source, ITargetBlock< TOutput > target, DataflowLinkOptions linkOptions, Predicate< TOutput > predicate)
static bool Post< TInput > (this ITargetBlock< TInput > target, TInput item)
static Task< boolSendAsync< TInput > (this ITargetBlock< TInput > target, TInput item)
static Task< boolSendAsync< TInput > (this ITargetBlock< TInput > target, TInput item, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
static bool TryReceive< TOutput > (this IReceivableSourceBlock< TOutput > source, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out TOutput item)
static Task< TOutput > ReceiveAsync< TOutput > (this ISourceBlock< TOutput > source)
static Task< TOutput > ReceiveAsync< TOutput > (this ISourceBlock< TOutput > source, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
static Task< TOutput > ReceiveAsync< TOutput > (this ISourceBlock< TOutput > source, TimeSpan timeout)
static Task< TOutput > ReceiveAsync< TOutput > (this ISourceBlock< TOutput > source, TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
static TOutput Receive< TOutput > (this ISourceBlock< TOutput > source)
static TOutput Receive< TOutput > (this ISourceBlock< TOutput > source, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
static TOutput Receive< TOutput > (this ISourceBlock< TOutput > source, TimeSpan timeout)
static TOutput Receive< TOutput > (this ISourceBlock< TOutput > source, TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
static Task< boolOutputAvailableAsync< TOutput > (this ISourceBlock< TOutput > source)
static Task< boolOutputAvailableAsync< TOutput > (this ISourceBlock< TOutput > source, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
static IPropagatorBlock< TInput, TOutput > Encapsulate< TInput, TOutput > (ITargetBlock< TInput > target, ISourceBlock< TOutput > source)
static Task< int > Choose< T1, T2 > (ISourceBlock< T1 > source1, Action< T1 > action1, ISourceBlock< T2 > source2, Action< T2 > action2)
static Task< int > Choose< T1, T2 > (ISourceBlock< T1 > source1, Action< T1 > action1, ISourceBlock< T2 > source2, Action< T2 > action2, DataflowBlockOptions dataflowBlockOptions)
static Task< int > Choose< T1, T2, T3 > (ISourceBlock< T1 > source1, Action< T1 > action1, ISourceBlock< T2 > source2, Action< T2 > action2, ISourceBlock< T3 > source3, Action< T3 > action3)
static Task< int > Choose< T1, T2, T3 > (ISourceBlock< T1 > source1, Action< T1 > action1, ISourceBlock< T2 > source2, Action< T2 > action2, ISourceBlock< T3 > source3, Action< T3 > action3, DataflowBlockOptions dataflowBlockOptions)
static IObservable< TOutput > AsObservable< TOutput > (this ISourceBlock< TOutput > source)
static IObserver< TInputAsObserver< TInput > (this ITargetBlock< TInput > target)
static ITargetBlock< TInputNullTarget< TInput > ()
static IAsyncEnumerable< TOutput > ReceiveAllAsync< TOutput > (this IReceivableSourceBlock< TOutput > source, CancellationToken cancellationToken=default(CancellationToken))

Private Types

enum  ReceiveCoreByLinkingCleanupReason {
  Success , Timer , Cancellation , SourceCompletion ,
  SourceProtocolError , ErrorDuringCleanup

Static Private Member Functions

static Task< TOutput > ReceiveCore< TOutput > (this ISourceBlock< TOutput > source, bool attemptTryReceive, TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
static Task< TOutput > ReceiveCoreByLinking< TOutput > (ISourceBlock< TOutput > source, int millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
static Task< int > ChooseCore< T1, T2, T3 > (ISourceBlock< T1 > source1, Action< T1 > action1, ISourceBlock< T2 > source2, Action< T2 > action2, ISourceBlock< T3 > source3, Action< T3 > action3, DataflowBlockOptions dataflowBlockOptions)
static bool TryChooseFromSource< T > (ISourceBlock< T > source, Action< T > action, int branchId, TaskScheduler scheduler, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Task< int > task)
static Task< int > ChooseCoreByLinking< T1, T2, T3 > (ISourceBlock< T1 > source1, Action< T1 > action1, ISourceBlock< T2 > source2, Action< T2 > action2, ISourceBlock< T3 > source3, Action< T3 > action3, DataflowBlockOptions dataflowBlockOptions)
static Task< int > CreateChooseBranch< T > (StrongBox< Task > boxedCompleted, CancellationTokenSource cts, TaskScheduler scheduler, int branchId, ISourceBlock< T > source, Action< T > action)

Static Private Attributes

static readonly Action< object > _cancelCts
static readonly ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions _nonGreedyExecutionOptions

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file DataflowBlock.cs.

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