Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Xml.XmlNodeReaderNavigator Class Referencesealed


struct  VirtualAttribute

Public Member Functions

 XmlNodeReaderNavigator (XmlNode node)
string GetDeclarationAttr (XmlDeclaration decl, string name)
string GetDeclarationAttr (int i)
int GetDecAttrInd (string name)
string GetDocumentTypeAttr (XmlDocumentType docType, string name)
string GetDocumentTypeAttr (int i)
int GetDocTypeAttrInd (string name)
string GetAttribute (string name)
string GetAttribute (string name, string ns)
string GetAttribute (int attributeIndex)
void LogMove (int level)
void RollBackMove (ref int level)
void ResetToAttribute (ref int level)
void ResetMove (ref int level, ref XmlNodeType nt)
bool MoveToAttribute (string name)
bool MoveToAttribute (string name, string namespaceURI)
void MoveToAttribute (int attributeIndex)
bool MoveToNextAttribute (ref int level)
bool MoveToParent ()
bool MoveToFirstChild ()
bool MoveToNext ()
bool MoveToElement ()
string LookupNamespace (string prefix)
bool ReadAttributeValue (ref int level, ref bool bResolveEntity, ref XmlNodeType nt)

Package Functions

string DefaultLookupNamespace (string prefix)
string LookupPrefix (string namespaceName)
IDictionary< string, stringGetNamespacesInScope (XmlNamespaceScope scope)

Package Attributes

VirtualAttribute[] decNodeAttributes
VirtualAttribute[] docTypeNodeAttributes


XmlNodeType NodeType [get]
string NamespaceURI [get]
string Name [get]
string LocalName [get]
bool CreatedOnAttribute [get]
string Prefix [get]
bool HasValue [get]
string Value [get]
string BaseURI [get]
XmlSpace XmlSpace [get]
string XmlLang [get]
bool IsEmptyElement [get]
bool IsDefault [get]
IXmlSchemaInfo SchemaInfo [get]
XmlNameTable NameTable [get]
int AttributeCount [get]
bool IsOnDeclOrDocType [get]
XmlDocument Document [get]

Private Member Functions

bool IsLocalNameEmpty (XmlNodeType nt)
void CheckIndexCondition (int attributeIndex)
void InitDecAttr ()
void InitDocTypeAttr ()
string GetAttributeFromElement (XmlElement elem, string name)
string GetAttributeFromElement (XmlElement elem, string name, string ns)
bool MoveToAttributeFromElement (XmlElement elem, string name, string ns)
bool MoveToNextSibling (XmlNode node)

Private Attributes

XmlNode _curNode
XmlNode _elemNode
XmlNode _logNode
int _attrIndex
int _logAttrIndex
readonly XmlNameTable _nameTable
readonly XmlDocument _doc
int _nAttrInd
int _nDeclarationAttrCount
int _nDocTypeAttrCount
int _nLogLevel
int _nLogAttrInd
bool _bLogOnAttrVal
readonly bool _bCreatedOnAttribute
bool _bOnAttrVal

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7 of file XmlNodeReaderNavigator.cs.

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