Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Linq.Expressions.Error Class Reference

Static Package Functions

static Exception ReducibleMustOverrideReduce ()
static Exception ArgCntMustBeGreaterThanNameCnt ()
static Exception InvalidMetaObjectCreated (object p0)
static Exception AmbiguousMatchInExpandoObject (object p0)
static Exception SameKeyExistsInExpando (object key)
static Exception KeyDoesNotExistInExpando (object p0)
static Exception CollectionModifiedWhileEnumerating ()
static Exception CollectionReadOnly ()
static Exception MustReduceToDifferent ()
static Exception BinderNotCompatibleWithCallSite (object p0, object p1, object p2)
static Exception DynamicBindingNeedsRestrictions (object p0, object p1)
static Exception DynamicObjectResultNotAssignable (object p0, object p1, object p2, object p3)
static Exception DynamicBinderResultNotAssignable (object p0, object p1, object p2)
static Exception BindingCannotBeNull ()
static Exception ReducedNotCompatible ()
static Exception SetterHasNoParams (string paramName)
static Exception PropertyCannotHaveRefType (string paramName)
static Exception IndexesOfSetGetMustMatch (string paramName)
static Exception TypeParameterIsNotDelegate (object p0)
static Exception FirstArgumentMustBeCallSite ()
static Exception AccessorsCannotHaveVarArgs (string paramName)
static Exception AccessorsCannotHaveByRefArgs (string paramName, int index)
static Exception TypeMustBeDerivedFromSystemDelegate ()
static Exception NoOrInvalidRuleProduced ()
static Exception BoundsCannotBeLessThanOne (string paramName)
static Exception TypeMustNotBeByRef (string paramName)
static Exception TypeMustNotBePointer (string paramName)
static Exception SetterMustBeVoid (string paramName)
static Exception PropertyTypeMustMatchGetter (string paramName)
static Exception PropertyTypeMustMatchSetter (string paramName)
static Exception BothAccessorsMustBeStatic (string paramName)
static Exception OnlyStaticFieldsHaveNullInstance (string paramName)
static Exception OnlyStaticPropertiesHaveNullInstance (string paramName)
static Exception OnlyStaticMethodsHaveNullInstance ()
static Exception PropertyTypeCannotBeVoid (string paramName)
static Exception InvalidUnboxType (string paramName)
static Exception ExpressionMustBeWriteable (string paramName)
static Exception ArgumentMustNotHaveValueType (string paramName)
static Exception MustBeReducible ()
static Exception AllTestValuesMustHaveSameType (string paramName)
static Exception AllCaseBodiesMustHaveSameType (string paramName)
static Exception DefaultBodyMustBeSupplied (string paramName)
static Exception LabelMustBeVoidOrHaveExpression (string paramName)
static Exception LabelTypeMustBeVoid (string paramName)
static Exception QuotedExpressionMustBeLambda (string paramName)
static Exception VariableMustNotBeByRef (object p0, object p1, string paramName)
static Exception VariableMustNotBeByRef (object p0, object p1, string paramName, int index)
static Exception DuplicateVariable (object p0, string paramName, int index)
static Exception StartEndMustBeOrdered ()
static Exception FaultCannotHaveCatchOrFinally (string paramName)
static Exception TryMustHaveCatchFinallyOrFault ()
static Exception BodyOfCatchMustHaveSameTypeAsBodyOfTry ()
static Exception ExtensionNodeMustOverrideProperty (object p0)
static Exception UserDefinedOperatorMustBeStatic (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception UserDefinedOperatorMustNotBeVoid (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception CoercionOperatorNotDefined (object p0, object p1)
static Exception UnaryOperatorNotDefined (object p0, object p1)
static Exception BinaryOperatorNotDefined (object p0, object p1, object p2)
static Exception ReferenceEqualityNotDefined (object p0, object p1)
static Exception OperandTypesDoNotMatchParameters (object p0, object p1)
static Exception OverloadOperatorTypeDoesNotMatchConversionType (object p0, object p1)
static Exception ConversionIsNotSupportedForArithmeticTypes ()
static Exception ArgumentTypeCannotBeVoid ()
static Exception ArgumentMustBeArray (string paramName)
static Exception ArgumentMustBeBoolean (string paramName)
static Exception EqualityMustReturnBoolean (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception ArgumentMustBeFieldInfoOrPropertyInfo (string paramName)
static Exception ArgumentMustBeFieldInfoOrPropertyInfoOrMethod (string paramName, int index)
static Exception ArgumentMustBeInstanceMember (string paramName, int index)
static Exception ArgumentMustBeInteger (string paramName, int index)
static Exception ArgumentMustBeArrayIndexType (string paramName)
static Exception ArgumentMustBeArrayIndexType (string paramName, int index)
static Exception ArgumentMustBeSingleDimensionalArrayType (string paramName)
static Exception ArgumentTypesMustMatch ()
static Exception ArgumentTypesMustMatch (string paramName)
static Exception CannotAutoInitializeValueTypeElementThroughProperty (object p0)
static Exception CannotAutoInitializeValueTypeMemberThroughProperty (object p0)
static Exception IncorrectTypeForTypeAs (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception CoalesceUsedOnNonNullType ()
static Exception ExpressionTypeCannotInitializeArrayType (object p0, object p1)
static Exception ArgumentTypeDoesNotMatchMember (object p0, object p1, string paramName, int index)
static Exception ArgumentMemberNotDeclOnType (object p0, object p1, string paramName, int index)
static Exception ExpressionTypeDoesNotMatchReturn (object p0, object p1)
static Exception ExpressionTypeDoesNotMatchAssignment (object p0, object p1)
static Exception ExpressionTypeDoesNotMatchLabel (object p0, object p1)
static Exception ExpressionTypeNotInvocable (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception FieldNotDefinedForType (object p0, object p1)
static Exception InstanceFieldNotDefinedForType (object p0, object p1)
static Exception FieldInfoNotDefinedForType (object p0, object p1, object p2)
static Exception IncorrectNumberOfIndexes ()
static Exception IncorrectNumberOfLambdaDeclarationParameters ()
static Exception IncorrectNumberOfMembersForGivenConstructor ()
static Exception IncorrectNumberOfArgumentsForMembers ()
static Exception LambdaTypeMustBeDerivedFromSystemDelegate (string paramName)
static Exception MemberNotFieldOrProperty (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception MethodContainsGenericParameters (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception MethodIsGeneric (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception MethodNotPropertyAccessor (object p0, object p1, string paramName, int index)
static Exception PropertyDoesNotHaveGetter (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception PropertyDoesNotHaveGetter (object p0, string paramName, int index)
static Exception PropertyDoesNotHaveSetter (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception PropertyDoesNotHaveAccessor (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception NotAMemberOfType (object p0, object p1, string paramName)
static Exception NotAMemberOfType (object p0, object p1, string paramName, int index)
static Exception NotAMemberOfAnyType (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception ParameterExpressionNotValidAsDelegate (object p0, object p1)
static Exception PropertyNotDefinedForType (object p0, object p1, string paramName)
static Exception InstancePropertyNotDefinedForType (object p0, object p1, string paramName)
static Exception InstancePropertyWithoutParameterNotDefinedForType (object p0, object p1)
static Exception InstancePropertyWithSpecifiedParametersNotDefinedForType (object p0, object p1, object p2, string paramName)
static Exception InstanceAndMethodTypeMismatch (object p0, object p1, object p2)
static Exception TypeMissingDefaultConstructor (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception ElementInitializerMethodNotAdd (string paramName)
static Exception ElementInitializerMethodNoRefOutParam (object p0, object p1, string paramName)
static Exception ElementInitializerMethodWithZeroArgs (string paramName)
static Exception ElementInitializerMethodStatic (string paramName)
static Exception TypeNotIEnumerable (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception UnhandledBinary (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception UnhandledBinding ()
static Exception UnhandledBindingType (object p0)
static Exception UnhandledUnary (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception UnknownBindingType (int index)
static Exception UserDefinedOpMustHaveConsistentTypes (object p0, object p1)
static Exception UserDefinedOpMustHaveValidReturnType (object p0, object p1)
static Exception LogicalOperatorMustHaveBooleanOperators (object p0, object p1)
