Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
This is the complete list of members for System.GC, including all inherited members.
_AddMemoryPressure(ulong bytesAllocated) | System.GC | private |
_CancelFullGCNotification() | System.GC | private |
_Collect(int generation, int mode) | System.GC | private |
_CollectionCount(int generation, int getSpecialGCCount) | System.GC | private |
_EndNoGCRegion() | System.GC | package |
_RegisterForFullGCNotification(int maxGenerationPercentage, int largeObjectHeapPercentage) | System.GC | private |
_RegisterFrozenSegment(IntPtr sectionAddress, nint sectionSize) | System.GC | private |
_RemoveMemoryPressure(ulong bytesAllocated) | System.GC | private |
_ReRegisterForFinalize(object o) | System.GC | private |
_StartNoGCRegion(long totalSize, bool lohSizeKnown, long lohSize, bool disallowFullBlockingGC) | System.GC | package |
_SuppressFinalize(object o) | System.GC | private |
_UnregisterFrozenSegment(IntPtr segmentHandle) | System.GC | private |
_WaitForFullGCApproach(int millisecondsTimeout) | System.GC | private |
_WaitForFullGCComplete(int millisecondsTimeout) | System.GC | private |
_WaitForPendingFinalizers() | System.GC | private |
AddMemoryPressure(long bytesAllocated) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
AllocateArray< T >(int length, bool pinned=false) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
AllocateNewArray(IntPtr typeHandle, int length, GC_ALLOC_FLAGS flags) | System.GC | package |
AllocateUninitializedArray< T >(int length, bool pinned=false) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
CancelFullGCNotification() | System.GC | inlinestatic |
Collect(int generation) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
Collect() | System.GC | inlinestatic |
Collect(int generation, GCCollectionMode mode) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
Collect(int generation, GCCollectionMode mode, bool blocking) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
Collect(int generation, GCCollectionMode mode, bool blocking, bool compacting) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
CollectionCount(int generation) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
EndNoGCRegion() | System.GC | inlinestatic |
EndNoGCRegionStatus enum name | System.GC | private |
GC_ALLOC_FLAGS enum name | System.GC | package |
GetAllocatedBytesForCurrentThread() | System.GC | |
GetGCMemoryInfo() | System.GC | inlinestatic |
GetGCMemoryInfo(GCKind kind) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
GetGeneration(object obj) | System.GC | |
GetGeneration(WeakReference wo) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
GetGenerationSize(int gen) | System.GC | package |
GetGenerationWR(IntPtr handle) | System.GC | private |
GetLastGCPercentTimeInGC() | System.GC | package |
GetMaxGeneration() | System.GC | private |
GetMemoryInfo(GCMemoryInfoData data, int kind) | System.GC | private |
GetSegmentSize() | System.GC | package |
GetTotalAllocatedBytes(bool precise=false) | System.GC | |
GetTotalMemory() | System.GC | private |
GetTotalMemory(bool forceFullCollection) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
KeepAlive(object? obj) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
MaxGeneration | System.GC | static |
RegisterForFullGCNotification(int maxGenerationThreshold, int largeObjectHeapThreshold) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
RemoveMemoryPressure(long bytesAllocated) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
ReRegisterForFinalize(object obj) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
StartNoGCRegionStatus enum name | System.GC | private |
StartNoGCRegionWorker(long totalSize, bool hasLohSize, long lohSize, bool disallowFullBlockingGC) | System.GC | inlineprivatestatic |
SuppressFinalize(object obj) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
TryStartNoGCRegion(long totalSize) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
TryStartNoGCRegion(long totalSize, long lohSize) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
TryStartNoGCRegion(long totalSize, bool disallowFullBlockingGC) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
TryStartNoGCRegion(long totalSize, long lohSize, bool disallowFullBlockingGC) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
WaitForFullGCApproach() | System.GC | inlinestatic |
WaitForFullGCApproach(int millisecondsTimeout) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
WaitForFullGCComplete() | System.GC | inlinestatic |
WaitForFullGCComplete(int millisecondsTimeout) | System.GC | inlinestatic |
WaitForPendingFinalizers() | System.GC | inlinestatic |