Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Security.Principal.Win32 Class Reference

Static Package Functions

static int OpenThreadToken (TokenAccessLevels dwDesiredAccess, System.Security.Principal.WinSecurityContext dwOpenAs, out SafeTokenHandle phThreadToken)
static int SetThreadToken (SafeTokenHandle hToken)
static SafeLsaPolicyHandle LsaOpenPolicy (string systemName, PolicyRights rights)
static byte[] ConvertIntPtrSidToByteArraySid (IntPtr binaryForm)
static int CreateSidFromString (string stringSid, out byte[] resultSid)
static int CreateWellKnownSid (WellKnownSidType sidType, SecurityIdentifier domainSid, out byte[] resultSid)
static bool IsEqualDomainSid (SecurityIdentifier sid1, SecurityIdentifier sid2)
static unsafe void InitializeReferencedDomainsPointer (SafeLsaMemoryHandle referencedDomains)
static int GetWindowsAccountDomainSid (SecurityIdentifier sid, out SecurityIdentifier resultSid)
static bool IsWellKnownSid (SecurityIdentifier sid, WellKnownSidType type)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file Win32.cs.

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