static Exception MethodWithArgsDoesNotExistOnType (object p0, object p1)
static Exception GenericMethodWithArgsDoesNotExistOnType (object p0, object p1)
static Exception MethodWithMoreThanOneMatch (object p0, object p1)
static Exception PropertyWithMoreThanOneMatch (object p0, object p1)
static Exception IncorrectNumberOfTypeArgsForFunc (string paramName)
static Exception IncorrectNumberOfTypeArgsForAction (string paramName)
static Exception ArgumentCannotBeOfTypeVoid (string paramName)
static Exception OutOfRange (string paramName, object p1)
static Exception LabelTargetAlreadyDefined (object p0)
static Exception LabelTargetUndefined (object p0)
static Exception ControlCannotLeaveFinally ()
static Exception ControlCannotLeaveFilterTest ()
static Exception AmbiguousJump (object p0)
static Exception ControlCannotEnterTry ()
static Exception ControlCannotEnterExpression ()
static Exception NonLocalJumpWithValue (object p0)
static Exception InvalidLvalue (ExpressionType p0)
static Exception UndefinedVariable (object p0, object p1, object p2)
static Exception CannotCloseOverByRef (object p0, object p1)
static Exception UnexpectedVarArgsCall (object p0)
static Exception RethrowRequiresCatch ()
static Exception TryNotAllowedInFilter ()
static Exception MustRewriteToSameNode (object p0, object p1, object p2)
static Exception MustRewriteChildToSameType (object p0, object p1, object p2)
static Exception MustRewriteWithoutMethod (object p0, object p1)
static Exception TryNotSupportedForMethodsWithRefArgs (object p0)
static Exception TryNotSupportedForValueTypeInstances (object p0)
static Exception TestValueTypeDoesNotMatchComparisonMethodParameter (object p0, object p1)
static Exception SwitchValueTypeDoesNotMatchComparisonMethodParameter (object p0, object p1)
static Exception ArgumentOutOfRange (string paramName)
static Exception NotSupported ()
static Exception NonStaticConstructorRequired (string paramName)
static Exception NonAbstractConstructorRequired ()
static Exception InvalidProgram ()
static Exception EnumerationIsDone ()
static Exception TypeContainsGenericParameters (object p0, string paramName, int index)
static Exception TypeIsGeneric (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception TypeIsGeneric (object p0, string paramName, int index)
static Exception IncorrectNumberOfConstructorArguments ()
static Exception ExpressionTypeDoesNotMatchMethodParameter (object p0, object p1, object p2, string paramName)
static Exception ExpressionTypeDoesNotMatchMethodParameter (object p0, object p1, object p2, string paramName, int index)
static Exception ExpressionTypeDoesNotMatchParameter (object p0, object p1, string paramName)
static Exception ExpressionTypeDoesNotMatchParameter (object p0, object p1, string paramName, int index)
static Exception IncorrectNumberOfLambdaArguments ()
static Exception IncorrectNumberOfMethodCallArguments (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception ExpressionTypeDoesNotMatchConstructorParameter (object p0, object p1, string paramName)
static Exception ExpressionTypeDoesNotMatchConstructorParameter (object p0, object p1, string paramName, int index)
static Exception ExpressionMustBeReadable (string paramName)
static Exception ExpressionMustBeReadable (string paramName, int index)
static Exception InvalidArgumentValue (string paramName)
static Exception NonEmptyCollectionRequired (string paramName)
static Exception InvalidNullValue (Type type, string paramName)
static Exception InvalidTypeException (object value, Type type, string paramName)

Static Private Member Functions

static Exception AccessorsCannotHaveByRefArgs (string paramName)
static Exception DuplicateVariable (object p0, string paramName)
static Exception ArgumentMustBeFieldInfoOrPropertyInfoOrMethod (string paramName)
static Exception ArgumentMustBeInstanceMember (string paramName)
static Exception ArgumentMustBeInteger (string paramName)
static Exception ArgumentTypeDoesNotMatchMember (object p0, object p1, string paramName)
static Exception ArgumentMemberNotDeclOnType (object p0, object p1, string paramName)
static Exception MethodNotPropertyAccessor (object p0, object p1, string paramName)
static Exception TypeContainsGenericParameters (object p0, string paramName)
static string GetParamName (string paramName, int index)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file Error.cs.

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