Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlReaderDelegator Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 XmlReaderDelegator (XmlReader reader)
object ReadElementContentAsAnyType (Type valueType)
virtual byte[] ReadContentAsBase64 ()

Protected Member Functions

int GetArrayLengthQuota (XmlObjectSerializerReadContext context)

Protected Attributes

XmlReader reader
XmlDictionaryReader dictionaryReader
bool isEndOfEmptyElement

Package Functions

string GetAttribute (string name)
string GetAttribute (string name, string namespaceUri)
string GetAttribute (int i)
bool IsNamespaceURI (string ns)
bool IsLocalName (string localName)
bool IsNamespaceUri (XmlDictionaryString ns)
bool IsLocalName (XmlDictionaryString localName)
int IndexOfLocalName (XmlDictionaryString[] localNames, XmlDictionaryString ns)
bool IsStartElement ()
bool IsStartElement (string localname, string ns)
bool IsStartElement (XmlDictionaryString localname, XmlDictionaryString ns)
bool MoveToAttribute (string name)
bool MoveToAttribute (string name, string ns)
void MoveToAttribute (int i)
bool MoveToElement ()
bool MoveToFirstAttribute ()
bool MoveToNextAttribute ()
bool Read ()
XmlNodeType MoveToContent ()
bool ReadAttributeValue ()
void ReadEndElement ()
object ReadContentAsAnyType (Type valueType)
IDataNode ReadExtensionData (Type valueType)
virtual char ReadElementContentAsChar ()
virtual char ReadContentAsChar ()
string ReadElementContentAsString ()
string ReadContentAsString ()
bool ReadElementContentAsBoolean ()
bool ReadContentAsBoolean ()
float ReadElementContentAsFloat ()
float ReadContentAsSingle ()
double ReadElementContentAsDouble ()
double ReadContentAsDouble ()
decimal ReadElementContentAsDecimal ()
decimal ReadContentAsDecimal ()
virtual byte[] ReadElementContentAsBase64 ()
byte[] ReadContentAsBase64 (string str)
virtual DateTime ReadElementContentAsDateTime ()
virtual DateTime ReadContentAsDateTime ()
int ReadElementContentAsInt ()
int ReadContentAsInt ()
long ReadElementContentAsLong ()
long ReadContentAsLong ()
short ReadElementContentAsShort ()
short ReadContentAsShort ()
byte ReadElementContentAsUnsignedByte ()
byte ReadContentAsUnsignedByte ()
sbyte ReadElementContentAsSignedByte ()
sbyte ReadContentAsSignedByte ()
uint ReadElementContentAsUnsignedInt ()
uint ReadContentAsUnsignedInt ()
virtual ulong ReadElementContentAsUnsignedLong ()
virtual ulong ReadContentAsUnsignedLong ()
ushort ReadElementContentAsUnsignedShort ()
ushort ReadContentAsUnsignedShort ()
TimeSpan ReadElementContentAsTimeSpan ()
TimeSpan ReadContentAsTimeSpan ()
Guid ReadElementContentAsGuid ()
Guid ReadContentAsGuid ()
Uri ReadElementContentAsUri ()
Uri ReadContentAsUri ()
XmlQualifiedName ReadElementContentAsQName ()
virtual XmlQualifiedName ReadContentAsQName ()
bool TryReadBooleanArray (XmlObjectSerializerReadContext context, XmlDictionaryString itemName, XmlDictionaryString itemNamespace, int arrayLength, [NotNullWhen(true)] out bool[] array)
virtual bool TryReadDateTimeArray (XmlObjectSerializerReadContext context, XmlDictionaryString itemName, XmlDictionaryString itemNamespace, int arrayLength, [NotNullWhen(true)] out DateTime[] array)
bool TryReadDecimalArray (XmlObjectSerializerReadContext context, XmlDictionaryString itemName, XmlDictionaryString itemNamespace, int arrayLength, [NotNullWhen(true)] out decimal[] array)
bool TryReadInt32Array (XmlObjectSerializerReadContext context, XmlDictionaryString itemName, XmlDictionaryString itemNamespace, int arrayLength, [NotNullWhen(true)] out int[] array)
bool TryReadInt64Array (XmlObjectSerializerReadContext context, XmlDictionaryString itemName, XmlDictionaryString itemNamespace, int arrayLength, [NotNullWhen(true)] out long[] array)
bool TryReadSingleArray (XmlObjectSerializerReadContext context, XmlDictionaryString itemName, XmlDictionaryString itemNamespace, int arrayLength, [NotNullWhen(true)] out float[] array)
bool TryReadDoubleArray (XmlObjectSerializerReadContext context, XmlDictionaryString itemName, XmlDictionaryString itemNamespace, int arrayLength, [NotNullWhen(true)] out double[] array)
IDictionary< string, stringGetNamespacesInScope (XmlNamespaceScope scope)
bool HasLineInfo ()
string LookupNamespace (string prefix)
void Skip ()


XmlReader UnderlyingReader [get]
ExtensionDataReader UnderlyingExtensionDataReader [get]
int AttributeCount [get]
bool IsEmptyElement [get]
XmlNodeType NodeType [get]
int LineNumber [get]
int LinePosition [get]
bool Normalized [get, set]
WhitespaceHandling WhitespaceHandling [get, set]
string Name [get]
string LocalName [get]
string NamespaceURI [get]
string Value [get]
Type ValueType [get]
int Depth [get]
bool EOF [get]

Private Member Functions

Exception CreateInvalidPrimitiveTypeException (Type type)
void ThrowConversionException (string value, string type)
void ThrowNotAtElement ()
char ToChar (int value)
short ToShort (int value)
byte ToByte (int value)
sbyte ToSByte (int value)
uint ToUInt32 (long value)
ushort ToUInt16 (int value)
XmlQualifiedName ParseQualifiedName (string str)
void CheckExpectedArrayLength (XmlObjectSerializerReadContext context, int arrayLength)
void CheckActualArrayLength (int expectedLength, int actualLength, XmlDictionaryString itemName, XmlDictionaryString itemNamespace)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file XmlReaderDelegator.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: