Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.ReadContentAsBinaryHelper Class Referencesealed

Package Functions

 ReadContentAsBinaryHelper (XmlReader reader)
int ReadContentAsBase64 (byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
int ReadContentAsBinHex (byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
int ReadElementContentAsBase64 (byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
int ReadElementContentAsBinHex (byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
void Finish ()
void Reset ()
async Task< int > ReadContentAsBase64Async (byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
async Task< int > ReadContentAsBinHexAsync (byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
async Task< int > ReadElementContentAsBase64Async (byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
async Task< int > ReadElementContentAsBinHexAsync (byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
async Task FinishAsync ()

Static Package Functions

static ReadContentAsBinaryHelper CreateOrReset (ReadContentAsBinaryHelper helper, XmlReader reader)

Private Types

enum  State { None , InReadContent , InReadElementContent }

Private Member Functions

bool Init ()
bool InitOnElement ()
void InitBase64Decoder ()
void InitBinHexDecoder ()
int ReadContentAsBinary (byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
int ReadElementContentAsBinary (byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
bool MoveToNextContentNode (bool moveIfOnContentNode)
async Task< boolInitAsync ()
async Task< boolInitOnElementAsync ()
async Task< int > ReadContentAsBinaryAsync (byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
async Task< int > ReadElementContentAsBinaryAsync (byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
async Task< boolMoveToNextContentNodeAsync (bool moveIfOnContentNode)

Private Attributes

readonly XmlReader _reader
State _state
int _valueOffset
bool _isEnd
readonly bool _canReadValueChunk
readonly char[] _valueChunk
int _valueChunkLength
IncrementalReadDecoder _decoder
Base64Decoder _base64Decoder
BinHexDecoder _binHexDecoder

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file ReadContentAsBinaryHelper.cs.

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