Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableList< T > Class Template Referencesealed


class  Builder
struct  Enumerator
class  Node

Public Member Functions

ImmutableList< TClear ()
int BinarySearch (T item)
int BinarySearch (T item, IComparer< T >? comparer)
int BinarySearch (int index, int count, T item, IComparer< T >? comparer)
ref readonly T ItemRef (int index)
Builder ToBuilder ()
ImmutableList< TAdd (T value)
ImmutableList< TAddRange (IEnumerable< T > items)
ImmutableList< TInsert (int index, T item)
ImmutableList< TInsertRange (int index, IEnumerable< T > items)
ImmutableList< TRemove (T value)
ImmutableList< TRemove (T value, IEqualityComparer< T >? equalityComparer)
ImmutableList< TRemoveRange (int index, int count)
ImmutableList< TRemoveRange (IEnumerable< T > items)
ImmutableList< TRemoveRange (IEnumerable< T > items, IEqualityComparer< T >? equalityComparer)
ImmutableList< TRemoveAt (int index)
ImmutableList< TRemoveAll (Predicate< T > match)
ImmutableList< TSetItem (int index, T value)
ImmutableList< TReplace (T oldValue, T newValue)
ImmutableList< TReplace (T oldValue, T newValue, IEqualityComparer< T >? equalityComparer)
ImmutableList< TReverse ()
ImmutableList< TReverse (int index, int count)
ImmutableList< TSort ()
ImmutableList< TSort (Comparison< T > comparison)
ImmutableList< TSort (IComparer< T >? comparer)
ImmutableList< TSort (int index, int count, IComparer< T >? comparer)
void ForEach (Action< T > action)
void CopyTo (T[] array)
void CopyTo (T[] array, int arrayIndex)
void CopyTo (int index, T[] array, int arrayIndex, int count)
ImmutableList< TGetRange (int index, int count)
ImmutableList< TOutput > ConvertAll< TOutput > (Func< T, TOutput > converter)
bool Exists (Predicate< T > match)
TFind (Predicate< T > match)
ImmutableList< TFindAll (Predicate< T > match)
int FindIndex (Predicate< T > match)
int FindIndex (int startIndex, Predicate< T > match)
int FindIndex (int startIndex, int count, Predicate< T > match)
TFindLast (Predicate< T > match)
int FindLastIndex (Predicate< T > match)
int FindLastIndex (int startIndex, Predicate< T > match)
int FindLastIndex (int startIndex, int count, Predicate< T > match)
int IndexOf (T item, int index, int count, IEqualityComparer< T >? equalityComparer)
int LastIndexOf (T item, int index, int count, IEqualityComparer< T >? equalityComparer)
bool TrueForAll (Predicate< T > match)
bool Contains (T value)
int IndexOf (T value)
Enumerator GetEnumerator ()
int Add (object? value)
bool Contains (object? value)
int IndexOf (object? value)
void Insert (int index, object? value)
void Remove (object? value)
int Add (object? value)
bool Contains (object? value)
int IndexOf (object? value)
void Insert (int index, object? value)
void Remove (object? value)

Static Public Member Functions

static ImmutableList< TCreate< T > ()
static ImmutableList< TCreate< T > (T item)
static ImmutableList< TCreateRange< T > (IEnumerable< T > items)
static ImmutableList< TCreate< T > (params T[] items)
static ImmutableList< T >.Builder CreateBuilder< T > ()
static ImmutableList< TSource > ToImmutableList< TSource > (this IEnumerable< TSource > source)
static ImmutableList< TSource > ToImmutableList< TSource > (this ImmutableList< TSource >.Builder builder)
static IImmutableList< TReplace< T > (this IImmutableList< T > list, T oldValue, T newValue)
static IImmutableList< TRemove< T > (this IImmutableList< T > list, T value)
static IImmutableList< TRemoveRange< T > (this IImmutableList< T > list, IEnumerable< T > items)
static int IndexOf< T > (this IImmutableList< T > list, T item)
static int IndexOf< T > (this IImmutableList< T > list, T item, IEqualityComparer< T >? equalityComparer)
static int IndexOf< T > (this IImmutableList< T > list, T item, int startIndex)
static int IndexOf< T > (this IImmutableList< T > list, T item, int startIndex, int count)
static int LastIndexOf< T > (this IImmutableList< T > list, T item)
static int LastIndexOf< T > (this IImmutableList< T > list, T item, IEqualityComparer< T >? equalityComparer)
static int LastIndexOf< T > (this IImmutableList< T > list, T item, int startIndex)
static int LastIndexOf< T > (this IImmutableList< T > list, T item, int startIndex, int count)

Static Public Attributes

static readonly ImmutableList< TEmpty = new ImmutableList<T>()

Package Functions

 ImmutableList ()


bool IsEmpty [get]
int Count [get]
object ICollection. SyncRoot [get]
bool ICollection. IsSynchronized [get]
T this[int index] [get]
T IOrderedCollection< T >. this[int index] [get]
T IList< T >. this[int index] [get, set]
bool ICollection< T >. IsReadOnly [get]
bool IList. IsFixedSize [get]
bool IList. IsReadOnly [get]
object? IList. this[int index] [get, set]
Node Root [get]

Private Member Functions

 ImmutableList (Node root)
IImmutableList< T > IImmutableList< T >. Clear ()
IImmutableList< T > IImmutableList< T >. Add (T value)
IImmutableList< T > IImmutableList< T >. AddRange (IEnumerable< T > items)
IImmutableList< T > IImmutableList< T >. Insert (int index, T item)
IImmutableList< T > IImmutableList< T >. InsertRange (int index, IEnumerable< T > items)
IImmutableList< T > IImmutableList< T >. Remove (T value, IEqualityComparer< T > equalityComparer)
IImmutableList< T > IImmutableList< T >. RemoveAll (Predicate< T > match)
IImmutableList< T > IImmutableList< T >. RemoveRange (IEnumerable< T > items, IEqualityComparer< T > equalityComparer)
IImmutableList< T > IImmutableList< T >. RemoveRange (int index, int count)
IImmutableList< T > IImmutableList< T >. RemoveAt (int index)
IImmutableList< T > IImmutableList< T >. SetItem (int index, T value)
IImmutableList< T > IImmutableList< T >. Replace (T oldValue, T newValue, IEqualityComparer< T > equalityComparer)
IEnumerator< T > IEnumerable< T >. GetEnumerator ()
IEnumerator IEnumerable. GetEnumerator ()
void IList< T >. Insert (int index, T item)
void IList< T >. RemoveAt (int index)
void ICollection< T >. Add (T item)
void ICollection< T >. Clear ()
bool ICollection< T >. Remove (T item)
void ICollection. CopyTo (Array array, int arrayIndex)
int IList. Add (object value)
void IList. RemoveAt (int index)
void IList. Clear ()
bool IList. Contains (object value)
int IList. IndexOf (object value)
void IList. Insert (int index, object value)
void IList. Remove (object value)
ImmutableList< TWrap (Node root)

Static Private Member Functions

static ImmutableList< TWrapNode (Node root)
static bool TryCastToImmutableList (IEnumerable< T > sequence, [NotNullWhen(true)] out ImmutableList< T > other)
static bool IsCompatibleObject (object value)
static ImmutableList< TCreateRange (IEnumerable< T > items)

Private Attributes

readonly Node _root

Detailed Description

Definition at line 133 of file ImmutableList.cs.

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