Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Threading.Channels.Channel< TWrite, TRead > Class Template Referenceabstract

Static Public Member Functions

static Channel< TCreateUnbounded< T > ()
static Channel< TCreateUnbounded< T > (UnboundedChannelOptions options)
static Channel< TCreateBounded< T > (int capacity)
static Channel< TCreateBounded< T > (BoundedChannelOptions options)
static Channel< TCreateBounded< T > (BoundedChannelOptions options, Action< T >? itemDropped)
static implicit operator ChannelReader< TRead > (Channel< TWrite, TRead > channel)
static implicit operator ChannelWriter< TWrite > (Channel< TWrite, TRead > channel)


ChannelReader< TRead > Reader [get, protected set]
ChannelWriter< TWrite > Writer [get, protected set]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 49 of file Channel.cs.

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