Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Linq.Parallel.JoinQueryOperator< TLeftInput, TRightInput, TKey, TOutput > Class Template Referencesealed

Public Member Functions

override void WrapPartitionedStream< TLeftKey, TRightKey > (PartitionedStream< TLeftInput, TLeftKey > leftStream, PartitionedStream< TRightInput, TRightKey > rightStream, IPartitionedStreamRecipient< TOutput > outputRecipient, bool preferStriping, QuerySettings settings)
override IEnumerator< TOutput > GetEnumerator ()
IEnumerator< TOutput > GetEnumerator (ParallelMergeOptions? mergeOptions)

Protected Member Functions

void SetOrdinalIndex (OrdinalIndexState indexState)

Protected Attributes

bool _outputOrdered

Package Functions

 JoinQueryOperator (ParallelQuery< TLeftInput > left, ParallelQuery< TRightInput > right, Func< TLeftInput, TKey > leftKeySelector, Func< TRightInput, TKey > rightKeySelector, Func< TLeftInput, TRightInput, TOutput > resultSelector, IEqualityComparer< TKey > keyComparer)
override QueryResults< TOutput > Open (QuerySettings settings, bool preferStriping)
override IEnumerable< TOutput > AsSequentialQuery (CancellationToken token)
virtual IEnumerator< TOutput > GetEnumerator (ParallelMergeOptions? mergeOptions, bool suppressOrderPreservation)
IEnumerator< TOutput > GetOpenedEnumerator (ParallelMergeOptions? mergeOptions, bool suppressOrder, bool forEffect, QuerySettings querySettings)
TOutput[] ExecuteAndGetResultsAsArray ()
virtual ParallelQuery< TCastToCast< TCastTo > ()
override ParallelQuery< TCastToCast< TCastTo > ()
virtual ParallelQuery< TCastToOfType< TCastTo > ()
override ParallelQuery< TCastToOfType< TCastTo > ()
virtual IEnumerator GetEnumeratorUntyped ()
override IEnumerator GetEnumeratorUntyped ()

Static Package Functions

static ListQueryResults< TOutput > ExecuteAndCollectResults< TKey > (PartitionedStream< TOutput, TKey > openedChild, int partitionCount, bool outputOrdered, bool useStriping, QuerySettings settings)
static QueryOperator< TOutput > AsQueryOperator (IEnumerable< TOutput > source)


override bool LimitsParallelism [get]
QueryOperator< TLeftInput > LeftChild [get]
QueryOperator< TRightInputRightChild [get]
override OrdinalIndexState OrdinalIndexState [get]
bool OutputOrdered [get]
QuerySettings SpecifiedQuerySettings [get]

Private Member Functions

void WrapPartitionedStreamHelper< TLeftKey, TRightKey > (PartitionedStream< Pair< TLeftInput, TKey >, TLeftKey > leftHashStream, PartitionedStream< TRightInput, TRightKey > rightPartitionedStream, IPartitionedStreamRecipient< TOutput > outputRecipient, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
void WrapPartitionedStreamHelper< TLeftKey, TRightKey, TOutputKey > (PartitionedStream< Pair< TLeftInput, TKey >, TLeftKey > leftHashStream, PartitionedStream< Pair< TRightInput, TKey >, TRightKey > rightHashStream, HashJoinOutputKeyBuilder< TLeftKey, TRightKey, TOutputKey > outputKeyBuilder, IComparer< TOutputKey > outputKeyComparer, IPartitionedStreamRecipient< TOutput > outputRecipient, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
QueryResults< TOutput > GetQueryResults (QuerySettings querySettings)

Private Attributes

readonly Func< TLeftInput, TKey > _leftKeySelector
readonly Func< TRightInput, TKey > _rightKeySelector
readonly Func< TLeftInput, TRightInput, TOutput > _resultSelector
readonly IEqualityComparer< TKey > _keyComparer
readonly QueryOperator< TLeftInput > _leftChild
readonly QueryOperator< TRightInput_rightChild
OrdinalIndexState _indexState = OrdinalIndexState.Shuffled
QuerySettings _specifiedSettings

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file JoinQueryOperator.cs.

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